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Research shows conversations matter - both for learning and inspiring action. In this new podcast collection, we are 'Talking Transformations' with thought leaders from government, industry, and academia. Our mission is to discuss current trends in science, technology, governance, and behaviours to transform our society and economy towards sustainability. 'Talking Transformations' is produced by the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University. We release a mini-series several times a year, consisting of a bundle of episodes around a common theme. Our inaugural mini-series focuses on cities, climate, and change. Also, check out our regular long-form podcast 'Advancing Sustainable Solutions'.
Welcome to the podcast Radically Redefining your Reality, from the inside out with Becky Rodrigues. This podcast is for the people who are ready to kiss goodbye to the conditioning that's making you believe you're not 'enough' & instead confidently be who you really are. My vision is for you to embrace your true authentic self & feel confident & empowered in all aspects of your inner & outer world, so that you have the confidence to express all parts of yourself & the courage to achieve what you truly want in your relationships, work/business & life.As an experienced Integrative Psychotherapist & Empowerment Coach, I have developed a unique & powerful approach enabling you to break free from the limits of your inner world & transform your outer world… combining the most effective evidence based teachings from psychology, neuroscience, coaching & energetics. In this podcast I interview inspirational guest speakers and I share personal stories, life experiences & evidence-based teachings that have helped me & so many of my clients so that I can help & inspire you to heal, evolve & grow into your most authentic & empowered self. The results? Confidence to be who you really are, the self-belief to take big bold action, absolute trust that you can achieve your dreams & to live a life you love feeling deeply whole, expansive & free.Are you ready?Let’s dive in! Connect with Becky; Instagram - @thisisbeckyrodriguesWebsite -
LSAI. Oklahoma’s #1 podcast for the Cannabis Culture!
The podcast where freedom of thought meets freedom of consumption!
Join ‘The Boys’ as they break down various topics from politics to the mental health and everything in-between, every Monday! From pre-legalization trapping to budtending to marketing and design, we’ve done it all and we’re here to smoke about it!! So roll one up, tune in and catch a vibe with LSAI, now on all major streaming platforms! -
Подкаст НеКультурные - это убежище думающих, образованных, но таких некультурных людей, которые хотят разобраться, что же происходит с мировой культурной, трендовой и модной жизнью.
Ведущие - лекторы культуры и психологии, Алена и Андрей, приглашают вас поговорить о вещах, о которых мы молчим в обществе и поделиться своими мыслями на тему.
Our Mental Wellness is a seminar series organised by the Experimental Psychology Department. The series aims to inform, dispel myths and generate discussion on a range of mental health topics. This is a great opportunity for students, staff and alumni to hear world-leading researchers from the University of Oxford share their expertise about mental health conditions and effective evidence-based treatments. It is a chance to have your questions answered about how we can look after each other’s mental wellness in our community.
How do we define being a citizen? In what ways has the idea of citizenship expanded?
At a time when tumultuous world events, from Israel to India, call for a deeper understanding of the purpose and power of citizenship
Dr Engin Isin, Professor of Citizenship at The Open University leads a team of academics to explore how the concept of citizenship is being refigured and renewed around the globe.
The tracks in this audio collection examine the new and diverse ways in which citizenship is and has been enacted across the planet and how these perspectives undermine the traditional assumption that it’s an exclusively European institution.
The material in this collection relates to Oecumene Citizenship After Orientalism; a project funded by the European Research Council (ERC). -
The first season of the Weird Economies podcast is called, "Exploits of Play" hosted by Max Haiven and produced by Halle Frost. Over ten episodes, Max, Halle and guests explore how games and gamification have moved from the margin to the centre of the ever weird-ing capitalist economy. From subcultures grown around video games, which has become a major entertainment industry, to the gamification technologies that tech and speculative capital have invested heavily in as a means to gain and hook new users. We examine what play may have lured us into participating in games we cannot win and where on the fringes play is a tool of resistance changing the game itself.
For full transcript and show notes please visit
Founder and organizer of Weird Economies: Bahar Noorizadeh
Host: Max Haiven
Producer: Halle Frost
Sound editor: Faye Harvey
Sponsor: Canada Council for the Arts
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
MOKSLAS BE PAMOKSLŲ – tai nauja, originali Vilniaus universiteto tinklalaidė, kuria siekiama ne moralizuoti ar pamokslauti, bet sužadinti smalsumą mokslo temoms. Išsamūs pokalbiai su Vilniaus universiteto mokslininkais padės klausytojams plėsti akiratį, skatins mąstyti savo galva ir gal net privers pakeisti nuomonę ar suabejoti nusistovėjusiomis „tiesomis“.
VU ir LRT Radijo tinklalaidė -
Lietuviai ne tik žaidžia krepšinį, bet ir… jį tyrinėja. Mokslas – sritis, kurioje pas mus vyksta daug įdomių ir svarbių dalykų. Tik ne visada apie juos žinome! Mūsų misija – kad tai pasiektų jūsų ausis. Kosmosas, fizika, gamta, medicina, istorija, menas, psichologija ir visa kita, ką tyrinėja mūsų mokslininkai.
Laidą veda Sigita Vegytė, Simonas Bendžius. Penktadieniais, 11:05 min -
„Suolelis miške“: pokalbiai apie žmogaus poveikį gamtai ir gamtos poveikį mums. Nuo patarimų tvariai kasdienybei iki pasiūlymų, kaip spręsti ekologines planetos problemas – tinklalaidės autorė Giedrė Čiužaitė susitinka gamtai neabejingus žmones tam, kad išgirstų jų atsakymus į svarbius klausimus.
Tinklalaidė parengta pagal Vokietijos ambasados remiamą audio platformos projektą.
LRT Radijo tinklalaidė -
In dem Podcast hört Ihr alles rund um das Sozialrecht, angrenzende gesellschaftliche Fragen, unser (Sozialrechts-) Studium und was sonst noch fürs Studentenleben wichtig ist.
In regelmäßigen Abständen sollen von nun an neue Folgen erscheinen.
Falls Ihr Fragen, Anregungen oder Themenwünsche habt, schreibt sie uns gerne. Zudem könnt ihr uns gerne Feedback geben. Wir freuen uns von Euch zu hören!
E-Mail: [email protected]
Bildvorlage: zur Verfügung gestellt von Daniel Reche auf Pixabay. -
Want more brilliant minds in your company? Every week we pick a new non-fiction book and share Original, Memorable, Insights - OMI - with the author.
From the history of humankind to the future of tech, to behavioural science, digital business, entertainment and global trends in health and economics, Bookomi is for people who are always learning.
Informed by Bookomi's monthly Most Wanted list of non-fiction titles and a decade of hosting talks in private clubs and companies, Bookomi provides independent author intelligence to event producers looking for contributors.
Discover books worth talking about with our free Most Wanted email, sign up here - -
This podcast is a deep exploration of the problem of consciousness. Presented by Jesse Winters, The Hard Problem reviews critical evidence in the neuroscience literature, insights from the philosophy of mind, and the author’s novel ideas in pursuit of a robust theory of consciousness.
Tinklalaidė „Savo galva“ skirta ne filosofijos mąstytojams, bet kiekvieną dieną praktiškai, agumentuotai ir racionaliai dirbantiems, besimokantiems, kuriantiems ir sprendžiantiems. Mėgstantiems į reiškinius pažvelgti iš skirtingų perspektyvų, ir paklausti savęs: „Ar tikrai, tai ką aš girdžiu, matau, skaitau yra tiesa? Iš ko aš sprendžiu, kad tai – tiesa?“ Įvairių sričių ekspertų, profesionalų savo laidoje klausime ne tik „ką“ jie galvoja, bet ir „kaip” jie galvoja apie vieną ar kitą reiškinį. Kas yra mąstymo higiena ir lietuviško termino nelabai turintis „overthinking“ reiškinys? Kaip ir kada pasitikėti savo intuicija ir mintimis? Ir svarbiausia, – kaip įprasti visa tai daryti savo galva?
Laidą veda teatro kūrėjas Justas Tertelis. Tinklalaidė parengta pagal Vokietijos ambasados remiamą audio platformos projektą.
LRT Radijo tinklalaidė