
  • Today President Trump, called in to 'hearing' invented by Rudy Giuliani to urge that the election should be 'turned over'. We assume he means the result.

    He compared the republican observers as being treated like dogs and said the CCTV was so bad they could have been playing baseball. 

    He expressed none of these concerns in 2016.

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  • Today President Trump, who is the only president to lose the popular vote twice and the first not to get a second term since George Bush was elected in 1989 gave a one minute press conference to acknowledge the record high of Dow Jones and what he considers a 'sacred number'.

    He'll still being saying stuff, so keep listening and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid

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  • Yesterday President Trump tweeted:

    "It never ends! 

    Now they are trying to say that your favorite President, me, went to Walter Reed Medical Center, having suffered a series of mini-strokes. 

    Never happened to THIS candidate - FAKE 

    Perhaps they are referring to another candidate from another Party!"

    There were no media reports of President Trump suffering 'mini-strokes' and many onlookers are wondering whether the president is referring to something 

    only he knows. 

    The President's tweet was followed hours later by a statement from White House physician Dr Sean Conley, who said he was speaking at Trump's request. 

    He wrote, "I can confirm that President Trump has not experienced nor been evaluated for a stroke or mini stroke, as have been incorrectly reported in the media" 

    NBC News again confirmed that, "No major media outlet appears to have reported in recent days that Trump had a series of mini-strokes."If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast as we run up to the election and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid


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  • Today President Trump stated at a rally in Tulsa, where COVID cases are spiking and where the event tickets included a disclaimer not to sue the Trump campaign if they caught the deadly virus at his rally, that he had directed officials to slow virus testing and find fewer COVID-19 cases. 

    The self proclaimed businessman's claim of the US doing twenty million more test than the next nearest country is also a slight exaggeration. There are no countries in the testing Top 5 that the US tested twenty million more than. 

    The first country that the US has conducted twenty million more tests than is Italy, who's entire population is sixty million. 

    If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast as we run up to the election and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid


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  • President Trump gives bizarre explanation of why some buildings cost more than others

    No, we didn't get it either.


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  • Yesterday President Trump retweeted a tweet by one his hotels with the following message,

    "...And the Trump family didn’t ask the Federal government for money to carry this and many other very expensive to carry properties!"

    The original tweet has since been deleted, most likely due to the legality of the president promoting his own businesses.

    What he didn't refer to is that his two golfing resorts in Scotland will be receiving a $1.3m bailout from the Scottish government. His businesses in Scotland have never paid corporation tax as every year they report a massive loss with the biggest debt paid to the president of $200m. This is most likely reported to the IRS where the president pays his taxes on revenue earned for overseas operations. 

    He probably also was not directly referring to the $75,000 bill picked up by the US taxpayer for his son Eric's trip to Mongolia to hunt and kill a rare wild goat. Eric killed the animal which is close to endangered, had a secret meeting with the president of Mongolia and then received a posthumous permit for slaying another of nature's least intelligent mammals. 

    If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast as we run up to the election and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid

    We close with Republican Mitt Romney's comments on President Trump's entirely unfounded theory that a 75 year peaceful protester who was left bleeding from the head after being manhandled by the police was a violent activist monitoring police communications. 


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  • Yesterday in a speech given by president Trump praising the surprise Labor Report figures, which are still at levels equivalent to the great depression, he somehow thought it was pertinent to reference George Floyd, the African American man who’s murder by the police has sparked riots across America and protests across the world. 

    He said “This is a great day for him. It’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality.”

    We've included the comments of the NPR reporters Tamra Keith and Lakshmi Singh.

    We’ll be back tomorrow with the episode where he denies he ever said it, or says it was misinterpreted lying by fake news 

    or that black people love him more because he said it. Probably.

    If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast as we run up to the election and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid

    SOURCES: - Listen to more NPR!

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  • Yesterday president Trump emerged from his white house bunker to pose for a photo outside a local church holding a bible. 

    In order to reach the church the 73 year old ordered that peaceful protesters outside the white house were cleared and the police did so using tear gas on them. 

    While opponents have questioned the tactics of gassing citizens to capture this photo opportunity of the president holding a book, 

    supporters of the president unanimously believe it was justified.

    Later he spent the evening retweeting praise for a speech he made. Less kind observers have described it as "rambling, nonsensical word soup". 

    Earlier in the week President re-quoted former Miami police chief Walter Headley by tweeting "when the looting starts, the shooting starts". The president stopped at fully quoting Headley who also advocated to "shoot rioters on sight".

    The following US cities are under nighttime curfew: Atlanta, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Louisville, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Raleigh, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington DC.

    America's 'death total' for COVID-19 now stands at 107,000 with 16,000 new cases reported yesterday. 

    One in four US workers are now unemployed.

    If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid


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  • Today in an extraordinary phone call at governors across the US, President called for dominance or they'll look like jerks. 

    It is unclear whether this call was made from the bunker. 

    Here is the recording.

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  • Yesterday President Trump, leader of the free world explicitly accused a televsion broadcaster of murder with the following tweet,

    “When will they open a Cold Case on the Psycho Joe Scarborough matter in Florida. Did he get away with murder? Some people think so. Why did he leave Congress so quietly and quickly? Isn’t it obvious? What’s happening now? A total nut job!”

    Trump was referring to the 2001 death of Lori Klausutis, who worked as a staffer in Scarborough’s office when he served as a Republican House lawmaker.

    Miss Klausutis’ autopsy revealed she had an undiagnosed heart condition, and a coroner concluded she died after passing out and hitting her head in a fall. Scarborough was in Washington DC at the time of her death.

    The tweet has received 30,000 Retweets and 105,000 Likes and far from going quietly he is now the anchor of a hit TV named after him. The tweet has been liked by just 0.13% of his Twitter followers.

    Scholars of propaganda have noted that this is an extreme deflection technique to divert attention away from the President's terrible record handling of the COVID19 pandemic, which has now claimed 83,115 american lives, if figures are to be believed.

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  • President Trump spent much tweeting about a conspiracy that he has called 'Obamagate' and not saying much about the death toll from coronavirus in the United States which has now reached 80,087 people. Just two months ago, on March 11, the death toll was 38 people.

    He also referred to Obamagate as “biggest political crime in American history, by far!”, though many beleive the assassination of President Kennedy might just beat it. 

    When asked what the actual crime is to which has is referring to, his answer was "Obamagate". 

    Also in the press conference the 73 year old leader of the free world had an overtly racist temper tantrum, then he ignored the next press question, then he walked out. 

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  • Yesterday President Trump commented on the Department of Justice decision to drop the case against Michael Flynn.

    Trump called Flynn a "warrior", "He was an innocent man" and said "He is a great gentleman".

    Flynn was fired by Trump for lying to the Vice President and pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI over not declaring his involvement with a Russian entity.

    With regard to his accusers President Trump directly singled out the Obama administration and said that a "big price should be paid.

    I hope a lot of people are going to pay a big price because they are dishonest, crooked people. They are scum and I say it a lot, they are scum, they are human scum".

    He then went on to attack the press, "They are not journalists, they are thieves, all of those journalists that received a Pulitzer prize should be forced to give those Pulitzer prizes back because they were all wrong. Pulitzer prizes should all be returned because you know what, they were given out falsely. It was fake news. They are all fake news, those Pulitzer prizes should be given back immediately and the Pulitzer committee or whoever gives the prizes they are a disgrace unless they take those prizes back because they got Pulitzer prizes for what turned out to be false stories and Pulitzer prizes should be given to the ones that got it right and I can give you a long list of those names to and you know who I am talking about."

    Last week President Trump called for Noble prizes to be returned, mistaking them Nobel prizes, which really meant Pulitzer's.

    The President was speaking in Texas which is beginning to open from COVID restrictions, in spite of cases and deaths there still on the rise. There are now 1.3m cases of COVID 19 in the US and 76,513 deaths. 

    If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid


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  • Yesterday President Trump tweeted;

    "Mexico is sadly experiencing very big CoronaVirus problems, and now California, get this, doesn’t want people coming over the Southern Border. A Classic! They are sooo lucky that I am their President. Border is very tight and the Wall is rapidly being built!"

    Observers have noted per head of population:

    America has 51 times more cases with 1.2m cases, versus Mexico's 23,000.

    American has 32 times more deaths with 68000 deaths, while Mexico has only 2,000 deaths. 

    Wondering if the self-proclaimed businessman has a numbers problem it has also been noticed that President Trump has now publicly referred to 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic as the 1917 epidemic, on 38 occasions.

    If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid -


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  • America hit a tragic new daily high of 2,909 people dead from COVID-19 on Thursday, beating the previous record of 2,471 deaths reported on April 23.

    With the nation in crisis former President George W. Bush contributed to 'The Call to Unite' video project with the following message; 

    “Let us remember that empathy and simple kindness are essential, powerful tools of national recovery, 

    Let’s remember that the suffering we experience as a nation does not fall evenly,

    Let us remember how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat” 

    The words were set to a video showing images of front-line medical professionals at work, fighting the virus.He went on to say, “We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God. We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise.”

    President Trump responded to Mr Bush's eloquent appeal for unity and community support in a Twitter message where Mr. Trump paraphrased Fox News by tweeting, “Oh bye the way, I appreciate the message from former President Bush, but where was he during Impeachment calling for putting partisanship aside.” Mr. Trump then added: “He was nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history!”

    President Trump misspelled the two letter word 'by', adding an extra letter and increasing it's size by 33%. No other President has increased words value by this much. To his credit, he's doing a great job with words. However, he used no question mark at the end of the first sentence, prompting many seven year old's to wonder what they are being taught at school.

    President Trump later retweeted a right wing web site inferring that while in office running the country, President Obama was plotting against the former game show host, that few thought had a chance of winning. The tweet said, “Evidence has surfaced that indicates Barack Obama was the one running the Russian hoax”

    The second line of the report says 'This would be huge if true.'

    He also praised his Scottish golf resort that has been recognised by @GolfWorld1 as the best golf course in the UK and Ireland for 2020. 

    The U.S. has more than 1.2 million cases of the coronavirus. 


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  • On the last day of April President Trump, busy handling the COVID 19 crisis which has now claimed 64,000 lives in the US, tweeted and retweeted 74 items of vital interest to the American public during this pandemic. These included attacks on the media with;

    "I must admit that Lyin’ Brian Williams is, while dumber than hell, quite a bit smarter than Fake News CNN “anchorman” Don Lemon, the “dumbest man on television”. Then you have Psycho Joe “What Ever Happened To Your Girlfriend?” Scarborough, another of the low I.Q. individuals!"

    Earlier in the day President Trump said praised his own handling of the pandemic crisis in which the USA has more active cases and deaths from COVID19 than any other country, by saying,"I don't think anyone's done a better job". 

    He also boasted about the 'death total' being 'strong' saying,

    “Our death totals, our numbers per million people, are really very, very strong,

    We are very proud of the job we have done.”

    This echoes his son-in-law Jared Kushner's remarks earlier in the week when the 'death total' was at 61,000 deaths, "This is a great success story, and I think that's really what needs to be told". 


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  • At a briefing on Tuesday a Reporter from NBC asked President Trump: "Did I hear you saying you're confident you can surpass 5 million tests per day?"

    President Trump replied: "Oh, well, we're going to be there very soon. If you look at the numbers, it could be that we're getting very close. I mean, I don't have the exact numbers. We would've had them if you asked me the same question a little while ago because people with the statistics were there. We're going to be there very soon. We're really — we're really doing — I mean, I watched your report on NBC today and it was an incorrect report, because we're really doing a great job on testing...

    Even though this was broadcast on TV President Trump said a day later, "I didn't say it, Where did it ... come from? ... It's sort of a setup. Right now, they're testing about 200,000 per day. So that would be a significant increase".

    It would indeed be a 1500% increase. 

    He called the reporters question that prompted him to make the 5m tests remark a "media trap," somehow alluding that the reporter had forced him to make an answer and then cunningly a different reporter would ask him at a later date whether he answered the 

    original question. 

    Also on Tuesday the assistant secretary of health Admiral Brett Giroir, told TIME magazine in an interview, "There is absolutely no way on Earth, on this planet or any other planet, that we can do five million tests a day," 

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  • Yesterday President Trump claimed that the US corona virus testing is "sooo much better" (three o's).

    His tweet said, "The only reason the U.S. has reported one million cases of CoronaVirus is that our Testing is sooo much better than any other country in the World. Other countries are way behind us in Testing, and therefore show far fewer cases!"

    He twice capialised the T in the word testing. 

    Observers of fact were quick to point out the US actually is one of the lowest testers per capita in the developed world, ahead of Turkey and the Netherlands, but below Belgium, Canada and Russia, and Germany and Ireland, and Spain and Italy, and Switzerland and Portugal, which tests twice as many people per capita than the US. 

    So it's possible there may be another reason for the one million Covid cases. 

    On Monday the president was captured on a Fox News open mic, looking a little tired and emotional uttering "I love everybody". 

    Observers have been quick to point that is not a very Trump thing to say, and that he was mumbling "Hello everybody".

    Here it is, you decide.


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  • On April 26th 2020 at the height of the COVID19 pandemic the president took time to attack journalists who he believes should be reprimanded for reporting the Russiagate investigation, which resulted in just 34 persons being charged and seven Trump associates being imprisoned. 

    Trump tweeted of the journalists: “I can give the Committee a very comprehensive list. When will the Noble Committee DEMAND the Prizes back, especially since they were gotten under fraud? The reporters and Lamestream Media knew the truth all along ... Lawsuits should be brought against all, including the Fake News Organizations, to rectify this terrible injustice. For all of the great lawyers out there, do we have any takers? When will the Noble Committee Act? Better be fast!”

    Trump appears to have mixed up the Pulitzer prize with the Nobel prize, which he incorrectly spelled four times as Noble and later tweeted that he was being sarcastic.


    Donald Trump threatened to strip reporters of “Noble prizes” and sue news outlets over their reporting that confirmed Russian interference in 2016 US elections.

    It must be noted that the president of any country has no power to strip Nobel prizes. 

    The president said that reporters who covered the Russian interference scandal should return their “Nobles” to “the REAL REPORTERS & JOURNALISTS who got it right.”

    He mentioned no names.

    He said: “I read a phony story in the failing @nytimes about my work ... schedule and eating habits, written by a third rate reporter who knows nothing about me.I will often be in the Oval Office late into the night & see that I am angrily eating a hamberger & Diet Coke in my bedroom. People with me are always stunned. Anything to demean!”

    He misspelled hamburger, deleted the tweet, then reposted it.

    The New York Times has reported that he ends his day with French fries and a Diet Coke. But never a misspelled hamburger. 

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  • This is the daily podcast where we devote a few minutes to some of the things that President Donald Trump has said in the last 24 hours, 

    so that our grandchildren don't think we were lying. And this is the trailer which is about 10% as good as the podcast.

    In essence though, we deliver a two minute solely devoted to what President Trump has said in the last 24 hours.

    That's all. It's Trump news and nothing else.

    Subscribe now for the podcast that takes the least amount of space on your phone than any other podcast you've ever subscribed to before.

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