I am talking to you about tasting new and diffrent foods 2024 winter edition.
Where you can bring ideas home with you.
And cook the food for christmas dinner or newyears party.
I am taling about making new foods for the 2024 winter edition.
And where you going to make diffrent foods.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Today i will be talking you aboubt making new food at home for when yiur dinner guest’s arrive to eat your new food dishes that you have made.
Today i am talking about eating somewhere else. And you can eat some lovely food.
Going to eat out some where warm Where you can have all the great food and have a romantic day out. And thank you for listeng to my pod cast it has been overwellming to see loads of people listing to my podcast.
Today i will be talking to you about making your own yummy bread. That you can enjoy. And thankyou for suporting me.
Today i am going to talk to you about making diffrent bread’s from all around the world. And thankyou for suporting me.
Today i am talking about having diffrent drinks from around the world. you can have a drink with your food or with your desserts.
Today i am talking to you about diffrent desserts from all around the world with diffrent flavours. And thankyou for listening to my podcast. It really means alot.
If you are going to diffrent places in the world. Don’t be affriad to try diffrent food in the world. And thank you for suporting me and listing to my podcasts show.
Today i am going to talk to you about new food recipes. That you can make if you whant to.
Today i will be talking to you about how to make your food taste better. And if you whant to add in an exstra ingredent than it is up to you.
Today i will be talking to you about taking your love one somewhere to eat beacuse they dervied it. And thankyou all for suporting me through out my podacasts.
Today i am going to talk to you about cooking food for some one you love. And you can do anyting. And Happy mothersday to all the mothers around the world. And thank you all for listing to my pod casts and suporting me.
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