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The health entrepreneurship podcast — focusing on big picture stuff.
Interviews with health/biotech entrepreneurs and leaders having impact at scale. Health stuff a techbro/sis would find interesting. Think health meets the Tim Ferriss Show.
Get in touch: [email protected] -
Hosted by Dr. John Meis, Wendy Briggs, and The Team Training Institute, The Double Your Production podcast is designed to help dental professionals better serve patients, run their practices more smoothly, and increase profits.
Learn more about in-office training, executive and team coaching, and virtual training programs at -
Hosted by editor Catrin Griffiths and litigation editor Christian Smith, every second Thursday The Lawyer Podcast brings you our take on the top stories, trends and views moving the legal market.
For more news, analysis and data, go to The Lawyer Podcast can be contacted at [email protected]. -
Η πρώτη φορά της Έλενας Ακρίτα στον κόσμο των Podcasts μέσα από το . Η ιδέα προέκυψε από την επιθυμία της να επικοινωνήσει με τους φίλους της και με έναν άλλο τρόπο. Θα μιλάει για τα πάντα: την πολιτική, την κοινωνία, όσα συμβαίνουν γύρω μας, όσα μας αγχώνουν, μας στεναχωρούν, μας εκνευρίζουν, αλλά και όσα μας κάνουν να χαμογελάμε, να νιώθουμε ζεστασιά, όσα μας ψυχαγωγούν. Για τα δικαιώματά μας ως πολίτες και για τρόπους και τρικ ώστε να γίνει καλύτερη έστω και λίγο η ζωή μας. Το βασικό μυστικό της ευτυχίας είναι να μοιράζεσαι.
Grab a cold beer and join us as Dr. Casey Goetz sits down to discuss all things pediatric dentistry. Topics include uncensored and unscripted conversations with special guests regarding start-ups, practice management, finances, hot topics and clinical pearls in pediatric dentistry. Our profession might not always be pretty, so might as well drink beer and have some tipsy tiny teeth talk. New episodes released weekly.
Лучшие интервьюеры Радио «Комсомольская правда» беседуют с теми, кому есть что сказать. Понравилась программа? Подписывайтесь на новые выпуски и слушайте, когда удобно!
eanCast: Weekly Neurology is your source for education, research and updates from the European Academy of Neurology. Regardless of experience level, you are invited to join expert moderators and guests in reviewing, discussing, and debating various topics within the 29 EAN sub-specialties.
New neurological topics every month, and new episodes every Monday. -
Tinklalaidėje su įvairiais pašnekovais: nuo gydytojų, psichologų iki kraujo vėžiu sergančių
žmonių bei jų artimųjų, bus kalbamasi apie šią onkologinę ligą ir su ja susijusius aspektus.
Čia vėžį išgyvenę žmonės dalinsis savo patirtimi, emociniais iššūkiais ir gyvenimo pokyčiais
ligos gydymo metu ir po jo, klausytojai išgirs artimųjų pasakojimus apie tai, kaip vėžio
diagnozė paveikė jų gyvenimą, pokalbius su gydytojais, psichologais ir kitais medicinos
specialistais, kurie pateiks įvairių patarimų ir informacijos apie kraujo vėžį, gydymo
galimybes, mitybą, fizinį aktyvumą, emocinę sveikatą.
Tinklalaide „Nenutylėta. Atviri pokalbiai apie kraujo vėžį“ siekiama ne tik suteikti daugiau
informacijos apie kraujo ligas ir su jomis susijusias problemas, bet ir padėti priimti ligą,
įkvėpti drąsos ir parodyti, kad nors gyvenimas sužinojus kraujo vėžio diagnozę, gali
pasikeisti, jis tikrai nesustoja, gali džiuginti ir būti visavertis. -
Mike Slater is a graduate of Yale University where he majored in history. He hosts of “The Mike Slater Show” and "True Story with Mike Slater" on The First TV Network. On his shows, Mike speaks to the Conservative heart by focusing on the five values that most inspire a virtuous life: curiosity, gratitude, hope, zest, and love. Where other talk hosts may use anger, frustration, and hopelessness to talk about current events, Slater tells stories that connect to eternal principles and conservative values. Hear The Mike Slater Show ON DEMAND with this podcast from San Diego's TALK, AM 760.
Our Bitesize Nutrition podcasts are packed with highlights from our health webinars. Join us and health professionals translating the nutrition science and helping you take control of your health.
If you'd like to find out more - perhaps for personal interest, or as part of your organisations health initiatives - we have a range of webinars available on our website
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Disclaimer: The information in this podcast is for educational purposes and should not replace medical advice. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. If you have a diagnosed medical condition, you should consult a doctor before making any major changes to your diet. Some supplements may interact with medications and you should check with your GP before commencing any supplement programme. -
Do you want to know how to get rid of acne?
Do you have pimples on your face, back, or butt?
Then this is the right podcast for you.
And in case you are a fan of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, you'll get why I called it the Acne Be Gone Podcast.
But I know that acne is not a joke. I know it too well.
For years I suffered from cystic acne and to this day I have scars on my face and back from this horrific time of my life.
I had severe depression and social anxiety...all because of the countless pimples in my face and all over my body.
Thankfully, I discovered how you can naturally get rid of acne...after trying everything under the sun that doesn't work.
I will provide you with acne treatment tips, secrets, and recommendations that are based on scientific research and evidence.
No matter if you are suffering from cystic acne, hormonal acne, or if you have pimples and blackheads as a result of the wrong diet and emotional stress.
My goal is to help you to get rid of your acne, to fully and completely love yourself, and to feel proud and confident when you look into the mirror. -
אלפי סטודנטים ישראלים לומדים רפואה בחו"ל, ומהווים עתודת רפואה מרכזית בישראל. בשל תוכנית ההכשרה הקלינית האירופאית השונה במעט מזו הנהוגה בישראל, וחוסר היכרות צוותי הרפואה עם הסטודנטים שבחו"ל, חלק מהם נתקלים בקשיים בנסיונות הקבלה להתמחות, או שחסרים את המידע הדרוש באשר למערכת הרפואה הישראלית. הר"י מסייע לסטודנטים לרפואה הישראלים בחו"ל ומשיק סדרת פודקאסטים בה מתארחים מיטב המומחים ולצידם מתמחים שלמדו רפואה בחו"ל. כל פרק מוקדש להתמחות אחרת, בה יוצגו הליכי ההרשמה, הדרכים לשפר את סיכויי הקבלה להתמחויות המבוקשות, מסלולי ההתמחויות השונים, ואפשרויות התעסוקה בהמשך ההתמחות.