
  • "The journey of my life is how to be wild within my body and at home in my body at the same time." ~ Carmen Ganne

    Hello, Wild Ones ~

    Carmen Ganne (@carmenganne) is the founder of Soul Luxury Breathwork and a passionate mentor to breathwork leaders around the world. She joins the show to discuss conscious connected breathwork and how we may cultivate a greater relationship with life through an intentional relationship with the breath.

    We discuss our shared backgrounds of mental and emotional health challenges, the destructive behaviors that helped us feel alive, and how we eventually came back home to ourselves, our sovereignty, and our paths of cultivating well-being.

    She explains the concept of conscious connected breathwork, which involves exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness and re-patterning the physiological way that we breathe so new possibilities can open up in our lives. We open up about the spiritual side of breathwork and how intentionally being with our breath can help us come into deep trust and belief in ourselves, as well as the full consent to be here — on this Earth, in our bodies, and in the exact lives that we’re living.

    Carmen says that ‘the art of being human is luxury for the soul’ and that when we honor our bodies as temples, we see them as home for the divine, we return to our fully alive sensual nature, and we honor our choice to be here at this time while celebrating the remarkable diversity of people and connections in our lives.

    A few show highlights ~

    * How re-patterning the physiological way that we breathe can open up new possibilities in our lives and behaviors

    * The spiritual side of breathwork and exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness as a means for connecting with the divine

    * Reclaiming our sensual nature so that we may honor our bodies as temples for creation

    * Welcoming all aspects of ourselves back home, including those we view as “dark,” so that we may truly belong to ourselves and reclaim our wholeness

    * How breathwork prepared Carmen for becoming a mother, navigating birth, and stepping more deeply into her purpose

    And much more. This is definitely the most beautiful conversation for the Wild on Purpose Podcast thus far. I hope it stirs something alive in you. If so, please leave a comment and share it with the wild ones in your life.



    This episode was created by Kelly Wilde Miller (@kellycwilde), host of the Wild on Purpose Podcast and Newsletter. Special gratitude to Jabriel AlSuhaimi for the post-production editing.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Hello Wild Ones ~

    In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of perfectionism, exploring its roots, how it affects our lives, and ways to overcome it by embracing wholeness. Today’s guest, Vix Anderton (@vix_anderton) is an Authenticity and Productivity Coach for recovering perfectionists and the author of ‘Enough: an Imperfect Antidote to Perfectionism’ (one of my favorite reads from the last year).

    She is also one of my personal and professional mentors. Through our work together, I was able to stabilize my nervous system and sustainably launch this podcast and untether myself from the grips of perfectionism, which she describes as a survival strategy that runs rampant in modern society.

    We explore the importance of recognizing our natural cycles, finding alignment within our bodies, and cultivating a compassionate and curious approach to personal transformation. Vix shares her journey toward self-discovery and authenticity by exploring the modalities of Authentic Relating, Cyclical Living, and Embodiment.

    Discover the ‘5 Flavors of Perfectionism’ and how embracing our innate wholeness will lead to a life of profound creativity, untethered self-expression, and meaningful connections with others.

    5 Show Highlights ~

    * Overcoming perfectionism ~ Vix shares her journey towards self-discovery and the practices that have helped her break free from the grip of perfectionism.

    * Embracing natural cycles ~ Learn how recognizing and aligning with our body's natural rhythms can increase authenticity, productivity, and overall well-being.

    * Cultivating self-compassion ~ Discover the importance of responding to ourselves with curiosity and kindness rather than blame, shame, or judgment.

    * Surrendering control and embracing agency ~ Explore the power that arises from accepting the things we cannot change and focusing on where we have influence and creativity in our lives.

    * Fostering a deeper connection with emotions ~ Uncover the value of befriending our emotions and using them as a source of genuine self-expression, leading to a more balanced and joyful existence.

    And much more! This conversation meant a lot for me to record, as Vix was a huge component of my ability to launch this podcast in the fall of 2022. If something we discuss stirs something alive in you, leave a comment for one or both of us, plus share it with someone in your life.



    This episode was created by Kelly Wilde Miller (@kellycwilde), host of the Wild on Purpose Podcast and Newsletter. Special gratitude to Jabriel AlSuhaimi for the post-production editing. If you’ve been enjoying this podcast, consider leaving a review on your favorite podcast app like Apple or Spotify.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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  • Hello, Wild Ones ~

    Conni Biesalski (@connibiesalski) is the founder of Breathwork Alchemy, author, storyteller and creative mentor. Her course, Create As You Are, helped me along my own creative journey to get unstuck and begin sharing my ideas with the world from a place of self-love.

    Conni bridges the two worlds of creativity and personal healing — seeing a potent overlap between the two. In this conversation, we explore a wide range of topics that touch on both, including birth trauma and attachment woundings, somatic psychotherapy and breathwork, the nervous system and its relationship to creativity, the personal journey of becoming ‘embodied,’ and the immediate healing benefits of coming out as your authentic self.

    She hails from a small town in Bavaria, Germany, and has traveled the world extensively as a photographer, writer, surfer, and yogi. She now lives along the Portugal coast with her fiancé and puppy.

    As a bonus, if you listen until the end, you’ll hear Conni’s perspective on raising a puppy with secure attachment and nervous system attunement 🐶 (which Jonny and I are learning every day with our puppy, Lola).

    Conversation Highlights:

    * Her perspective on why we become disconnected from our bodies and struggle to feel our emotions fully

    * Her life-changing & profoundly healing moment of coming out as a gay woman and fiercely honoring herself

    * Her journey as an online creator and how the need to express ourselves and be seen online could be a symptom of unhealed childhood trauma

    * Her take on the idea of ‘Creative Dysregulation’ and the intimacy between our nervous system and creativity

    * Coming into secure attachment through intimate partnership while healing anxious and avoidant attachment strategies and breaking the cycle of toxic relationships

    And so much more! This was a really potent episode with some profound honesty and deep-dive explorations. If it resonates with you, please leave a comment, subscribe, and share it with the wild ones in your life.



    This episode was created by Kelly Wilde Miller (@kellycwilde), host of the Wild on Purpose Podcast and Newsletter. Special gratitude to Jabriel AlSuhaimi for the post-production editing.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Olivia Broughton is a Ceremonialist, Medium and Guide helping us to honor the sacredness in all moments. She is a student of the cycles and rhythms of life and holds the flame that all of Life is Ceremony.

    In this conversation, Olivia and I explore the nature of Ceremony and how life’s most important thresholds and transitions — such as marriage, death, illness, birth, birthdays — hold the potential for deep healing, awareness and connection. We traverse through Olivia’s early years as a highly intuitive child and how fully claiming her gifts was part of her re-wilding journey.

    Olivia and I have been working together for several months now on my own transitions through death, marriage and my commitment to Self. This conversation is intimate and touches on some of the more meaningful perspectives we can take as we discover the sacredness in all of life’s experiences.

    Show Highlights:

    How Olivia reclaimed her intuitive gifts after having to compartmentalize them as a child in order to be ‘normal’ at school
    Navigating the realms of ‘internal wildness’ of psychic and mediumship abilities by leaning into innocence
    Untethering from conditioning by tracking your internal parts and inner child, while bringing compassion to the parts of you that are afraid of being authentic
    The value of intentionally pausing in life to recalibrate and allow the death and rebirth process to take place
    Seeing all of life as ceremony, especially the sacred threshold crossings of death, birth, marriage, loss, and transitions — and how to actually be with them intentionally


    Learn about Olivia’s work as a Ceremonialist & Guide
    Read Olivia’s gorgeous poetry & writing on Instagram


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  • Paul Millerd and I share a passion for creating our own paths in life — passions born from the discomfort of initially following other people’s paths and then fortified in the aliveness that comes from following our intuition.

    Paul left the ‘default path’ a few years ago and discovered what he truly wanted in life by allowing himself to travel and wander aimlessly. A former scholastic and career high-achiever, Paul eventually learned how to stoke the flame of his own curiosity, listen to his intuition and align his work and life with something much deeper inside himself.

    Today, Paul is the author of the book, The Pathless Path, which offers an incredibly practical roadmap and series of perspectives that can help us live well and come more fully alive.

    Here are a few highlights:

    🎓 Paul’s journey through scholastic & career high-achievement and the courageous choice to leave it all behind

    🧭 Advice for those who want to take a break from their career and reconsider their life path — plus how to do so without a financial buffer

    🗺️ How to leave the conventional path — or the ‘default path’ — of success, work & money and forge your own ‘pathless path’ while contending with the reactions of friends, family and colleagues

    💭 Discovering your own 'illegible ambition' — which is ambition you can't really explain or understand (especially to your parents) yet you know is right for you

    ⚡️ Learning to follow your intuition, sense of aliveness and non-productive desires to ultimately find yourself — plus the magic of 'wandering'


    This episode is sponsored by the Wild Remembrance Leadership Retreat — a 6-day intimate re-wilding retreat for entrepreneurs, leaders and artists taking place in Joshua Tree, California from April 22-29, 2023. Full retreat details and the application are available to those who connect with Kelly personally — please email [email protected] to express your interest.



    Purchase your copy of The Pathless Path
    Subscribe to Paul’s thought-provoking newsletter and podcast, Boundless, plus browse his extensive article history
    Connect with Paul on Twitter and Instagram


    ‘The Great Work of Your Life’ by Stephen Cope
    ‘Transitions’ by Bruce Feiler
    ‘Field Guide' for Getting Lost’ by Rebecca Solnit


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  • Ian MacKenzie, documentary filmmaker and love activist, joins Kelly for a quick 30-minute 'wild card episode' to discuss his groundbreaking film project, Tamera: The Village of Lovers.

    In this conversation, Ian shares why Tamera, a Peace Research and Education Center in Portugal, is a revolutionary model for Eros-based community living in a post-pandemic world — and what we can all learn from them regardless of where, how or with whom we choose to live.

    This episode is both a teaser for the film as well as an invitation to attend a 2-day immersive screening this upcoming weekend, December 3-4, called Reimagining Village. The weekend will feature interactive Q+A's with the filmmakers and exploratory sessions on Eros, Activism, Village and Partnership with speakers such as Sabine Lichtenfels, Aida Shibli and Charles Eisenstein. You can purchase tickets here.

    If you're unable to attend this weekend, then stay tuned for the global release of Tamera: Village of Lovers in Spring 2023.


    Attend 'Reimagining Village' from Dec. 3-4
    Learn more about Tamera ~ Peace Research & Education Center
    Read "Home is Wherever I’m With You — And Other Modern Calamities" written by Ian Mackenzie on Medium
    Follow Tamera Healing Biotope on Instagram
    Follow Tamera: The Village of Lovers Documentary on Instagram

    The 'Wild Card Episodes' on the Wild on Purpose Podcast are intentional deviations from our usual programming. These episodes are raw, unedited, and usually time-sensitive but still fit under the WoP mission to advance our individual and collective re-wilding. When watching or listening, please excuse any sound quality problems, rough cuts and lack of formal introduction.


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  • Jenny Lee is an Embodiment Mentor, Vocal Empowerment Coach, Breathwork Facilitator and incredible musician out of Oregon. Her vision is to 'activate coherence (the harmonic union of feeling, thinking, and doing) as the most powerful tool for self-healing.

    In this conversation, Jenny and I unpack what it really means to "stand in your truth" and how truth is intimately connected with your nervous system, childhood experiences, attachment strategies and physical health.

    This episode is for those who desire to use their voice more, speak with greater authority and authenticity, design a life that feels aligned for them, expand in communication skills, heal relational wounds and better understand the energetics behind their voice, throat and vocal power. It is also for you if you're a healer, facilitator or coach who is actively helping to guide people more closely to their own truth.

    Show Highlights:

    Understanding 'interbeing,' learning that true freedom includes consequence and finding the sweet spot between limitation and boundlessness
    Self-empowerment as a necessary pathway for our individual growth but not the end destination; why we must come into relational empowerment for true thriving
    Truth and vulnerability as necessary gateways to genuine human connection; and the titration of truth based on the state of your nervous system
    The throat chakra as a bridge between the head and the heart; our expression and our intentions; and the seat of the will — if you want to express more love, heal your throat
    Coming into right relationship with fear as a guide back to ourselves

    Lastly, just a heads up that we experienced some sound quality hiccups and there are some slight echos in the background.


    Explore her healing offerings at The Sacred Wholeness
    Listen to her music on Spotify & Apple Music
    Follow Jenny on Instagram


    The concept of 'interbeing' as first mentioned by Charles Eisenstein in 'The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible'
    Exploring your somatic experience of truth as explained by Carolyn Elliot in 'Existential Kink: Unmask Your Shadow and Embrace Your Power'
    The throat chakra as the 'seat of the will' as explained by Carolyn Myss


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  • “I believe that when we are in a state of connection with nature, we are more in touch with our own true nature. And when we're in touch with our own true nature, we're in more in touch with the true nature of everything around us." ~ Brooks Barron

    Hello, Wild Ones ~

    Brooks Barron (@starhearthawk) from Embody Your Light is the founder of Starlight Leadership and Power Awakening, leading visionaries through wilderness-based rites of passage.

    Brooks was the co-guide on my 11-day wilderness-based vision quest with Animas Valley Institute in May 2021.

    His work is a unique blend of executive coaching, wilderness initiations, medicine journeys, and soul guiding. His passion is to support leaders who are courageous enough to follow their inner truth, lean into their darkness and embody their light out in the world.

    In this conversation, we discuss Brooks’ personal, educational and professional re-wilding journeys — from Stanford Graduate School to a San Francisco climate tech startup and eventually into the wilderness. His story traces the success paradigm of the ‘traditional path’ and highlights that fulfillment does not come from titles or achievements. Rather, it comes by prioritizing the needs, desires and genius of our soul.

    A few show highlights ~

    Our shared experiences on a wilderness-based vision fast with Animas Valley Institute & the teachings of Bill Plotkin

    The necessity of healing and transforming within communities instead of further individualization and isolation

    What it really means to ‘embrace your darkness’ as a vehicle for genuinely stepping into your light

    How to identify the signs within yourself that it’s time for a meaningful change in your life and your work in the world

    The playful potency of cannabis sativa, a healing plant medicine, when consumed in a ceremonial fashion with experienced guides

    And much more! If you are someone who has longed for greater meaning, depth, and purpose in your life or are a leader looking to create more meaningful change in the world, this episode is for you. If something stirs alive in you, please leave a comment and share it with the wild ones in your life.



    This episode was created by Kelly Wilde Miller (@kellycwilde), host of the Wild on Purpose Podcast and Newsletter. With special gratitude to Jabriel AlSuhaimi for the post-production editing.


    Go Deeper with Starlight Leadership

    If you’re looking to go deeper, consider applying for Power Awakening with Brooks. Power Awakening is an initiatory rite of passage program that guides up to 10 participants through a psychospiritual death and rebirth process. It is designed to enable and accelerate what author Bill Plotkin calls The Journey of Soul Initiation. As a participant, you will:

    Identify and shift key ego patterns that are keeping you stuck in a smaller, less developed, and less powerful version of yourself.

    Ceremonially die and be reborn through an 8-day vision quest in the mountains of Colorado, on which you have the opportunity to make contact with the magical and mysterious energy of your soul.

    Leave the program having integrated the gifts you received on your quest, holding an early but potent understanding of your unique soul's purpose, and carrying a powerful set of well-practiced tools to support you on the lifelong journey of embodying your light.

    Next cohort dates: May 31 - Sept 6, 2023. Program components include the Starlight Quest (July 16-23, an hour outside of Aspen, Colorado), weekly group calls, four individual coaching sessions, and optional guided psychedelic journey work.

    If you decide to apply, please mention Wild on Purpose.

    Kind words from listeners about this episode:

    Dear Kelly and Brooks, Your conversation felt like home. Each of your sentences resonated deeply. From feeling lost and a desire for community to meet you at your depth, to the tug of war between the old and what’s to come and surrender. Like being with long-time friends.

    Thanks for listening to Wild on Purpose! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

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  • My very first guest is Jonny Miller, my life partner and fellow curious researcher.

    Jonny is many things, including the creator of Nervous System Mastery ~ a 5-week online bootcamp for cultivating inner resilience ~ which combines his expertise in the nervous system, fascination with the breath and passion for creating embodied learning experiences. Jonny is a clinically trained Facilitated Breath Re-Patterning facilitator and nervous system specialist, as well as an avid surfer, meditator, biohacker and freediver.

    In this conversation, we put our partnership roles to the side and dive into Jonny's professional and personal unfoldment story. We talk about both of our initiations into grief and how going 'all the the way through' challenging emotions can lead to profound peace and wonder. He opens up about his explorations of psychotechnologies, including meditation and plant medicine, as well as the important differences amongst breathwork modalities.

    When it comes to re-wilding, Jonny has an amazing story of growing up in a creatively repressed London society and hitting burnout as a startup founder. He eventually found consistent access to his full aliveness through travel, athletics, embodiment practices, mens work, the nervous system and more. Not only has Jonny intuited his way through his own conditioning, he now helps others do the same by educating on the critical importance of nervous system literacy.

    Please enjoy this long, semi-meandering and epic conversation!


    👋 Follow Jonny on Twitter @jonnym1ller

    💌 Join his newsletter, Curious Humans

    🫁 Learn more about his Nervous System Mastery training (next cohort est. April 2023)

    🎙 Listen to his podcast, Curious Humans

    📽 Watch Jonny's TEDxUbud on The Gifts of Grief

    ✍️ Read his article 'The Art & Science of Interoception' on Every

    🎙 Listen to Jonny & Kelly's episode on Curious Humans, "Exploring the Three Marriages of Self, Work and Partnership"


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