
  • I do these bonus episodes occasionally whereby I interview someone I serendipitously met on my adventures and who I wrote about in my books AND who struck a chord with readers. I track them down to see where they are now, and there is ALWAYS the most amazing follow-up story.

    This time, Nika Kovač, a controversial Slovenian activist and Obama scholar who once invited me on a gondola ride with a communist philosopher when I was stranded without a bed for the night and pregnant (read This One Wild and Precious Life to learn more) found me. And it turns out Iā€™d been following her activist work from afarā€¦without realising, she was the dynamic founding director of The Research Institute of 8th March, which won two referendum campaigns, one against the privatisation of water in 2021 and the other against political influence on public media in 2022. 

    Nika also led the most extensive ā€œGet-Out-The-Voteā€ campaign in Slovenian history ahead of the 2022 Parliamentary election, contributing to a 71 per cent voter turnout. BUT HEREā€™S THE JUICY BIT: Her latest campaign could achieve free and accessible abortion for all women in the EU. Iā€™ve asked her to explain how the campaign works so everyone here can help achieve the goalā€¦itā€™s a wild goal (and itā€™s a wild, wild life), but if anyone can do it, itā€™s Nika. Join us for the ride!


    You can learn about Nika here and follow her on IG here.

    You can get This One Wild and Precious Life in the US, UK, Australia, Spanish, Lithuanian, and moreā€¦here.

    Listen to my previous chats with The Lady in Red and Mammoth Dude.

    Watch and join the conversation on Substack.

    To get involved in the campaign with us:

    1. Read more here, and if youā€™re an EU citizen, sign here.

    2. Send the info to all your EU friends.

    3. Share this Mark Ruffalo IG post and tag or message a Euro celebrity in your midst.

    4. Look out for posts by Nika and I on Instagram and share those too.


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Dr Iain McGilchrist (neuroscientist, psychiatrist, polymath, author of The Master and His Emissary) devised a thesis that sets out how the two sides of our brains can affect the way we both interact and create the world. The left hemisphere is a narrow, extractive, problem-solving ā€œmachineā€ that divides and conquers things, fails to see our part in the world and to fathom beauty, awe and responsibility. Our civilisation, Iain says, has become ruled by a left-brain mentality, which is killing us and leaving us ā€œwretchedā€; we need to put the right side back in charge!  

    Iain is an associate of Green Templeton College in Oxford and a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the Royal Society of Arts. His 2009 book Master and his Emissary became a cult read and the recent follow-up, The Matter with Things took him 12 years to write (and is 600,000 words long!).

    In this chat we cover why societies start out creative, happy and flourishing (right-brained!) but switch left and destructive as they expand; the secret to living a well and happy life and how to find meaning and beauty in a world we possibly canā€™t ā€œfixā€ (in the left-brain sense of the word). 



    Learn more about Iain's work via his website and watch his videos here.

    Buy Master and his Emissary and The Matter with Things here.

    Listen to Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's Wild episode.

    Hereā€™s the link to the HowTheLightGetsIn Festival that Iā€™m speaking at this month.

    Hereā€™s the starting point for joining my book serialisation project.


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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  • Professor Corey Bradshaw (global ecologist; author) has spent a career studying species populations and biodiversity loss and has the starkest of messages for humanity: we are in our own mass extinction event. Debate rages as to whether humans have an overpopulation problem or are in a fertility collapse, and which is more likely to take us down.

    The director of the Global Ecology Lab at Flinders University talks us through the devasting finer points of this divide. We also cover why Australia has the highest mammalian extinction rate in the world, why we should be having one less child, what happens when bees die out, and the importance of supporting anyone trying to ban political donations. This conversation is a hard one, but like many in this space, Corey has a philosophy for living fully and joyously with the truth he feels compelled to share: Life is going to get far shittier than we can imagine; our noble obligation is to make it a bit less shitty.


    Hereā€™s the chapter in my book where I explain in full how fertility collapse is playing out. A REMINDER!! Corey will be joining the comments and is happy to answer any questions you have. Youā€™ll need to post them in the comment section of this post.

    Hereā€™s where you can get started with the Book Serialisation (Put Table of contents).

    Hereā€™s my Wild chat with Parag Khanna on the best place to live in the world going forward.

    Read Corey's blog Conversation Bytes


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • *(and that the wars, climate disasters, democratic upheavals etc today are VERY different to crises in the past)?

    This episodeā€™s question has been asked by too many of you to mention. Many of us have been in situations where we try to talk about the dominoā€™ing of crisis - AI, nuclear, climate, food insecurity, democratic decline, political polarisation, fertility collapse - and get told weā€™re just being a big old Henny Penny, and that crises happen all the time and humanity survives. The belief is that tech innovation, price mechanisms, progress (!) and human ingenuity will find a way to save us. However, this time is categorically different to past near misses and calamities. There are reams of science that prove it (sadly). So how do you explain this in a calm, convincing way at the next BBQ? Sarah provides a comprehensive rundown of all the points that one can make that set out a picture of how the collapse of complex systems works.


    Hereā€™s where you can start reading the first chapter of the Book Serialisation. And hereā€™s the table of contents.

    Hereā€™s the Meg Wheatley episode from the recent Collapse Series. 

    Hereā€™s the written version of the explainer (should you want a printable version on hand!) 

    Want to ask Sarah your questionā€¦post it here.


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Dr Nick Bryant (BBC Washington correspondent, author) has spent most of his career covering the events that many of us see as spelling the decline of the US, a once-great nation ā€“ the school shootings, Trump presidency, Roe v Wade, storming of the Capitol, George Floyd, conspiracy theories andā€¦all the rest. But in his new book The Forever War: Americaā€™s Unending Conflict with Itself Nick argues that the hate, divisiveness, racism and murmurings of civil war are part of the fabric of the country ā€“ ā€œAmerica is just doing Americaā€.

    Nick has been a foreign correspondent for three decades, writing for the BBC, The Economist, The Washington Post, The Atlantic and more. A copy of his previous book, When America Stopped Being Great sat on Joe Bidenā€™s Oval Office bookshelf. This chat sets out to give context to the issues swirling in the lead-up to the November election. We cover Gaza, RFK Jnr, Project 25, guns, media both side-ism and the fascinating history of American Exceptionalism.


    Get your copy of The Forever War: Americaā€™s Unending Conflict with Itself

    I reference a post I wrote on Project 25. You can read it here.

    This 7am podcast about Project 25 is useful. 

    And check out the Jim Jeffries clip on gun control. Itā€™s brilliant.

    You can get started with reading my next book here.


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Professor Clive Hamilton (public ethicist; climate activist; founder of the Australia Institute) has led the emissions reduction conversation for decades. But he - controversially - has recently switched tack, arguing that climate mitigation is now impossible. And irresponsible. And that we must instead put our efforts (and last resources) into trying to survive as best we can.

    In this chat the professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt University in Canberra, recently named a 'living legend' among Australian scholars, talks through the research published in his latest book Living Hot: Surviving and Thriving on a Heating Planet. We cover why Saul Griffithā€™s ā€œelectrify everythingā€ campaign is flawed, the safest place to live and what we should now be fighting for, and we discuss the contentious issue of class and the dangerous role of private schools (strange but true) to our survival.

    Cliveā€™s previous Zeitgeist-shifting books include Requiem for a Species, Growth Fetish and Affluenza.


    You can get hold of Living Hot and The Privileged Few

    You can read my Book Serialisation on Substack here. Here are the first two chapters, free to everyone.

    You can listen to my Wild conversation with Saul Griffiths here.

    My wonderful chat with Olivia Lazard on mineral depletion is a great backgrounder, too.


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Hello, dear wild friends! I'm taking a short break, but I wanted to share some of my previous interviews with guests who delve into themes of collapse, the meta-crisis, and the decline of the systems we've always known to growā€”like GDP, technology, population, and prosperity.

    Many of you have joined my book serialization project on Substack, where we're navigating the collapse awareness journey together. These interviews provide valuable context for our journey. You can join us here if you're not already part of the project. I release one chapter of my book at a time, and we discuss its contents in the comments, tackling this big, beautiful, hard thing as a community, step by step. In the meantime, enjoy this wild conversation with Jonathon Rowson.


    Jonathan Rowson (chess Grandmaster, metamodernist philosopher) is one of Britainā€™s biggest minds and I have invited him onto Wild to talk, well, whatā€™s been dubbed the ā€œmeta-crisisā€ ā€“ the fundamental ā€œmeaningā€ crisis at the heart of ā€œall the thingsā€ going on in the world today.

    Jonathan is a theoretical psychologist with degrees from Oxford and Harvard and a Ph.D on what it means to become wiser. He has worked on ā€œcomplex collective actionā€ problem solving, was Director of the Social Brain Centre at the Royal Society of Arts and has run events with David Attenborough and Jordan Peterson (not on the same stage!). Jonathan now runs Perspectiva, a research institute that seeks to understand the relationship between systems, souls, and society. This is a big chat, but I think youā€™ll find this new and wild idea a helpful navigational tool for, well, ā€œall the thingsā€.


    As I flag, my UK friends can preorder This One Wild and Precious Life here.

    Follow the Perspectiva community and their various events here.

    Jonathan is also on Substack and Twitter.

    His latest book The Moves that Matter: A Chess Grandmaster on the Game of Life is out now.


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Hello, dear wild friends! I'm taking a short break, but I wanted to share some of my previous interviews with guests who delve into themes of collapse, the meta-crisis, and the decline of the systems we've always known to growā€”like GDP, technology, population, and prosperity.

    Many of you have joined my book serialization project on Substack, where we're navigating the collapse awareness journey together. These interviews provide valuable context for our journey. You can join us here if you're not already part of the project. I release one chapter of my book at a time, and we discuss its contents in the comments, tackling this big, beautiful, hard thing as a community, step by step. In the meantime, enjoy this wild conversation with Olivia Lazard.


    Olivia Lazard (peace mediator; rare minerals expert) exposes missing chunks in the ā€œgreenā€ energy transition that many of us assume to be the ā€œfixā€ to the climate crisis. Via her work as a fellow at Carnegie Europe and advisor on global security, she explains how the mining and extraction of rare earth metals like lithium, graphite and cobalt - to make the batteries etc for the new green ā€œeconomyā€ - are both rare (thereā€™s literally not enough of them to make the transition), come with massive ecological costs (therefore rendering the ā€œclean techā€ very dirty), but are also destabilising the world in ways few are able to fathom. This is a very confronting reality, especially for climate activists and green economy evangelists.

    In this chat we go deep and wide into climate security issues, pull apart the techno-optimist ā€œbut AI and innovation will save us!ā€ mindset, and what we really need to know about geo-engineering. This, on paper, sounds like a very ā€œhead-yā€ conversation, but Olivia also weaves in ā€œheartā€ considerations that I think many of you are aching for in this debate. At the end, we discuss whether we have ā€œhopeā€.


    Connect with Olivia on X / Twitter

    Check out Oliviaā€™s TED talk to see the charts she talks about.


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Hello, dear wild friends! I'm taking a short break, but I wanted to share some of my previous interviews with guests who delve into themes of collapse, the meta-crisis, and the decline of the systems we've always known to growā€”like GDP, technology, population, and prosperity.

    Many of you have joined my book serialization project on Substack, where we're navigating the collapse awareness journey together. These interviews provide valuable context for our journey. You can join us here if you're not already part of the project. I release one chapter of my book at a time, and we discuss its contents in the comments, tackling this big, beautiful, hard thing as a community, step by step. In the meantime, enjoy this wild conversation with Nate Hagens.


    Nate Hagens (mindblowing energy futurist) was working on Wall Street when he realisedā€¦we donā€™t have enough energy to fund the worldā€™s economy! Massive pivot ensued and he is now the global leader in energy systems, director of the Institute for the Study of Energy & Our Future, on the board of the Post Carbon Institute, teaches an honours course, aptly titled Reality 101, at the University of Minnesota, oh and he also advises governments and institutes around the world on the future of energy!

    Nate and I met at a conference in Stockholm to address these very (meta)modern issues. In this chat we talk about how green growth is not possible, EVs are not the answer, and he makes a numbers-crunched case for how to live once collapse occurs, what he calls the ā€œGreat Simplificationā€. This is a big one. It changes (mostly) everything, including my own ideas about the climate crisis.


    You can learn more about Nate's work here and listen to his podcast here

    I also mention previous episodes with Tyson Yunkaporta, Douglas Rushkoff and Gaya Herrington


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Hello, dear wild friends! I'm taking a short break, but I wanted to share some of my previous interviews with guests who delve into themes of collapse, the meta-crisis, and the decline of the systems we've always known to growā€”like GDP, technology, population, and prosperity.

    Many of you have joined my book serialization project on Substack, where we're navigating the collapse awareness journey together. These interviews provide valuable context for our journey. You can join us here if you're not already part of the project. I release one chapter of my book at a time, and we discuss its contents in the comments, tackling this big, beautiful, hard thing as a community, step by step. In the meantime, enjoy this wild conversation with Meg Wheatley.


    Margaret Wheatley (collapse theorist, global leadership consultant) is something of a legend in her field. She has worked for 50 years helping humans adapt to their world using systems analysis, chaos theory and deep spiritualism. Poets, scientists and philosophers quote her writing, she has worked in countless disaster situations and was commissioned to transform the leadership of large institutions. Plus sheā€™s the author of 12 books, including Who Do We Choose to Be? and Restoring Sanity.

    This is a challenging conversation and the subject has its deniers. Meg steers our focus to becoming the leaders we want to see amid the cascading crises facing the world and to create ā€œislands of sanityā€ amid the despair. In this conversation, we cover the responsibility of the rich, why itā€™s redundant to talk about saving the world, and how to sit in despair and create a meaningful life from it all.


    Meg references the poet David Whyte who has also been a guest on Wild

    You can purchase Who Do We Choose to Be? now and Restoring Sanity 

    Find out about her workshops and events here


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Hello, dear wild friends! I'm taking a short break, but I wanted to share some of my previous interviews with guests who delve into themes of collapse, the meta-crisis, and the decline of the systems we've always known to growā€”like GDP, technology, population, and prosperity.

    Many of you have joined my book serialization project on Substack, where we're navigating the collapse awareness journey together. These interviews provide valuable context for our journey. You can join us here if you're not already part of the project. I release one chapter of my book at a time, and we discuss its contents in the comments, tackling this big, beautiful, hard thing as a community, step by step. In the meantime, enjoy this wild conversation with Gaya Herrington.


    Gaya Herrington (Club of Rome adviser, ā€œglobal collapseā€ expert) hit the headlines when she showed that a world-stopping 1972 MIT study and bestselling book predicting the collapse of civilisation by 2040 wasā€¦right on track. She was a KPMG economist and financial advisor to the Dutch government when she released the report in 2021. I read it and was left speechless.

    Gayaā€™s now just published a book, Five Insights for Avoiding Global Collapse, which sets out a bunch of surprising ways we might be able to save ourselves in time. Gayaā€™s message is stark: Economic growth must stop now! We are hitting the global limits of our more-more-more approach and the decline will be fast. What does the data tell us that can save us? The answer wonā€™t be what youā€™re expecting. In this chat we flesh out how systems theory works, why weā€™re obsessed with growth and why rich white men resist change the most.


    Get hold of the book Five Insights for Avoiding Global Collapse

    Feel free to read the now-famous 1972 paper The Limits to Growth

    I mention the chat about the Indigenous knowledge system with Tyson Yunkaporta, you can listen to it here


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Jem Bendell (collapse ā€œposter kidā€, academic) wrote the paper that launched the ā€œDeep Adaptationā€ movement and spawned Extinction Rebellion. That was in 2018. The paper argued that societal collapse was unavoidable and would happen in our lifetimes, probably before the end of the 2030s, and it went very, very viral.

    The University of Cumbria Emeritus Professor and co-founder of the International Scholarsā€™ Warning on Societal Disruption and Collapse has now released a new book, Breaking Together: A Freedom-Loving Response to Collapse,  which confirms the worst, but also provides, as per the subtitle, a path for a despairing soul to live beautifully beyond the doom.

    This conversation is confronting and Jemā€™s honesty is brutal. He warns of food collapse in the next three years and that the economy could go (and our savings rendered worthless) any moment. But he also explains how we can use this reckoning to live a courageous, kind, noble life. For anyone on the collapse awareness journey, this is a crucial listen.


    You might want to follow my book serialisation on Substack where we are doing the collapse awareness journey together, one step at a time.

    You can catch Jem in Sydney at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas on 24-25 August, more details here.

    Jem offers a couple of online courses a year, on the topic of Leading Through Collapse.

    Here is the post he wrote about Talking to Relatives About Collapse we mentioned

    Want to know more, you can engage with Jem via the following:

    Find Emotional Support

    Visit the Deep Adaptation Forum

    Watch some of Jemā€™s talks

    Read his key ideas on collapse

    Read his book Breaking Together


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Jean Twenge (psychologist; professor at San Diego State University) is regarded as the world expert on ā€œgenerationsā€. She famously described millennials as ā€œGeneration Meā€ (also the name of her 2006 book) and first made the (controversial) connection back in 2017 between smartphones and the sharp uptick in anxiety and depression among Gen Z teens, which has since become one of our cultureā€™s top talking points. In her recent book, Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silentsā€•and What They Mean for America's Future she explains how themes such as narcissism, individualism, fear and tech addiction play out between the generations (including the Boomers, Xers, and the latest cohort, ā€œthe Polarsā€).

    In this chat we coverā€¦Do millennials actually have it harder? Why do 60% of Gen Z girls have mental health problems? Why arenā€™t young people aren't getting their driver's licenses? Is modern parenting setting kids up for failure? As well as the ā€œslow lifeā€ phenomenon.

    You can catch Jean in Sydney at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas on 24-25 August, speaking at the following talks.

    The Machines Killing Our KidsThe Generation GulfContagious Realities


    Subscribe to Jean's Substackā€‹, Generation Tech

    Hereā€™s the teen mental health post I wrote on Substack

    And hereā€™s the Substack post about the difference in young men's and womenā€™s political leanings

    Learn more about the Festival of Dangerous Ideas here


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • This week I asked fellow substacker Anya Kamenetz to help me answer the above question. Anya is a parent and climate activist, a former NPR journalist and she has written five books loosely related to the mental health of young people in the face of difficulty. She is also the producer of Joanna Macyā€™s incredible podcast with Jess Serrante, We Are The Great Turning. 

    This question - How to parent in the face of collapse and crisis? - comes up often on my Substack and there was a particularly moving thread that opened up last week that spoke to this concern that so many parents have. Here it is, if you would like to read it. The gist is that while we (the adults) might be able to accept what is happening to the world on one level, when we reflect on the kids in our lives an incredible emotional dissonance kicks in. Anya and I talk about how to talk about the crises in front of kids, how to help them with their emotions, why prioritising enjoying the world is key and ā€œparenting as activismā€.


    Watch the video and join the conversation over on Substack

    Subscribe to Anya's Substack


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Greg Lukianoff (New York Times best-selling author, attorney) co-wrote the blockbuster The Coddling of the American Mind, which argued we were failing young people by rendering them fragile victims. Then, 10 days after October 7, he came out with the first book to comprehensively track the rise of cancel culture -The Canceling of the American Mind. 

    Greg, whoā€™s also CEO of FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expressions) and I talk through the confused aetiology of cancel culture and free speech, why the debate has been weaponised by both the Left and Right and he also outlines a bunch of solutions for parents wishing to raise kids who wonā€™t buy into it. I am far from a free speech absolutist and take issue with Americaā€™s obsession with the First Amendment, but the subject fascinates me because it exposes so many other fault lines in our society that need to be understood urgently. 


    You can learn more about FIRE here

    Subscribe to Greg's Substack

    Greg's new book The Canceling of the American Mind is available now


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Jenny Odell (NYT bestseller, artist) wrote a bestselling book five years ago that Barack Obama declared one of his ā€œbooks of the yearā€. ā€œHow to Do Nothingā€ stuck two fingers up to the productivity industry. Jenny followed it up with the recently published, ā€œSaving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond The Clockā€ that argues the original problem is our framing of time as a bunch of units we own, spend, must be efficient with etc.

    In this chat, Jenny explains that how we relate to time is our choice and she ā€“ fascinatingly ā€“ shows how radically rejecting our current take on time (and the productivity broā€™ efficiency hacks) can help us navigate climate dread, the capitalist trap and our collective sense of disconnect.


    Jenny's book, Saving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond the Clock is available now

    Connect with Jenny on Instagram and keep up to date via her website


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • OK, this week is a kind of personal and also sociological muse-fest (from someone who's been on ALL the apps since shortly after the last ice age). I cover how I first went on the apps in 2010 (and share what I wrote about it at the time), about my experiences on Raya and, yes, on the latest app people are talking about, Feeld. I had to drop my shame for this one. However, I include a bunch of sociological perspectives and reflections some of you might find useful (and very familiar).

    Note, Iā€™m making the Substack version of this episode free for everyone. Over there you can find all the links to the articles I reference.


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Frank Ostaseski (Buddhist; end-of-life teacher; elder) helps people die best. He has accompanied over 1,000 people through the dying process and trained thousands of healthcare clinicians and family caregivers around the world. He was also a lecturer at Harvard Medical School and has taught at Google and Apple Inc., has been honoured by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and appeared on Oprah and Sam Harrisā€™ Making Sense podcast. I asked Frank to join me to talk through his book, The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully.

    Death, grief and loss are always with us, but I feel we are needing moral and spiritual guidance more than ever (every 6-12 months or so I try to cover this issue on Wild, generally aligning with a dialling up in world events). In this chat Frank and I talk through simple techniques for coping with the loss weā€™re feeling watching the carnage in Gaza, witnessing climate destruction and polarisation.


    Get hold of The Five Invitations

    Hereā€™s Frank Ostaseski's website where you can find a bunch of resources

    You might like to listen to the interview I did with death walker Stephen Jenkinson

    And this conversation with Clancy Martin about grief and suicide

    As well as my glorious chat with Sister Helen Prejean and the other death row episode with Devin Moss


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • I need to give everyone here a bunch of updatesā€¦Plus, the BONUS video episode I promised with Dr Louise Newson is now live. Louise answers your questions about libido, whether to take HRT, how to manage menopause when you have Hashimotos etc, you can find it here.


    Hereā€™s the Wild chat about perimenopause and menopause with Dr Louise Newson from earlier this week.

    Hereā€™s more information about my newsā€¦(hint: a new book which you can be part of, STARTING NEXT WEEK).


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Dr Louise Newson (British GP; hormone specialist) is regarded as the ā€œmedic who kickstarted the menopause revolutionā€. For two decades women have been denied treatment for a debilitating condition that affects more than half the population, thanks to one (faulty) study that linked hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to cancer. Louise has been on a mission to undo the damage and educate women on their real choices.

    In this chat, I try to cover off what every woman I know is asking right now:

    Is HRT safe or not?How do I weigh up the risks and benefits?How do I know which hormone, how much and when?Are there Big Pharma interests at play?Do I need to take it if Iā€™m healthy?And, Is it just me or has perimenopause and menopause got worse for this generation?

    NOTE: The next episode is a follow-up, where I get Louise to answer the granular, intimate menopause questions posed by the Substack community! Donā€™t miss it.


    To connect with Louise, and to check out her resources on menopause and peri-menopause, follow this link

    You can download Louise's Balance app here

    Get hold of her books here

    And hereā€™s that New York Times article on menopause


    If you need to know a bit more about meā€¦ head to my "about" page

    For more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, itā€™s where I interact the most!

    Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious Life

    Letā€™s connect on Instagram and WeAre8

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.