
  • The conversation explores the profound story of Snot Boy, an indigenous Canadian origin story passed down through generations. It delves into the themes of loneliness, despair, and the transformative power of embracing our vulnerabilities. The hosts share personal experiences of hitting rock bottom and finding wisdom and strength in their darkest moments. The story challenges traditional narratives of creation and highlights the importance of accepting and cherishing all aspects of ourselves, even the messy ones. The conversation emphasizes the power of sharing our stories and connecting with others through our shared humanity. In this conversation, Inarra and Edwina discuss the themes of creativity, birthing new things into the world, loneliness, and the importance of self-love. They explore the story of Copper Woman and Snot Boy, highlighting the idea of completion and the dangers of seeking validation and fulfillment through others. They also introduce their collaborative work, The Doorway, which is designed to guide individuals through transitions and help them live a life they are passionately happy about. Additionally, they share their individual offerings, including retreats and coaching programs.

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  • In this episode, Inarra and Edwina discuss the book 'Daughters of Copper Woman' by Anne Cameron. They explore the themes of endurance, resilience, and the power of storytelling. The book begins with a bittersweet story of a young girl named Copper Woman who survives a devastating journey and must endure the loss of her companions. Through her endurance, she learns new skills and finds strength in the face of hardship. The chapter ends with the idea that it is not the event itself that defines us, but how we navigate and endure through it.


    Endurance and resilience are key themes in 'Daughters of Copper Woman'

    Hardship and loss can lead to personal growth and strength.The power of storytelling and the connection to ancestral wisdom.It is not the event itself that defines us, but how we navigate and endure through it.

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  • In the final episode for Season One of the Wise Women Stories podcast, Edwina Murphy-Droomer and Inarra Aryane Griffyn conclude their exploration of the story of Vasilia from Clarissa Pinkola Estés' Women Who Run With The Wolves with the ninth and final task.

    This episode delves into Vasilisa's journey and her powerful encounter with the fiery skull, a transformative symbol in her quest. The skull's presence allows Vasilisa to confront and dispel the negative influences of her stepsisters and stepmother, demonstrating the profound impact of addressing one's inner shadows.

    Edwina and Inarra discuss the fiery skull's symbolic significance. The skull represents intuition and the psychic abilities essential for navigating both personal and external negativity. The "hag fire" of the skull serves as a metaphor for fire's dual nature—its capacity to illuminate and destroy. This metaphor highlights the role of intense emotional and intuitive experiences in personal transformation and resilience.

    The conversation shifts to Vasilisa's initial fear of the skull’s power, paralleling real-life challenges where individuals wrestle with trusting their intuition and capabilities. Edwina shares her personal journey of regaining confidence in her intuitive abilities, especially in parenting, which mirrors Vasilisa's path to self-reliance and empowerment despite external pressures and doubts.
    Inarra reflects on the need to balance the energy of fire, acknowledging its potential to inspire and overwhelm. They discuss the importance of managing one's passions and being mindful of intense emotions and external influences.

    This theme of balance ties together the episode’s exploration of intuition, self-reliance, and the necessity of confronting and understanding one's inner shadows.
    The episode concludes with a look forward to the next season of the podcast, which will feature a deep dive into Daughters of Copper Woman.

    This upcoming season will explore First Nation stories and ancestral wisdom, guided by Inarra’s love for the book. Edwina and Inarra express their enthusiasm for this new exploration and invite listeners to continue their journey of discovery and connection. They close with a heartfelt farewell, eager to reconnect in the next season.

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  • In the latest episode of Wild Women's Stories, Edwina Murphy-Droomer and Inarra Aryane Griffyn start by sharing their calming breathing exercise ritual, designed to enhance relaxation and ground the mind for deeper engagement with the episode's content. Inarra guides listeners through a breath technique aimed at building life capacity and preparing for the profound themes discussed.

    The focus of this episode is the eighth task from the story of Vasilisa in Women Who Run With the Wolves, titled "Standing On All Fours." Edwina and Inarra delve into the symbolic significance of Vasilisa’s encounter with Baba Yaga and the profound inner transformation represented by receiving the fiery skull. They highlight how this task contrasts with more sanitized modern interpretations of spirituality, emphasizing the raw and primal aspects of the journey.

    Inarra reflects on her personal experiences with grief and transformation, comparing them to the shadow aspects of Vasilisa’s story. She discusses how navigating dark and challenging periods can lead to significant personal growth and increased strength. Edwina shares her own transformative journey of awakening a fierce, protective energy in herself, especially in her role as a mother, illustrating how this strength has guided and enriched her life.

    The episode concludes with a discussion on integrating deep intuition and instinctive knowing into decision-making. Both hosts affirm the importance of trusting one's gut feelings, even when they seem illogical, as these often lead to profound and fulfilling outcomes. They encourage listeners to embrace their inner wisdom and navigate life's challenges with the strength gained from their personal experiences. Additionally, Inarra and Edwina introduce their upcoming program, "The Doorway," which aims to help individuals awaken their wild intuition through teachings on cycles, seasons, and rituals, supporting personal transitions and deeper connections to one's true self.

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  • In this episode, we delve into the seventh task of Vasilisa's journey in Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, centred on "Asking the Mysteries." Through Vasilisa's encounters with the horsemen, we explore the concept of questioning the seemingly unchangeable aspects of life, death, and rebirth. The symbolic colours black, white, and red in the story represent different phases of existence and encourage us to view these cycles as integral rather than just good or bad.

    Inarra Aryane Griffyn reflects on her personal experience with the impending loss of her cat after seventeen years, emphasising the comfort found in rituals and ceremonies. These practices not only honour the end of life but also create space for new beginnings. Edwina Murphy-Droomer connects this to her own grief over her sister's death, noting how many cultures traditionally embraced death as a natural cycle with meaningful rituals, a perspective often lost in modern times.

    Both hosts advocate for embracing the full spectrum of life's cycles, including the difficult ones. Inarra discusses the importance of reflecting on one's current life phase, whether it involves transition, death, or new beginnings, and how nature can inspire significant personal shifts. Edwina adds that navigating these periods with acceptance and creativity—like preparing for a new project or embracing a dormant phase—can foster profound growth.

    The episode wraps up with a discussion on the importance of honouring life's cycles, from dissolution to transformation to new beginnings. Edwina and Inarra emphasise the need to approach these transitions with gentleness and trust, encouraging listeners to recognise and embrace their own cycles for deeper personal growth and meaningful change.


    In this episode, Edwina and Inara discuss the seventh task in Women Who Run With The Wolves, which is asking the mysteries. They explore the concept of questioning and the importance of not taking things at face value. They also delve into the symbolism of the colors black, white, and red in the story of Vasilisa. The conversation then shifts to the topic of death and the different ways it manifests in our lives, including the death of loved ones and the death of old ways of being. They emphasize the importance of embracing the cyclical nature of life and the need to trust our intuition and follow our soul's calling.


    Questioning is an important aspect of personal growth and understanding. It allows us to challenge our assumptions and explore new perspectives.The colors black, white, and red symbolize different stages of life and death. They represent the dissolution of old values, the sacrifice of illusions, and the emergence of new knowledge.Death is not just the physical end of life, but also the end of old ways of being and the beginning of new cycles. It is important to honor and embrace these transitions.Trusting our intuition and following our soul's calling can lead to profound personal transformation and fulfillment.Embracing the cyclical nature of life allows us to navigate periods of darkness and uncertainty with trust and faith in the eventual emergence of light and new beginnings.

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  • In this episode, Edwina and Inarra discuss the sixth task in the story of Vasalisa, which is about separating one thing from another and developing discernment. They explore the concept of fine discrimination and making distinctions in judgment. They also discuss the power of the unconscious mind and how answers can come to us when we least expect it, such as in dreams or through journaling. The conversation touches on the use of plant medicine and the importance of creating space for answers to come. They also express their disappointment with the portrayal of women in popular culture, such as the Barbie movie, and the need for a more authentic representation of femininity.


    Developing discernment and fine discrimination is an important aspect of intuition.Answers can come to us when we create space and allow our unconscious mind to work.Plant medicine, such as ayahuasca, can provide profound insights and answers.The portrayal of women in popular culture often lacks authenticity and depth.Feminism is about equality and should not be reduced to stereotypes or divisive narratives.

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  • Edwina Murphy-Droomer and Inarra Aryane Griffyn delve into the tale of Vasalisa from "Women Who Run with the Wolves," focusing on the significance of serving the non-rational aspects of the feminine psyche. They draw parallels between Vasalisa's journey and personal empowerment, emphasising the transformative power of mundane tasks as metaphors for inner purification and renewal.

    Edwina starts by quoting Clarissa Pinkola Estés, setting the stage with Vasilisa's encounter with Baba Yaga, symbolising the wild, intuitive forces within women. They discuss the tasks Vasalisa performs for Baba Yaga—washing, cooking, and cleaning—as essential for reconnecting with life force and intuition. This challenges societal norms that often dismiss such tasks as menial, highlighting their deeper symbolic importance in maintaining life-death-life rhythms.

    Inarra shares insights from her experiences studying yoga and traditional healing, where repetition of basic tasks forms a meditative practice crucial for spiritual growth. She contrasts this with Western approaches that prioritise shortcuts and outsourcing, underscoring the value of deep engagement and humility in learning.

    They stress the importance of nurturing one's inner fire through passionate pursuits, whether creative endeavours or personal growth journeys. Inarra emphasises pushing beyond comfort zones to fully engage with life force, rejecting societal pressures to conform and encouraging listeners to discover their unique passions.

    The conversation critiques mainstream narratives like the Barbie movie, which they find shallow and contrary to empowering women authentically. They advocate for embracing the magic in everyday rituals and reclaiming personal autonomy in shaping life paths, urging listeners to embark on their own transformative journeys.

    Edwina and Inarra conclude by announcing their collaborative program, "The Doorway: Reconnecting To Your Wild Intuition," aimed at awakening wild intuition through personalized, initiatory methods. They invite participants to explore their individual visions without external interference, promoting a deeper connection to their psychic and creative potential.

    Their dialogue inspires listeners to reevaluate societal norms, find empowerment in everyday actions, and embark on a journey towards authentic self-discovery and expression.

    In this episode, Edwina and Inarra discuss the fifth task in the initiation of intuition, which is serving the non-rational. They explore the importance of discernment and the process of sorting what is worthy of feeding and what needs to be let go. They also discuss the tasks of washing, sweeping, and cooking, and how they relate to purification, creating a clear psychic environment, and nourishing the wild soul. They emphasize the importance of passion, creativity, and embracing new beginnings. The episode ends with a reminder that sorting and organizing our psychic life is an ongoing process.


    Developing discernment is essential in determining what is worthy of feeding and what needs to be let go.Creating a clear psychic environment involves clearing space, organizing our physical and mental spaces, and making time for contemplation.Passion and creativity are nourishing for the soul and can lead to new directions and growth.Embracing new beginnings and stepping out of our comfort zone is essential for personal and spiritual growth.Sorting and organizing our psychic life is an ongoing process that requires continuous attention and effort.

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  • Edwina Murphy-Droomer and Inarra Aryane Griffyn introduce "Wise Women Stories," a deeply personal project rooted in storytelling and spiritual nourishment. They share a deep connection through their shared interests in spiritual growth and storytelling, sparked by their initial interviews years ago. Inarra emphasises the ancient tradition of storytelling as a form of nourishment, drawing parallels to rituals around the winter solstice. For Inarra, this project is deeply personal, stemming from her grandmother's influence and her own spiritual journey.

    Their collaboration is driven by a strong desire to create a space where inspirational stories from wise women can support and encourage others, particularly women navigating challenges or entrepreneurial journeys. Inarra recounts her spiritual initiation journey and the influence of mentors, High Priestess, Vivienne Crowley in London. Edwina reflects on pivotal moments in her life, including transformative experiences with a naturopath and raising her children on a flower farm, which empowered her despite initial hardships.

    In their podcast series, Edwina and Inarra discuss embracing discomfort and intuition, drawing insights from personal experiences and teachings. They introduce "Women Who Run With The Wolves" and other archetypal stories, aiming to blend ancient wisdom with contemporary experiences. They invite listeners, especially those in their forties and beyond, on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through storytelling and shared wisdom.

    The episode concludes with Edwina and Inarra, highlighting the transformative power of life experiences and wisdom. They announce a standalone recording of the story of Vasilisa and encourage listeners to share their podcast to foster deeper connections among women, bidding farewell until the next episode.

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  • Edwina Murphy-Droomer and Inarra Aryane Griffyn engage deeply with the tale of Vasilisa and her encounter with Baba Yaga, exploring its implications for women's empowerment and authenticity. They highlight how facing fearsome aspects of the wild woman archetype, embodied by Baba Yaga, is crucial for women reclaiming their true selves. Edwina shares initial discomfort with Baba Yaga's portrayal, reflecting society's unease with powerful, unconventional female figures.

    Inarra discusses societal perceptions of powerful women through a patriarchal lens, drawing parallels between nature's wildness and women's innate power. They emphasise dreams as a tool for self-discovery, sharing personal experiences where unsettling dreams reveal deep-seated beliefs needing acknowledgment and transformation.

    The conversation expands to navigating power dynamics in various settings—business, societal expectations, and personal relationships. Inarra reflects on her journey in corporate environments, initially conforming but later embracing her authentic self, tattoos and all, realising that true power lies in self-acceptance.

    Together, they advocate for women to reclaim their wildness and embrace all facets of feminine power—assertiveness, boundary-setting, and authenticity. They celebrate moments of liberation where women express their true selves freely, encouraging a shift towards broader societal acceptance of diverse expressions of femininity.

    Edwina and Inarra's discussion on Vasalisa's journey resonates as a metaphor for women reclaiming their inner strength and authenticity in a world often constrained by societal norms. Their insights provide a roadmap for women to embrace their complexities and unleash their full potential, promoting a more inclusive and empowering vision of femininity.


    In this episode of Wise Women Stories, Edwina and Inara explore the fourth task in the story of Vasalisa, which involves facing the wild hag. They discuss the importance of standing in the face of power, embracing the wild and abandoned nature within us, and connecting with our intuition. They also highlight the significance of dreams and the symbolism they hold. The conversation emphasizes the need to break free from societal expectations and embrace our authentic selves. The key takeaways include the value of every life, the power of embracing our wildness, and the importance of finding beauty in ourselves and others.


    Every life has value and a unique purpose.Embracing our wild and abandoned nature is empowering.Dreams hold powerful symbolism and messages.Breaking free from societal expectations allows us to embrace our authentic selves.Finding beauty in ourselves and others fosters self-acceptance and appreciation.

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  • In this podcast episode, Edwina and Inarra discuss various tasks related to the story of Vassalissa, emphasising the theme of navigating through life using intuition. They recap the first task, which dealt with letting go of the overly protective "too good mother" archetype. In the second task, they explored the influences of the aggressive, manipulative "stepmother" and "stepsisters" archetypes.

    The current task, "navigating the dark," focuses on Vassalissa finding her inner fire after being left in darkness. They relate this to connecting with one's intuition, symbolised by the doll in the story. They share personal anecdotes illustrating how intuition guided significant life decisions, such as moving countries or pursuing specific paths despite societal expectations.

    They stress the importance of deepening one's connection to intuition and being attuned to one's body and surroundings. They highlight the role of intuition in making decisions that align with one's true path, even if they seem unconventional or against external advice.

    The conversation also touches on societal influences that discourage trusting one's intuition, favouring external expertise instead. They preview future topics, including facing the "wild hag" archetype, Baba Yaga, and discuss their upcoming program, "The Doorway: Reconnecting To Your Wild Intuition" which aims to deepen participants' intuitive connection.

    Overall, the podcast episode encourages listeners, particularly women, to embrace and trust their intuition as a guiding force in navigating life's challenges and opportunities.

    In this episode, the hosts discuss the third task in the story of Vasalisa, which is navigating the dark and connecting to intuition. They explore the concept of intuition and share personal stories of how intuition has guided them in their lives. They emphasize the importance of trusting one's intuition and not ignoring red flags. The hosts also discuss the practice of meditation and its role in deepening the connection to intuition. They tease an upcoming program called 'The Doorway' that will help listeners work with their intuition.


    Navigating the dark and connecting to intuition is an important part of personal developmentTrusting one's intuition and not ignoring red flags is crucialMeditation can deepen the connection to intuitionThe hosts are launching a program called 'The Doorway' to help listeners work with their intuition

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  • In this conversation, Edwina Murphy-Droomer and Inarra Aryane Griffyn discuss the theme of exposing the crude shadow in the story of Vasalisa. They explore the psyches of the stepmother and stepsisters, highlighting the internal voices of jealousy and mean-spiritedness that can arise within us. They share personal experiences of dealing with jealousy and the importance of developing assertiveness and boundaries. The conversation emphasizes the understanding that we are all products of our environment and the need to cultivate self-love and compassion. They also introduce the concept of sympathetic joy as a practice to counteract jealousy. The episode concludes with a discussion of the next task in the Vasalissa series, which is navigating the dark.


    Jealousy and mean-spiritedness are internal voices that can arise within us, often stemming from external sources and experiences.Setting boundaries and expressing anger are important for maintaining healthy relationships and self-esteem.Understanding that we are all products of our environment helps us approach others with empathy and compassion.Relighting the fire within ourselves requires embracing the uncomfortable and expressing our true selves.Practicing sympathetic joy, or experiencing joy for others, can help combat feelings of jealousy and cultivate a sense of joy within ourselves.

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  • Edwina Murphy-Droomer and Inarra Aryane Griffyn explore the concept of the "Too-Good-Mother" in their podcast episode, drawing from Clarissa Pinkola Estés' insights in "Women Who Run With The Wolves." They delve into the nurturing role of the "good mother" in childhood, essential for protection and growth, but also discuss its evolution as individuals mature. Inarra reflects on her personal journey, contrasting her mother's absence due to postnatal depression with the supportive presence of her grandmother, Ida. This upbringing profoundly shaped her ability to trust her intuition from a young age, influencing decisions like leaving home early for safety and independence. Both hosts underscore the significance of cultivating inner resilience and trusting one's intuition amid societal pressures.

    Furthermore, Edwina and Inarra emphasise the importance of reconnecting with intuition to overcome societal expectations and internalised voices that hinder personal growth. Edwina shares her experiences, reflecting on how psychological challenges and societal pressures during her adolescence, particularly at boarding school, redirected her focus towards conformity rather than personal exploration.

    Inarra discusses her methods for nurturing intuition, including practices like breath work and meditation, which she uses to quiet her mind and access deeper insights. She recounts a pivotal career moment as a photographer when, despite external success, she felt unfulfilled. Trusting her intuition led her to transition into unknown waters in the form of property investment, which unexpectedly blossomed.

    Both hosts advocate for trusting one's inner wisdom despite external doubts and fears. They critique societal norms that discourage risk-taking in favour of safety, urging listeners to embrace uncertainty and listen closely to their intuition. They argue that doing so can lead to profound personal and professional transformations.


    In summary, their discussion illuminates the transformative potential of intuition and underscores the importance of breaking free from societal expectations to lead a more fulfilling life guided by inner wisdom.


    The initiation of intuition involves letting go of the too-good mother archetype.Our relationship with our mothers in childhood and adolescence influences our intuition.Trusting oneself and listening to one's intuition is essential for personal growth.Different methods, such as journaling, breath-work, and meditation, can help connect with intuition.It is important to let go of the too-good mother voice that holds us back and embrace audacity and calculated risks. Trust your intuition and follow your own truthTune out external influences and listen to your internal wisdomTechnology can hinder our ability to trust ourselves and make decisionsIdentify where you feel most alive and where you hold yourself back

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