To see Terra’s work on the internet you’ve got two options, dog. Me hitting you or you hitting the floor. What? Lol. No you can follow her on insta @herlovelyface or you can checkout her website,
To see her work irl, you can go to Flat Rate Contemporary in Manhattan through the end of April!
And if you’re fond of spookiness, which you should be, listen her podcast “Witch, Yes!”
As always, thanks for listening! I’ve loved doing this show and I’m v much looking forward to bringing it back! Leave all work stories/general inquiries/feedback over at or leave a voicemail at 631.623.0248.
See you in June!
-Timlin -
Nate again!
Nate’s the best there is, what can ya do?
Follow his ass on twitter @NateBurrows2
Donate to his gofundme by clicking this link!
Hope all is well with you and morale stays up! As always you can cal 631.623.0248 and leave a voicemail if it’s not!
Thanks for listening,
-Timlin -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Dave’s Very Fun Podcast (not the title): This Is Your Afterlife
Hella Immaculate, Dave’s newsletter with original writing, fun links, and dates to keep up with where he’s at.
Twitter: @thisisdavemaher
TikTok: @thisisdavemaher
Website, for you sick type A’s that want all this info in one place:
Thanks for listening! It’s been awhile since we had a long one so I appreciate you letting us, let it rip.
What’s that? You wanna let it rip? Hmm idk you sure? Fine, call 631.623.0248 and leave a work related voicemail!
-Timlin -
Sorry for the late release! I never said I was a role model!
Cal 631.623.0248 and have fun with it!
Thank you as always for listening,
-Timlin -
Comedy! Teaching! Life!
Insta: @cameronlogsdon
TikTok: @cameronlogsdon
And be sure to go see him if you’re listening in Chicago! April 5-8!
Call 631.623.0248 and tell me about the most anxiety-fueled conversation you’ve had at work, OR what your 9-5 (whatever the schedule is) playlist.
Thanks for listening!
-Timlin -
Check out Kaylee’s podcast, “Sex Ed Shouldn’t Suck,” wherever you like to listen OR right here-
Read her work over at
And here’s where you can find all of her social medias.
As always, thanks for listening! Call 631.623.0248 and leave a voicemail if you wanna scream into the void about your job. It feels good!
-Timlin -
Danny Maupin!
Follow Danny on insta @dannymaupin !
Listen to his funny, informative, helluva good time podcast, “Take This Pod and Shove It with Tyler Snodgrass and Danny Maupin” @
Call 631.623.0248 and leave a voicemail! Tell me how you feel about your job, your favorite work story, anything work related…
Whoever left that voicemail! Thank you, thank you, thank you. It’s not easy to put those feelings out there into the world, I feel weird about it every week, so I really appreciate it! All I can say is after talking for hours and hour with people about their jobs is that you’re not alone and it’s totally normal to feel that way. You’ve obviously got the talent to do what you want to do already so I’m sure you got this!
Have a good week, freaks, and as always thanks for listening.
-Timlin -
Joe is what we call an absolute crusher. People from Florida have juice, it is what it is! Follow him on twitter @JoealdenMcMahon
And on insta @joemcmahoncomic
I’m shaking you down! Call 631.623.0248 and leave a voicemail enough is enough! It’s enough! Lol
Follow the show on twitter @worksuckspawd, oh, and thanks for listing as always.
Have a great week sincerely!
-Timlin -
Listen to Lindsay’s album, “Other Bad Qualities” by clicking right here, dude-
Also! Follow her on twitter @Lbols and on insta @lbols
Got it? It’s basically just Lbols everywhere, p simple, so there’s that, and then listening to her album. It’s really good, and that’s a certified WSIK guarantee (I’m trying out new catch phrases, lol).
Call 631.623.0248 and leave the show a voicemail to be featured on a Friday episode, and follow the show on twitter @worksuckspawd
Thanks as always for listening, it’s v nice of you.
-Timlin -
Dear Caller,
Truth be told, and I know this is going to sound crazy, but I don’t do a lot of front-loaded prep work for these. Or anything in my life for that matter. It takes the fun out of it for me, makes it feel inorganic, dead. So I kind of just click “download” on the voicemails, give a listen, and go.
Your voicemail is kinda making me reconsider that seat of my pants attitude because I wish I had a more thoughtful response. In listening back you mentioned wanting to tell this story for a while and I completely just missed that. You should! You should tell this story 100 times, in a 100 different ways. Short story, song, full ass screenplay. It’s a story I think everyone can relate to, and it definitely made me feel a lot of shit!
I just want to say thanks for calling one more time, and I hope my ramblings didn’t completely neglect to let you know I think it’s a story well worth telling. Glad you’re outta that fucking job!
Dear Everyone Else,
If you wanna leave a voicemail too you can call the show @ 631.623.0248. And if you’re on twitter follow the show @worksuckspawd
-Timlin -
Huge, huge, fan. Some guests make me feel like a true Eddie Haskell kiss-ass type but what can you do? Joe is that funny! and it was a real pleasure to get to talk to him.
Please follow Joe on twitter @joemcadam
And you have to (new law) follow @ButtGuys
No one is allowed to follow @worksuckspawd cuz I love how few followers it has. More pure that way! Playing for the love of the game!
Okay I should go, it’s getting late. But call 631.623.0248 and leave a voicemail! Tell me about your work, I’d love to hear it.
Bye, thanks as always for listening, and have a good week!
-Timlin -
Follow Alex on twitter @AlexKumin
And on insta @alex.kumin
While you’re at it, since you’re already going there anyway, follow this very show on twitter @worksuckspawd
Last order of biz is call the freaking show. 631.623.0248 gimmie a ringding and leave a voicemail. Let me know how work is for you and I’ll play it on the podcast this Friday 1/14
Okay big thanks to Alex, she’s the fucking best, and big thanks to you as always for listening!
-Timlin -
What else can I be?! All apologies!
In the meantime, listen to my buddies @tyler_snod and @dannymaupin new podcast Take This Pod And Shove It.
You can jump right to episode one (John Prine!) by clicking this little link right here.
And you can follow their show on insta @takethispodandshoveit.
Oh, and happy freaking new year! Lol.
-Timlin -
Any questions? What’s that? Oh you’re just looking? Okay, well let me know if you need anything!
Call 631.623.0248 and leave a voicemail! I’d say keep it work related but life is so boring, call and say whatever you want.
Thanks as always for listening!
-Timlin -
Check out his podcast, it’s very good! Listen wherever you want, no pressure, obviously, but here’s a spotify link: Down By The River With Terence Hartnett
Follow him on Instagram @hahartnett, or, if you’re like me and words are your mental deficiencies drink of choice, on Twitter @TerenceHartnett
And if you’re in NYC check out his show every Friday at Star’s Cafe in Bushwick.
Call 631.623.0248 and leave me a voicemail about how work’s going for you, for Christmas.
Thanks as always for listening!
-Timlin -
Thanks for listening as always! Call 631.623.0248 and leave a voicemail!
-Timlin -
Follow Jade on insta @jadegoldenlovesmeat and call 631.623.0248 and leave my ass a voicemail!
Thanks as always for listening!
-Timlin -
Hey what’s up hello,
Thanks for listening! Call 631.623.0248 and leave a work related voicemail. It’d be fun to hear about a “different” job you’d want to try. For me? Commercial fisherman.
Apologies for the concrete nose voice!
-Timlin -
Lunch Break? On a Monday? I know… I messed up, okay?! I’m sorry! Recording a gang of interviews this week so this doesn’t happen again!
Call 631.623.0248 and tell me how you feel about the situation here, or leave me a message about a work story!
Thanks as always for listening, and big shoutout to Becca here for helping me record this one. Gotta quit spiraling!
Alright, I gotta go but thanks again!
-Timlin -
Bobby Condon!
Bobby is what you would call a “killer.” He's so funny, so sincere and authentic, and has a great perspective on life/work stuff. Follow him, yeah, sure, of course, but please check out his album! It’s one of my favorites.
Twitter: @Bobby_Condon
Insta: @bobby.condon
Album: Greatest Hits
The Extra Special : @theextraspecialshow
As always, thanks for listening to the podcast, big guy! Means a lot! Call 631.623.6248 and leave a voicemail, a work story that sticks with you, and I’ll play it on the podcast. Okay bye!
-Timlin - Laat meer zien