Working Moms Nurturing Giftedness
Estland · Dr. Leslie Jensen-Inman
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Hi, I'm Dr. Leslie Jensen-Inman, speaker, author, and mama of two gifted and challenging kiddos. If you're a smart, working mom raising a gifted child, I invite you to join me each week to get the support you need to nurture your child's learning and development.
We'll explore what it takes to keep up with our gifted child—while we have our own career—with no guilt, no shame, and no judgment. Because we're smart, working moms, and we don't have time for self-limiting thoughts. Instead, we need resources, ideas, and techniques to meet our children where they are and help them get to the next level.
We'll dive into topics like giftedness, growth mindset, twice-exceptional (2e), intensity, learning differences, overexcitabilities, neurodiversity, executive function, perfectionism, interest-based approach, strengths-based approach, social skills, emotional processing, ADHD, authority struggles, life-embedded learning, sensory processing issues, anxiety, heightened sensitivities, underachievement, asynchronous learning, learning environments, scaffolding, work-life balance, self-care, mindfulness, enrichment activities, advocacy, experiential learning, and so much more.
We'll take a practical approach and look at these topics through the lenses of life-embedded learning and servant leadership. These lenses will help us face even the hard days with grace and understanding. And they will make balancing our careers while parenting our gifted kiddos simpler.
Let’s maximize potential — together.