
  • Writing with Coach McCoach episode 34 brings contemporary romance author Amber Roberts onto the podcast to talk about her first two books, Text Appeal (out now) and Haunt Your Heart Out (coming October 2024), her latest work in progress, and her journey to publication. 

    We had a lot of fun during this interview and Amber's energy is infectious. If you've had dreams of being a published author, you'll gain so much insight from this interview! 

    Find Amber Roberts at

    Her books on Amazon:
    Text Appeal:
    Haunt Your Heart Out:

    If this episode helped you at all, will you share it with a friend?

    I'm eager to help as many writers as possible in 2024, because I want us all to experience the beauty of self-love, confidence, and a knowingness that our words ARE the most powerful thing we have.

    To learn more about me, go to:
    Connect with me on IG:

  • In episode 33 of the Writing with Coach McCoach podcast, let's take a standard of the business world -- the Ideal Client Avatar -- and put it to work marketing your writing! Who is your ideal reader? How does identifying them in as much detail as possible... creating your Ideal Reader Avatar... help you better understand how to reach them? I explain it all in this episode! If this episode helped you at all, will you share it with a friend? I'm eager to help as many writers as possible in 2024, because I want us all to experience the beauty of self-love, confidence, and a knowingness that our words ARE the most powerful thing we have. To learn more about me, go to: Connect with me on IG:

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  • Episode 32 of Writing with Coach McCoach tackles the subject of comp (comparison) titles, including why they're such a great tool for pitching your work to agents, publishers, reviewers, and your potential readers.

     Listen as I offer six tips (and a bonus tip!) on how to come up with great comp titles from a variety of freely available resources -- many of which you're probably already using!

     Get my free e-book on beating imposter syndrome:

     When you sign up for the e-book, ask for my query letter template and put your comp title knowledge to work!

     If this episode helped you at all, will you share it with a friend?

     I'm eager to help as many writers as possible in 2024, because I want us all to experience the beauty of self-love, confidence, and a knowingness that our words ARE the most powerful thing we have.

     To learn more about me, go to:

     Connect with me on IG:

  • Part of the Ask Coach series; this bite-size episode is in response to a listener's question:

    "How much importance do you place on imagery in a suspense slash light horror genre? I have read many novels where the writer adds way too much unnecessary description. I know we must ground the reader into the setting and paint word pictures, but sometimes writers stall the pacing of the result. I also like to leave room for the reader's imagination to fill in some of the details on their own. Finding that balance is one of my toughest challenges. So to sum it up, how much importance do you place on imagery in, I'm going to say this was specifically in a suspense or light horror genre, but I'm going to say in any book?"

    Have a question you'd like Coach McCoach to answer on the show? Submit it here!

    PSSST. Enjoying the podcast?!

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by August 2024. 

    You have stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be. 

     Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin 

     Love Freebies?

    Download your mini-guide to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt. 

    Announcing My New Shop! 

  • Episode 31 of Writing with Coach McCoach explores how to tap into your unique genius as a writer: that thing that makes each one of us special and powerful in our own way. We'll talk about why it's  so important for your development as an author and a person... and why it's so darn hard, too.

    But it's worth it!

    Listen as I take your through my own recent, and ongoing, process of tapping into my genius. You'll find some tips and best practices you can take into your own life and work.

    Mentioned in This EpisodeMy courses:Nail Your Character Arcs - order this before March 15 and get Seven Days to Love Yourself and Your Writing Again free! Seven Days to Love Yourself and Your Writing AgainThe Otter appIf this episode helped you at all, will you share it with a friend?

    I'm eager to help as many writers as possible in 2024, because I want us all to experience the beauty of self-love, confidence, and a knowingness that our words ARE the most powerful thing we have. 

    To learn more about me, go to: 

    Connect with me on IG:


    Part of the Ask Coach series; this bite-size episode is in response to a listener's question:

    "I received an unsolicited email from someone who wants to turn my book into a movie. Is this legit?"


    Have a question you'd like Coach McCoach to answer on the show? Submit it here!



    PSSST. Enjoying the podcast?!

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by August 2024. 

    You have stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be. 

     Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin 


    Love freebies? Download your mini-guide to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt. 

    Also! Announcing my new shop! 

  • "I should know better. I should do better. I should be better."

    These words have rotated through my brain for the last 34 years. I'm only just now beginning to see what this self-talk can do to a person. 

    As a book coach, I help writers with their words and vision every day. As a mom, I help my son love himself and avoid this self-talk. And I've spent the last year working on doing this for myself. 

    But sometimes, the shit comes up again. We hit a dip. We enter a place of paralyzing fear. 

    That's where I was when I sat down and started recording this episode. I recorded it first for me. To help myself work through feelings of fear and failing that were cropping up. Feelings of self-doubt. But I'm sharing it today with you because I want to break down the barriers that keep us from revealing our doubts, our truths, our negative self-talk. 

    Let's call this an episode an insider's look, almost like you are with me on a personal therapy session with myself. Witness this writer, editor, mom, and coach work through some shit and maybe we'll both come out of this hour stronger, more positive, and with a new set of self-talk to take us further in our writing and publishing journeys'. 



  • 2023 was the hardest year of my life. It was deeply mentally and emotionally heavy, and much of it was internalized. When the things we tell ourselves become lies that are hurting our present and future, we face a decision: how do we change this? Are we ready to? Is it even possible? 

    That was what I experienced in 2023. My self-worth was tied to external things, for example: my business—when a business venture "failed" I was a failure. If a client didn't reach their goals, I internalized it as my problem. When motherhood became difficult as I raised a toddler, I doubted my ability to be a mom, business owner, friend, wife, person. When I was diagnosed with ADHD, I didn't know what that meant about who I was anymore—or who I had always been. 

    This podcast episode dives into the real, visceral internal challenges I went through in 2023, along with how I worked through them and where I am now. I recorded this episode in December 2023, when I saw the light. I had not only survived and made it through, but I was beginning to see a future of thriving. (It's now Feb. 2nd 2024 and that has continued to be the case! The growth is amazing and I'm so excited for the future, even the heavy things that will inevitably come). 

    This episode is a reflection of the year and the many things I've learned and the emotional and mental shifts that have helped me get to this point. Also, some amazing tools that have helped along the way! Ones that I think authors will love. 

    If this episode helped you at all, will you share it with a friend?

    I'm eager to help as many writers as possible in 2024, because I want us all to experience the beauty of self-love, confidence, and a knowingness that our words ARE the most powerful thing we have. 

    To learn more about Speechify, go to 

    To learn more about me, go to: 

    Connect with me on IG:


  • Time for episode 028 of the Writing with Coach McCoach podcast: Stop being precious with your writing!

    A few recent experiences with my toddler showed me we really have no control over what happens with our writing once it's finished. Listen to this episode to learn why that's a good thing and why understanding this could help you grow as an artist.

    Also! Announcing my new shop! 

    PSSST. Enjoying the Podcast?

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be.

    Plus! A Bonus:

    Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support!


  •  In this new episode in my motivation series, I offer some advice that might seem counter-intuitive: leave things undone. 

    Today, I talk about the all or nothing mentality, and the trick to going into your writing project with the intention NOT to finish. To end the session in the middle of the next scene so you can pick up where you left off and it doesn't seem so daunting.

    You'll learn some of the challenges that sap our motivation as writers, and I'll unpack this "mind hack" that just might give you the extra burst of confidence, excitement, and motivation to come back to your manuscript day after day.


    Also! Announcing my new shop! 


    PSSST. Enjoying the Podcast?

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be. 


    Plus! A Bonus: Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support! 






  • Episode 026 of the Writing with Coach McCoach podcast: Our Favorite Excuses for NOT Writing. This episode kicks off the new series on motivation. What better place to start than to tackle all the things that kill our motivation? Let's talk about several of my (and maybe yours, too) favorite excuses for not writing. And don't worry: you'll hear some actionable things you can do to keep those excuses at bay, too....
    PSSST. Enjoying the Podcast? I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be. Plus! A Bonus: Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support! Instagram
    Love Freebies? Download your mini-guide ( to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt.

  • After the latest series on the different kinds of feedback writers receive and how to navigate it, I thought it might be time to talk to you about that moment when you've maybe heard too much advice... that moment when you've absorbed about as much as you can take in, to the point where you aren't sure what to do next. 

    Listen to hear some actionable advice on how to turn down the volume on criticism, feedback, and advice, no matter how well-meaning and useful it might be.

    Also! Announcements about two upcoming projects I'm putting together to help you, writer, including a free workshop: Your Story Ain't Shit Without Good Characters ( 

    Can't wait to see you there, and I'd love your feedback on this episode, too!


    PSSST. Enjoying the Podcast?

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by August next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be.

    Plus! A Bonus:

    Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support!


    Love Freebies? Download your mini-guide ( to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt.

    Ask Coach!

    Have a question you'd like Katie to answer on the show? Submit it here:


  •  Episode 024 of the Writing with Coach McCoach podcast features the seventh installment of the “WTF is a Writer Supposed to Know About…” series!

    We're continuing our look at the different kinds of feedback. This time, it's all about the feedback a writer can expect to receive from an agent.

    If you're submitting your work to agents in the hope of getting representation so you can sell your book to a publisher, you might receive an "R&R" letter. No, it's not an invitation to rest and relaxation... but it just might be the gateway to your author career.

    What is an R&R letter? What should you do when you get one? 

    Listen to this episode to find out, and be sure to comment and subscribe for free!


     PSSST. Enjoying the Podcast?

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be. 

    Plus! A Bonus: Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support! 



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    Love Freebies?

    Download your mini-guide ( to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt. 


    Ask Katie!

    Have a question you'd like Katie to answer on the show? Submit it here (!

  • In episode 023 of the Writing with Coach McCoach podcast: it's the sixth installment of the “WTF is a Writer Supposed to Know About…” series:

    Stop Giving Crummy Advice: How to Be a Damn Good Critique Partner

    We've talked about the different kinds of feedback and how to appreciate and get the most out of critiques. This time around, let's flip things and talk about how you can give excellent feedback and serve as a valued critique partner.

    In addition to explaining why learning how to be an great critique partner is good for you both in and out of your career as a writer, I'll give you seven actionable steps to help you give the best feedback you can.

    Give a listen to this episode, and be sure to leave a review and subscribe!


    Heard the Other WTF Episodes?

    Be sure to check out the previous episodes in the WTF is a Writer Supposed to Know About...:

    Navigating Feedback as a Writer part one ( Navigating Feedback as a Writer part two: 10 Rules for Not Losing Your Sh-t ( The Art of Filtering and Applying Feedback: What's a Writer to Do? (  WTF is the Difference Between Beta Readers, Critique Partners, and Sensitivity Readers ( Everything You Need to Know About Editors and Types of Feedback To Expect (


    PSSST. Enjoying the Podcast?

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be. 


    Plus! A Bonus: Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support! 


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    Facebook (, (


     Love Freebies?

    Download your mini-guide ( to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt. 


    Ask Katie!

    Have a question you'd like Katie to answer on the show? Submit it here (!

  • Welcome to the Writing with Coach McCoach podcast episode 022!

    In this installment of my “WTF is a Writer Supposed to Know About…” series: WTF is the difference between a book coach, developmental editor, copy editor, and proofreader?

    Each one is a professional dedicated to bringing your work to fruition, from the barest idea to a polished manuscript ready to submit to agents or self-publish.

    Each brings value. A few, it can be argued, are absolutely necessary!

    But what do they do? When do you bring them into your process, and why?

    Listen to this episode and I'll clear up the mystery!


    Heard the Other WTF Episodes?

    Be sure to check out the previous episodes in the WTF is a Writer Supposed to Know About...:

    WTF is Constructive Criticism? Navigating Feedback as a WriterNavigating Feedback: 10 Rules for Not Losing Your Sh*t The Art of Filtering and Applying Feedback: What's a Writer to Do? The Lowdown on Beta Readers, Critique Partners, and Sensitivity ReadersPSSST. Enjoying the Podcast?

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be.

    Plus! A Bonus: Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support!

    Instagram, Threads, Twitter/X, Facebook, Linkedin 

    Love Freebies?

    Download your mini-guide to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt.

    Ask Katie!

    Have a question you'd like Katie to answer on the show? Submit it here!

  • Welcome to the Writing with Coach McCoach podcast episode 021!

    In this installment of the new “WTF is a Writer Supposed to Know About…” series: WTF is the difference between beta readers, critique partners, and sensitivity readers?

    Each is a valuable collaborator as you work through the early drafts of your manuscript before moving on to "official" editors (and we'll talk about those in the next episode)... and each plays a different role in helping you write your best possible work.

    Listen and learn the differences between beta readers, critique partners, and sensitivity readers, including why you may need or may not need each, or all three..!

    Heard the Other WTF Episodes?

    Be sure to check out the previous episodes in the WTF is a Writer Supposed to Know About...:

    WTF is Constructive Criticism? Navigating Feedback as a WriterNavigating Feedback: 10 Rules for Not Losing Your Sh*t The Art of Filtering and Applying Feedback: What's a Writer to Do? PSSST. Enjoying the Podcast?

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be.

    Plus! A Bonus: Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support!

    Instagram, Threads, Twitter/X, Facebook, Linkedin 

    Love Freebies?

    Download your mini-guide to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt.

    Ask Katie!

    Have a question you'd like Katie to answer on the show? Submit it here!

  • Part of the Ask Coach series; this bite-size episode is in response to a listener's question:

    "What are the best ways to find beta readers in your genre?"


    Have a question you'd like Coach McCoach to answer on the show? Submit it here!



    PSSST. Enjoying the podcast?!

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. 

    You have stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be. 

     + a Bonus: Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support! 

    Instagram, Threads, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin 


    Love freebies? Download your mini-guide to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt. 


  • Welcome to another episode of Writing with Coach McCoach! 

    As part of our new “WTF is a writer supposed to know about…” series, we're diving into the world of feedback and constructive criticism. 

    Join me in episode 20 as we dive into the art of filtering and sorting the feedback you receive so you know what to take, what to toss, and what to question, as well as tips for beginning to apply the feedback to your story.  

    Let's untangle the complex web of constructive criticism together. 

    And be sure to come back here next week as the WTF series on Navigating Feedback as a Writer continues. 

    Heard the Other WTF Episodes?

    Be sure to check out the previous episodes in the WTF is a Writer Supposed to Know About...:

    WTF is Constructive Criticism? Navigating Feedback as a WriterNavigating Feedback: 10 Rules for Not Losing Your Sh*t PSSST. Enjoying the podcast?!

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be. 

    Plus! A Bonus: Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support!

    Instagram, Threads, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin 


    Love freebies? Download your mini-guide to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt. 

    Have a question you'd like Katie to answer on the show? Submit it here!

  • Welcome to another episode of Writing with Coach McCoach!

    As part of our new “WTF is a writer supposed to know about…” series, we're diving into the world of feedback and constructive criticism. 

    As writers, we all face receiving feedback—some we ask for and some we don't—at some point in our careers. It can be challenging, but it's also an incredible tool for growth.

    Join me in episode 19 as I give you ten strategies for dealing with being on the receiving end of any form of feedback, and how to not lose your shit or stop writing.  

    Let's untangle the complex web of constructive criticism together. 

    And be sure to come back here next week as the WTF series on Navigating Feedback as a Writer continues.


    PSSST. Enjoying the podcast?!

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be. 

     + a Bonus: Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support! 

    Instagram, Threads, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin 


    Love freebies? Download your mini-guide to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt. 

    Have a question you'd like Katie to answer on the show? Submit it here!

  • Welcome to another episode of Writing with Coach McCoach!

    As part of our new “WTF is a writer supposed to know about…” series, we're diving into the world of feedback and constructive criticism. 

    As writers, we all face receiving feedback—some we ask for and some we don't—at some point in our careers. It can be challenging, but it's also an incredible tool for growth.

    Join me as we explore different types of feedback, when to seek it, how to sort through it, and how to use it to become the best damn writer you want to be! 

    Let's untangle the complex web of constructive criticism together. 

    And be sure to come back here next week as the WTF series on Navigating Feedback as a Writer continues.


    PSSST. Enjoying the podcast?!

    I would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your feedback helps the podcast reach more writers who are eager to grow into their full potential, and I have this wild goal of reaching 10,000 writers by this time next year. You've got stories to share with the world, and I don't want you holding yourself back from being the author YOU want to be. 

     + a Bonus: Tag me on social media with your review or email me a screenshot, and I'll send you a little something fun in return. Thank you for your support! 

    Instagram, Threads, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin 


    Love freebies? Download your mini-guide to overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt. 

    Have a question you'd like Katie to answer on the show? Submit it here!