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Український подкаст, в якому кожен випуск присвячений діалогу з людиною, яку сміливо можна називати королем для свого міста. Загальна ідея проєкту - пізнання, розвага та натхнення. Ведучий подкасту - Gera Gerc, разом із гостями обговорюють актуальні теми, діляться історіями з життя та особистим досвідом.
Музичний подкаст, який відправить слухачів у ритмічну подорож через світ музики, досліджуючи різноманітні жанри, обговорюючи видатних виконавців, ділиться цікавими інтерв'ю та розкриваючи захоплюючі історії за улюбленими піснями.
Готуйтеся зануритися у магічний світ музики та дозвольте її гармоніям та мелодіям надихнути вашу душу. -
Usłyszysz tutaj rozmowy z ludźmi, którzy na co dzień robią ciekawe i inspirujące rzeczy.
Kontakt: [email protected]Nagranie i produkcja: Studio PLAC -
Notoryczne oglądaczki seriali rozmawiają o tych, które naprawdę warto zobaczyć. To nie tylko nowości, ale również pozycje, których nie wypada nie znać, seriale z przesłaniem, tematyczne zestawienia i zapowiedzi. "Nie" nudnym tasiemcom mówią Zuzanna Piechowicz i Anna Piekutowska. - Radio TOK FM
If you think Disney isn’t just for kids, then you’ve come to the right place. We’re a couple with a passion for all things Disney!
Join us every Monday as we discuss different Disney topics from the best countries in EPCOT to the latest Disney news to the most overrated attractions at the theme parks.
Plus, we frequently have guests, including Disney Legends, Imagineers, and former Animators and Directors to talk about their time with Disney and the role they played in shaping all of our childhoods.
So help us to spread some pixie dust and subscribe today! -
Welcome to Palace Intrigue, your premier destination for all the latest royal family news and gossip! Join us as we delve into the captivating world of royalty, covering everything from KateGate, Prince Harry's Spare status to King Charles' battle with cancer, Princess Kate Middleton's health scare, and the scandals surrounding Prince Andrew.
Get ready for an insider's look into the ongoing drama between William and Harry, as well as the juicy gossip surrounding Harry and Meghan. From royal family weddings to family feuds, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to bring you the most comprehensive coverage of the British monarchy.
Whether you're a die-hard royal family watcher or just someone curious about the lives of the world's most famous family, Palace Intrigue is your one-stop shop for all things royal. Tune in for all the latest updates, scandals, and gossip from Buckingham Palace and beyond. Don't miss out on the drama – subscribe now!
With a focus on the latest happenings surrounding King Charles, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Kate Middleton, Prince William, and the rest of the British Royal Family, this royal family podcast keeps you up to date with all the developments a year after the pasing of Queen Elizabeth II. It's like experiencing Season 17 of "The Crown" in real time, providing you with a front-row seat to the captivating drama, power struggles, and secrets that unfold within the palace walls. Tune in daily to stay informed and entertained by the fascinating stories that shape the monarchy.
Unlock an ad-free podcast experience with Caloroga Shark Media! Get all our shows on any player you love, hassle free! For Apple users, hit the banner on your Apple podcasts app. For Spotify or other players, visit No plug-ins needed!
Subscribe now for exclusive shows like 'Palace Intrigue,' and get bonus content from Deep Crown (our exclusive Palace Insider!) Or get 'Daily Comedy News,' and '5 Good News Stories’ with no commercials! Plans start at $4.99 per month, or save 20% with a yearly plan at $49.99. Join today and help support the show! More info at
We now have Merch! FREE SHIPPING! Check out all the products like T-shirts, mugs, bags, jackets and more with logos and slogans from your favorite shows! Did we mention there’s free shipping? Use code NewMerch10 for 10% off. Go to
Get more info from Caloroga Shark Media and sign up for our newsletter here. -
Tom and Dan were once sitting in a hotel room in Daytona Beach, Florida where the air-condition didn't work, they were out of beer, and the cable only had 2 channels that came in static free. One of their friends suggested that they leave and attempt to find something better to do to which Dan replied "Why would we want to ruin a mediocre time?"If you were to ask "Tom and Dan" what the meaning of life is, they might tell you that there is none. Born from a feeling that nothing in life truly matters and that for the most part we're all surrounded by scumbags, "Tom and Dan" figured out that there's only one true constant in life; laughter. How did they come to that conclusion? It's all they have. You see, just like the mass majority of us, "T & D" have day jobs and it was at said day job where they cued in on the fact that some of the greatest laughs came at the end of the day. There's just something about the relaxed feeling of knowing that you have very little time left at work to put in. Maybe it's the "punch drunkenness" of still being at work; no one is quite sure. There they sat in their office, the door shut to their co-workers and management, only making each other laugh to the point of tears. Finally they realized that it might not be such a bad idea to roll tape on these conversations. Why not? They would be having them anyway, taped or not, and it was fun. Both of them come from rather lengthy broadcasting careers so setting up a home studio wasn't so hard to do. And with the addition of Ross, the consummate straight man and "News Dad", things got even more "mediocre." Broadcasting since 2009 has garnered a rather extensive following for "T & D" with loyal "scumbags" (as their listeners are affectionately known) checking in from all across the world. Hundreds of shows under their belts and winners of the Orlando Weekly's "Best of Orlando 2011" for "Best Kept Secret" reassures them both that yes…no one is listening! (Best Kept Secret? HA!)
Kasiulka miała nigdy nie powstać, lecz czuję, że dopóki nie wypowiem na głos pewnych słów, to nie będę mogła żyć w spokoju. Kasiulka to dziewczyna, która ma stać się Twoją dobrą koleżanką. Została stworzona po to, by Cię wesprzeć i gdy potrzeba to ewentualnie opierdolić. Kasiulka to dziewczyna, która ciągle myśli o miłości, tinderze i kotach.
Produced by Toppie Smellie, a fifty two year old gay guy who lives in upstate New York, The Smellcast is an audio podcast that defies being categorized or labeled.
Tune in and listen as Toppie enhances true tales spun from the grist of his own self-described failed life with moments of pure fun and fiction.
Topics range from his mundane day to day life to the national news and wondrous happenings from around the globe and all the amazing people who inhabit it.
Fascinated by the minute and the grandiose, becoming acquainted with The Smellcast is to experience real life in all its forms with flourishes of Toppie's curious flights of fancy.
An authentic gay personal journal podcast that collides with fantasy! FUN! ENTERTAINING! MYSTERIOUS! -
Myśli i słowa. Właśnie to usłyszycie w programie Piotra Szumlewicza i Wojtka Krzyżaniaka. Redaktorzy nie wykonają jednak piosenki zespołu Bajm, choć zapewniamy… wielu chciałoby to usłyszeć. Szczególnie w takim dwugłosie! W zamian czeka nas złożony, choć podszyty humorem, komentarz życia w Polsce i wydarzeń minionego tygodnia. Z jednej strony śmiesznie z drugiej równie strasznie. Tydzień zleciał Boom! W każdy piątek po 21.
Jak mądrze popularyzować naukę? Robić to w innowacyjny sposób. Właśnie o to zadba Asia Wojsiat, która raz w miesiącu zabierze Was do świata neuronauki, przyglądając się przeróżnym nowinkom i doniesieniom. Znajdziecie tu też tipy, wyzwania, polecajki książkowe, podcastowe i muzyczne. Sponsorem podcastu jest Perlage [współpraca reklamowa]
The paranormal comedy podcast from two former MIB’s who asked too many questions. Kev in the John and Granville Moonwalker now take it in turns every Thursday to present a real-life paranormal incident to the other for the questionable benefit of humanity. Each week, the co-host has no idea what’s coming up and the show is ended by deciding whether the events discussed, really were paranormal. #Probe
Kiedy dwóch millenialsów wychowanych na jednej ośce z wielkiej płyty po piętnastu latach znajomości postanawia podzielić się swoimi refleksjami na temat świata, to efekt może być tylko jeden — GRUBSZY PRZELOT. Zapraszają Paweł "P.A.F.F." i Kuba Ef.
[Wykorzystujemy fragmenty muzyki, filmów i zdjęć zgodnie z prawem cytatu (Art. 29 Ustawy o prawie autorskim) oraz amerykańskim 'fair use' (17 U.S.C. §107).] -