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What you radiate reflects the best aspects of who you are. Join host Christi Clemons Hoffman, international bestselling author, Reiki Master, Level 3 QHHT practitioner, and owner of Radiate Wellness, as she talks with thought leaders, authors, practitioners, and other inspirational guests about what they bring to the world—radiating health, clarity, hope, and more. Change your life by changing what you radiate. Learn about Radiate Wellness, our other practitioners, and our services at
Bienvenidos y bienvenidas a EN BUSCA DEL PARAÍSO PERDIDO
Un espacio en el que te propongo realizar un viaje. Vamos al encuentro del Paraíso.
Durante el recorrido tendremos desafíos y obstáculos. Pero nos permitirá alcanzar y traer a la Tierra ese Divino Tesoro. El elixir de la alegría, el amor, la felicidad y la paz espiritual.
Yo soy Violeta Maresca, guardiana de Espacio Alquitara.
Te invito a que recorramos juntos este sendero. -
Behind Our Eyes shares the mesmerising stories of the profound and direct spiritual experiences of older women from around the world. Conceived, created and hosted by Liane Grimshaw, an ordinary woman in her fifties from the North of England, who was compelled to do this after her own experiences changed her life forever.
As each precious conversation unfolds, Liane gently prompts the guests to share what their experiences were like, what has happened to them since, how their lives have changed, and what key insights and wisdom they have to share for the benefit of others.
These are honest, authentic and vulnerable discussions.
The intention is clearly set, for the highest good of all, that this podcast reaches and resonates with those it is meant to, in service and with love.
With the greatest appreciation for you, dear listener, and this beautiful existence we are all part of. Let’s explore and experience the divine power and wisdom that is hidden Behind Our Eyes.
Connect with Liane on Instagram: @lianelightsup
Connect with this podcast on Instagram: @behindoureyes333
DISCLAIMER: Any practices shared on this podcast are not a replacement for or a form of therapy, nor are they intended to cure, treat, or diagnose medical conditions.
Always make sure to listen to live practices in an environment that is safe.
Do not listen to take part in any practices shared on these recordings while driving a car or operating any kind of machinery. -
Radio Ananda es tu espacio de Autosanación. La Autosanación es el poder que tiene todo ser humano para transformar su vida.
RicardoPonce es el Creador de la Autosanación. Es el guía de Autoconocimiento más reconocido de habla hispana. Experto en llevar a cada persona que entra en contacto con él, hacia su Liberación Emocional.
Para más información sobre Autosanación y eventos de Ricardo Ponce entra a nuestra web -
🩷 DIE Seelenexpertin & Visionärin für die glückliche Neue Welt - LIVE aus Kapstadt.
Wir tauchen ein, in die Magie Deiner Seele und der Bedeutung Deines wundervollen Seelenplans mit Deiner einzigartigen SeelenaufGABE und Deinem wundervollen Seelenpartner (Dualseele), in Dein WARUM, meditieren und manifestieren.
Es geht um Deine Selbstermächtigung und Selbstliebe, Dein Mindset und Inneres Kind, um Moderne Spiritualität und die universellen Gesetze der Neuen Zeit und Welt, um die Erschaffung Deines absoluten Traumlebens der Fülle inkl. erfolgreichem SOUL Business + glücklicher Seelenpartnerschaft ... um das Entfalten Deiner wahren Größe.
Hier wirst Du zur Insidern der Neuen Zeit und erlebst Dich als Geschenk für die Neue Welt.
Für Dich und Deine Seele - Bis gleich am Meer!
Deine Annett Burmester & Seele ISIE 🩷
Welcome to the Bhakti for Thinkers podcast. Hridayananda dasa Goswami (Howard J. Resnick, Ph.D.) is a renowned scholar and teacher of bhakti yoga. He is celebrated for his unique ability to extract the essential points from the ancient yoga wisdom literatures, and present them in a way that is accessible, insightful, and practical for all. Let the thinking commence!
World Awakenings is a podcast hosted and produced by certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Karl Gruber, in which he investigates the how's and why's the world's population is on a fast track to spiritual enlightenment and awakening.
This podcast features interviews with metaphysical experts in all things metaphysical and spiritual, with focus on the Law of Attraction and the teachings of "A Course In Miracles", and how they play a major role in our moment-to-moment daily lives. -
En este podcast quiero compartir lo que tanto me ha servido para encontrar un camino de salud, paz y felicidad.
El propósito es profundizar en las herramientas que nos da yoga para aplicarlas dentro y fuera del tapete. Aprender y aplicar las herramientas que nos da para sanarnos a nivel físico, mental, emocional y espiritual. -
Hello and Welcome to Quantum Physics with Impossible Steve. I am here to share information pertaining to quantum, the quantum field of information, metaphysics, time lines, telepathy, remote viewing, mind manipulation, spirituality and stories about “Impossible Steve”. We will also do a few small segments on twin flames, astrology, numerology and the matrix, secret societies, masters ascension, are alien races real, the beast, and more. Support this podcast:
Respirando Esperanza con Danilo Montero. Un espacio para llenar el corazón de fe, esperanza y ganas de vivir. Danilo Montero responde las preguntas más frecuentes que recibe en su segmento a través de CVCLAVOZ.
Envía tus preguntas a [email protected] -
Satsang discussing all aspects of yoga, the vedas, tantra and tantric philosophy. Storytelling from hindu and buddhist mythology, and musings on spiritual living and speculation on the mysterious nature of the universe. Occasional guided meditations, advice on pranayama and asana practice.
Il Podcast di Salvatore Fiananese - Coach Energetico e Formatore
Il mio nome è Salvatore Fiananese è manifesto i talenti della mia anima attraverso il lavoro del Coach Energetico e Formatore e più nello specifico sono un attivatore di vitalità.
Negli ultimi anni ho guidato decine di professionisti a vedere e riconoscere il proprio valore, sciogliendo nodi profondi che gli impedivano di liberare la forza vitale,il fuoco e sentirsi realizzati e liberi nel lavoro.
La mia formazione è multidisciplinare, dalla scuola internazionale di T. Harv Eker, una scuola di coaching energetico di 5 anni, per spaziare in discipline esoteriche con esperienze forti in Malta, Bali e Brasile riscoprendo le antiche saggezze dei maya, e nell’ultimo anno diventando Leader di Yoga della Risata.
Negli audio troverai tutti contenuti sempreverdi e autentici dove
condivido la mia esperienza di quasi 10 anni.
Gli audio saranno brevi, utili e con una trasformazione energetica
"il seme della vitalità" che ti aiuterà a trasformare TE in TE veramente!
Quindi non ti resta che ascoltare il primo audio buon ascolto.
Vivi la vita con Energia ed Entusiasmo