
  • Enjoy this fascinating conversation I had with Psychotherapist Natalie West! We talk about mental health conditions, addictions (particularly sugar and alcohol), dopamine dysregulation, values work, emotional eating, and more.

    Natalie will be speaking at the Lived Experiences Conference in Melbourne in June. Tickets for in person or live stream/on demand can be found here:

    Natalie uses her knowledge she has gained through years of working globally as well as her education and training as a clinical psychotherapist alongside root cause healing.

    Natalie has an empathetic nature and direct style, who likes to make my clients feel safe and ultimately empowered.

    "I'm a strong believer in a root cause health approach to mental health and wellbeing"

    Love, Career, Social Life and Spirituality. All these aspects of our lives are intertwined. Natalie is passionate about the health of our relationships especially the one we have with ourselves.

    With qualifications in Clinical Behavioural Science and Applied Clinical Hypnotherapy, Natalie is also qualified in the areas of: Neuro-Hypnosis , Clinical Hypnosis, public speaking, group meditation facilitation, physical & psychological conditioning and performance coaching.

    She also is experienced in the field of Nutritional Psychology and currently completing a qualification in Nutritional Psychiatry.

    Connect with Natalie:


    Health Heal Thrive podcast by

    Tracey McBeath:

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • This is a much longer podcast episode than normal! But I’m sure you will appreciate why when you start to listen. It may take you a few sittings to listen and absorb this one, then if you like it, grab the whole series to get to the depth of what is possible

    “Wow - so MUCH info here. Thank you tracey”

    “That was awesome. Thank you”

    “Feels like I'm in the right place for me right now. WOW!”

    “This has been a wonderful gift.”

    This is only some of the feedback I have received from my recent 6-part CRAVING exploration!

    And today I’m sharing the audio of Week 1, the path ahead.

    The path to healing from cravings can be a long, slow, and sometimes frustrating one. But healing is possible when we understand how and why the experience is showing up for us.

    I’ve been there. I’ve lived it. I’ve changed my relationship to all my craving thoughts, and I’ve found myself.

    And so have the many people I’ve had the privilege of helping to do the same.

    The entire series is available for you to purchase and watch at your own pace. If this episode resonated with you, and offers you hope, then this program is what you need.

    You can find this program, and all my self-paced learning programs, here:

    “This series is EXCELLENT. Quality information, biochemistry truth, and guidelines for applying the info. Loving it! Really useful! Thanks Tracey.”

    Human beings love to tinker around the edges instead of face that which scares us. But if you only tinker at your health and don’t address the fact that you crave things outside of yourself, you won’t get yourself to the metabolic health you deserve.

    And that will impact not just the length of time here, but the quality you will be able to enjoy.

    “When setting out on your journey, do not seek advice from those who haven’t left home.” Rumi.

    I hope this offers you hope
 the greatest gift of all.

    Love Tracey xxx

    Come and meet me face to face in Melbourne on the 22nd & 23rd of June at the Lived Experiences conference! For all the info and tickets, head here.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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  • Grab your ticket to the Lived Experience Conference in Melbourne:

    Get your ticket to Dr Avi's dinner:

    About Dr Avi:

    Dr Avi Charlton is a low carb doctor and keto doctor. She supports nutrition using real food approach. She graduated in Medical school in Melbourne University in 2000. She trained at Box Hill Hospital as a junior doctor and has been a General Practitioner since 2003. Originally she was born in Hong Kong and speaks fluent Cantonese. She has been a doctor for over 20 years, 15 of those practicing in Wantirna Mall Clinic. She has a special interest in obstetrics, women's health, paediatrics and recently nutrition and metabolic health. Her children are now 13 and 10 years old. A few years ago, after her kids stopped being babies, she wanted to lose some weight. She joined the gym, going 3 times a week. After 3 months, no weight was lost. Subsequently, the gym did an 8 week transformation challenge and she successfully lost 4kg, 4% body fat, which was all she wanted to loose.

    She also took up running, doing C25K run app. Parkrun changed her life, made her fall in love with running and introduced lots of running friends and a community. She progressed to endurance running and incorporating strength training. In the last few years, she progressed to running 2 full marathons using the low carbohydrate approach. In the last 3-4 years, she has taken up special interests in nutrition and the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome. She has done extensive education with Low Carb Down Under and Nutrition Network. She is also affiliated with Diet Doctor, as a Diet Doctor Pro practitioner. She has done additional training with The Australasian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM). Currently, she is trying to accredit with The Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners.

    She has treated many patients for weight management and helped them lose weight, improve nutrition and even reverse metabolic syndrome and diabetes. She has extensive knowledge using the low carbohydrate approach. She practices low carb nutrition herself. She is extensively connected to the low carb community, with many low carb professionals and affiliated with many of them, including Low Carb Down Under, Defeat Diabetes, Real Life Medicine, Diet Doctor and Low Carb Practitioners. Tracey McBeath, The Health and Healing coach, founder of The Low Carb Lifestyle Hub, also invited her 3 times to present on The Low Carb Lifestyle Long Weekend. (You can watch on YouTube). Dr Charlton is also part of an admin group of Low Carb Melbourne Facebook support group.

    Dr Charlton will listen to your concerns, discuss what nutritional need you have and individualise a treatment plan for you. She will work with your regular GP, to help you improve health, nutrition and lifestyle, using a real food approach.


    Tracey McBeath:

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Martha Tettenborn - Keto Coach & Cancer Doula.

    Meet Accredited Practising Dietitian Martha Tettenborn. Martha is also the author of the wonderful book called Hacking Chemo.

    From Martha:

    "I have always wanted to be in a helping profession and I picked Nutrition back when it was still pretty much in the infancy of its scientific development. Unfortunately for me, the cutting-edge scientific knowledge of the day (early-mid 80’s) was decidedly aimed at low fat, low cholesterol interventions being the savior of us all. How we went so dramatically wrong is the subject of many books, articles, podcasts, and videos, but the medical establishment, like the Titanic, takes time to turn around.

    I, on the other hand, can turn on a dime, and so I decided to establish a private practice and wellness coaching service that focuses on taking control of our lives and our health, using real foods and a low carbohydrate, high healthy fat approach. I have been a Registered Dietitian for over 35 years, but in 2016, I added to that knowledge base by completing the Primal Health Coach Certification, an in-depth course that explores all the facets of a lifestyle based on Ancestral Health principles.

    The changes that can be experienced by using this lower carb, high fat, whole foods-based approach are nothing short of spectacular and I have a passion to share these strategies with others.

    After three decades of being only marginally successful at helping others to improve their health, I now have the knowledge and tools to transform my client’s lives – and I am seeing it every day.

    I live my life focusing on the three main components of health.

    The first is Nutrition or Nourishment, how we choose to fuel our wondrous physical body.

    The second is Movement, otherwise known as Activity or Exercise, but those terms are rather limiting.

    The third is Spirit, taking care of our emotions, our thoughts, our approach to rest, sleep, and stress management.

    All of these parts contribute to overall health. And all are addressed in the programs of my practice. After decades of amazingly good health and smooth sailing, I was suddenly sidelined in summer 2018 by the presence of a large, fast-growing cyst in my abdomen.

    Despite no-one expecting it, it turned out to be cancerous – a Stage 1C2 high grade serous ovarian tumour. The cyst had been ruptured inside my abdomen for easy laparoscopic removal, so I was faced with requiring chemotherapy to ensure that any escaped cancer cells were killed and could not seed further tumours in my abdominal cavity.

    Suddenly, I wasn’t the smugly “perfectly healthy” dietitian and woman that I had been. A big part of my identity had just been lost. I had become a patient and a “person with cancer”. Like becoming a parent, once you are a “person with cancer”, you are never again not a “person with cancer”.

    Doing a deep dive into the research around cancer and nutrition, I discovered the metabolic nature of cancer and how the damaged metabolism of cancer cells can be used to weaken them.

    Our nutritional choices have an awesome power to influence the course of cancer treatment. Mine is an N=1 experiment, but my experience has been nothing short of remarkable and I have a passion to share these nutrition interventions with others.


    Facebook page: Facebook page

    Consulting through Dietary Therapies:

    Contact Host:

    Tracey McBeath: [email protected]

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Get your ticket to the Lived Experience Conference in Melbourne in June!

    About Dr Shami: Integrative GP & Founder MBBS, FRACGP, FACNEM, DFFP, DRCOG

    Dr Shami graduated from Imperial College School of Medicine in London in 2000 and worked in the United Kingdom and New Zealand before settling here in Melbourne. She has over 22 years of experience and has specialised in nutritional and environmental medicine by completing a degree (FACNEM) with the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM). She also holds the fellowship to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP). In 2021, she was Vice-President of ACNEM.

    Dr Shami is a pianist, loves singing, meditating, hiking and travelling. She is also a podcaster and blogger.

    Follow the SIX HATS PODCAST on all channels and listen to Dr Shami speak about how stress impacts our health and what we can do about it! It’s now in 22 countries!

    Special Interests: Chronic Disease Management e.g. Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure and Diabetes Weight Loss Anxiety and Depression Fatigue Bloating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Thyroid Disorders Female Hormonal Imbalances e.g. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Premenstrual Tension, Endometriosis, Heavy and Painful Periods Stress Management Plant Based Therapies Long Covid

    My personal journey with integrative medicine began more than 20 years ago when I was working as a GP. I felt incredibly disillusioned with the traditional medical model. The quick consultations, drug-focused treatments, and masking of symptoms seemed so far removed from what I had always believed medicine should be. It wasn’t until I realised that my own chronic stress was affecting my health – from my gut health to my hormonal health and even my skin health – that I started searching for alternative solutions. It wasn’t until a friend introduced me to nutritional medicine in 2013 that I discovered the missing piece of the puzzle. Learning about nutrient deficiencies, gut health, hormonal health, and the impact of stress and environmental toxins on our health felt like learning medicine all over again. I was amazed that, as a GP, I hadn’t been taught how effective integrative strategies could help our bodies heal naturally. In that moment, I discovered my passion to help others find solutions to their chronic symptoms and improve the quality of their health and their lives. That’s why I founded MINT, an integrative natural therapies clinic where we could educate patients on the impact of stress and chronic disease. My ultimate goal is always to help patients achieve lasting health and wellness, so they no longer need to rely on medication or frequent doctor visits. Looking back on my journey now, I’m so grateful that I followed my intuition and found a path that aligned with my beliefs about what medicine should be. If you’re reading this and considering MINT for your health needs, thank you! We can’t wait to help you on your journey towards optimal health and wellbeing.


    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • This little podcast natter was inspired after a conversation with a friend yesterday. She asked me if I ever suffered from it.

    My answer was YES!

    I’m human. We all do.

    But what can we learn when we take a lot at this experience?

    Hopefully I can help show you something around this if you find yourself gripped with an urgent feeling to run away from your life.

    Tracey xx

    Consider joining my membership group, Thrive Time! It’s such a great place to hang out.

    Can I help?

    [email protected]

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Carla is a Keto Coach, Nutritionist, Speaker & Health Psych Graduate. She helps people use the power of the ketogenic diet to improve their metabolic health.

    Carla will be speaking at the Lived Experiences Conference in Melbourne in June!

    To book your ticket, head here:

    To connect with Carla:

    Instagram: @keto_by_design

    To connect with Tracey:

    [email protected]


    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Dr Nelum Dharmapriya recently watched her 53 year old brother pass away and largely sat powerless on the 'otherside' of the experience. She shares the story and the deep profound passion that has grown from it.

    Connect with Nelum:

    Dr Nelum is one of the speakers at the Lived Experience workshop I am putting together in Melbourne in June. Her talk is going to cover the metabolic origins of cancer, and she will also be taking a small group to talk stories on this topic.

    To learn more and buy tickets:

    Why are we not giving people access to a more holistic approach when it comes to treating cancer?

    Did you enjoy this podcast?

    Please rate, comment, and share so we can help spread hope through access to more information.

    Contact Tracey: [email protected]

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • This podcast was inspired by a curious comment on my Instagram about overtraining and burnout. Did I worry about it?

    In short, no I don’t (not for me, but I do for others).

    Because I believe I’ve seen the main puzzle pieces that contribute to it - lifestyle factors like diet (poor quality, not enough, low fat, low protein, nutrient deficiencies) are a huge factor and one many good functional doctors will address. We get we have to breathe, practice mindfulness, move each day, and practice self-care (whatever that is).

    But one factor most don’t address - because they just don’t know - is state of mind. The sped up, overthinking mind, living in the forever ‘to do’ list, and ‘not good enough’ thoughts, and fighting with our day to day reality. All factors that keep our nervous system in a sympathetic state - or ‘on’ - for way too long.

    In my experience, this is like water is to fish. So obvious that most can’t see it.

    What about you?

    Join my new support group Thrive Time! 50% off ends Friday.

    The Art of Thriving closes Monday! Grab 15% off if you join Thrive Time and join by Monday.

    Contact: [email protected]

    Web: www.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • I don’t want to give too much away about this inspiring podcast episode. John and Arienne are two incredible humans who have so much to offer us all. John is a retired opthalmologist, and now does a lot of work with the Nutrition Network. His wife Arienne is a cancer survivor and determined to make the most of her second chance at life. She is a thriving 79-year-old who tandem bike rides often with John, and can do a dead hang for almost 2 minutes!

    She has used diet and lifestyle changes to fuel her mind and body to allow her to stay in life for as long as possible. Arienne told me after our conversation that her IBS systems have also been resolved.

    In our conversation, Arienne mentions a short YouTube clip by Dr Georgia Ede. Here it is:

    If you want to connect with them:

    Arienne on Instagram: happy_fit_and_full_of_it

    John on Instagram: JCrippsSciGuy

    John on Twitter: JCrippsSciGuy

    You can read about their story here with thanks to Low Carb USA

    To connect with Tracey:

    Email: [email protected]



    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Hello everyone,

    Welcome to the first Health Heal Thrive episode for 2024! I look forward to bringing you many more this year.

    Boundaries come into many discussions I have with clients. And I’ve recently had some big insights on it myself too.

    My Art of Thriving closes in ONE more week and won’t open again until September!

    And you can learn more about my 2-day workshop in June here:

    Lots more coming soon, so stay subscribed!

    Love Tracey

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Have you tried many times unsuccessfully to lose weight? Or perhaps you’re not overweight but maybe you are lacking in energy. Or you’ve been told you have fatty liver or are insulin resistant. If you simply want to understand how to be healthy in this modern world, then this episode is for you.

    Tracey recorded a live and interactive webinar on this topic, and she’s sharing the audio with you.

    Resources mentioned: The Art of Thriving

    Low Carb Down Under

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Today I’m sharing what we’re currently talking about in The Art of Thriving (which is open for 2024!) which is Innate Resilience!

    How do we build the mental resources to help us navigate life when we get hit by the inevitable wave that dumps us?

    If you enjoy what I share, why not spend 2 sessions with me and other thrivers every week beginning in February 2024?

    Head to The Art of Thriving is learn more.

    If you would like to join my free webinar tomorrow night with Lynda Rose and Kathryn Mayne, head here to sign up!

    I adore Ecology Skincare! Why not grab a discount or a special gift from me if you want to try it?

    Check it out here.

    To connect with Tracey:

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • I was asked in a podcast interview the other day what the ‘Healing’ meant in my name, The Health & Healing Coach. I thought that was an awesome question, which I’ve answered in detail for you in this podcast.

    Are you interested in joining the Art of Thriving for 2024?

    Have you watched my TEDx talk?


    Email: [email protected]

    Tracey loves Ecology Skincare! Find out how you can see if you love it too here.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Today I'm talking about the gift of ownership. This is opposed to the chains of being a victim. This conversation is a reflection of the discussions I've been having in my group this week and with my individual clients.

    If you would like to delve deeper into what I share, consider joining either my Art of Thriving for 2024 (doors now open!), or look into some one on one coaching.

    All information found on my website:

    email me at [email protected]

    The Health & Healing coach has a favourite skincare product she loves! Check out Ecology Skincare, and grab a discount code if you want to give them a try.

    Please rate, comment, and share so we can get the word out to people that hope and healing is possible!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • We've rebranded! The You Have Today podcast is now, Health Heal Thrive.

    Same host, same insight conversations!

    Today I'm sharing about confidence, courage, and self respect. Where do we find more of this?


    The Art of Thriving:

    The 12 Gifts:

    Authentically You:

    Find our more about my Melbourne workshop:

    You can connect with me over on my website:

    email me at [email protected]

    Purchase You Have Today here:

    The Health & Healing coach has a favourite skincare product she loves! Check out Ecology Skincare, and grab a discount code if you want to give them a try.

    Please rate, comment and share so we can get the word out to people that hope and healing is possible!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • I am thrilled to bring you my first guest, Barry Shipsides, who is sharing how the book has impacted him and changed his life! He touches on a number of insights, grab your book and follow along.

    You can find Barry as a Moderator within Dr Avi Charlton's group, Melbourne Low Carb Free Community:

    Find our more about my Melbourne workshop:

    You can connect with me over on my website:

    email me at [email protected]

    Purchase You Have Today here:

    The Health & Healing coach has a favourite skincare product she loves! Check out Ecology Skincare, and grab a discount code if you want to give them a try.

    Please rate, comment and share so we can get the word out to people that hope and healing is possible!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Becomming more aware of the emotional terrain you are sitting in every day, is something vital for your overall health and well being.

    Listen as Tracey shares in depth about Insight 43 from her book, You Have Today. The overall quality of your life and health may depend on your awareness of this!

    Find our more about Tracey's Melbourne workshop:

    You can connect with me over on my website:

    email me at [email protected]

    Purchase You Have Today here:

    The Health & Healing coach has a favourite skincare product she loves! Check out Ecology Skincare, and grab a discount code if you want to give them a try.

    Please rate, comment and share so we can get the word out to people that hope and healing is possible!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Today is all about wisdom. Your wisdom. The wisdom that lives within you, buried under the busyness of our conscious mind, habitual thought and sub conscious thought. Connecting with it brings a deep sense of trust in yourself to be able to navigate through life.

    Tracey connects this all back to Insight #6 in her book, You Have Today. How do I know when it's my wisdom or heart speaking?

    Find our more about Tracey's Melbourne workshop:

    You can connect with me over on my website:

    email me at [email protected]

    Purchase You Have Today here:

    The Health & Healing coach has some favourite products she loves. Check out Ecology Skincare, Chief Nutrition and Sodii Electrolytes Check them out here, and grab a discount code if you want to give them a try.

    Please rate, comment and share so we can get the word out to people that hope and healing is possible!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Today Tracey is discussing her TEDx talk! Plus devling in to Insight #54, which starts with, What is the difference between someone who reaches their goals, and someone who doesn't?

    Tracey's TEDx talk:

    Find our more about Tracey's Melbourne workshop:

    The Art of Thriving is open for one week only: (use coupon code MIDYEAR for 50% off full or part payment)

    Listen in and tell me what you see in this!

    You can connect with me over on my website:

    email me at [email protected]

    Purchase You Have Today here:

    The Health & Healing coach has some favourite products she loves. Check out Ecology Skincare, Chief Nutrition and Sodii Electrolytes Check them out here, and grab a discount code if you want to give them a try.

    Please rate, comment and share so we can get the word out to people that hope and healing is possible!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit