In our final episode for the season we chat with Luke and Amilie Paynter. They share about how they came to run the aym houses in Wellington and also share a wealth of knowledge about their journey to finding purpose, health and well-being in a busy and active ministry. This is a great episode to listen, pray and reflect on in this holiday period.
We chat to Abby Füllemann who is a youth pastor in Auckland about the challenges she faces in her context. We specific hone into the challenges and blessings that come from raising up young leaders into different spaces.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
The book Target is by Rich Atkinson and can be found at most online stores.
In this episode the team sit down with James Beck to hear his thoughts on how youth ministry can impact family and whanau. He asks the question does youth ministry actually help or hinder family connections?
James Beck is the Kaihanga o Ngā Mea/Content Director at the Parenting place. He’s been part of the team for 10 years now. James started his time there as an Attitude presenter and has reached over 200,000 people in schools, prisons and workplaces all over the country. You may have caught him on radio, TV or even read one of his many articles. James has also recently authored a (very funny) children’s book, Eliza Loves Rocks.
You can find out more about him and the work he does at: -
We continue our series of interviews with youth pastors around the country with Mareta.
In this episode we sit down to interview one of the directors of Presbyterian Youth Ministries and our podcasts biggest fan Gordon Fitch. We discuss faith formation and how to do this effectively we need to engage in the wider family.
Here is the website Gordon refers to and uses when talking about the 8 pillars:
We continue our look into youth ministries around the country. This week we talk to Sam and Theresa Parsons who run a youth group in Waitara.
We speak to Sala Matai'a Salatielu Tiatia about his work with youth through the Alternative Education system. Although we talk specifically about Sala's work in the area of alt ed the things we discuss relate to all kids in the work we do as youth workers.
Please note there is a swear word in this episode but it has been bleepedWe would love it if you would leave us a review. This helps others find the podcast and lets others know that the show is worth listening to.
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This will be the first of many interviews this season with youth workers in their local context. Get ready to hear what those currently in youth work around the country are doing and how each of them are tackling the big questions of youth ministry in New Zealand.
Welcome back for season 2! We kick off the season with an episode with Stephen Garner from laidlaw college who shares about embracing technology and theology in youth work.
Tim chats with Guy and Summer about their new program for young adults called Better World. They talk all things mission and how we can better navigate the field with our teens and young adults.
Jasmin and Jeff sit down to talk about what youth ministry was like at their church and how jeff navigated the ups and downs of everyday ministry.
This week we talk to Jennie about the importance of starting as young as kindergarten to build up our young people into healthy adults and strong leaders.
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This week Jasmin speaks to Jono Craig from EPIC ministries in Waipukurau about how they have transformed their ministry from a simple youth group into a ministry that impacts and interacts with the whole community.
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Although most things have slowed down for the holidays we are still putting out episodes. This weeks episode with Rod Baxter looks at the big picture of youth in NZ. We discuss how we can empower young people to take an active responsibility in shaping this world we live in and so many more great things.
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Our guest this week is the children and youth pastor in Plimmerton: Ben Tennant. We speak with him about his journey through the uncomfortable to create a youth group which focuses on Christ. We center the conversation around what it means to take seriously the statement 'Honour God and he will do the rest'.
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In this episode we explore with Susan Blaikie how we measure success in youth ministry and how we can use that to be kingdom focussed. We also chat about what it means to reach out to the last and the lost while still maintaining our roots in the church.
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Any Spence joins us for our first episode with a youth pastor on the ground. We discuss how he manages to make it work long term and building healthy teams.
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Today we discussed with Matt his heart for seeing all young people discipled well within our churches.
We think this topic should underpin all future episodes and help build a foundation for what it truely means to do youth ministry well. If you take away one thing from this episode remember that programs are awesome but relationships change lives.Resources Mentioned
'Masterplan of Evangelism' by Robert Coleman
'Building a Discipling Culture' by Mike Breen
Master Class on Discipleship with Verge: soil collective who are cultivating a culture of Misson and Discipleship in Aotearoa: Matt
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Tim and Jasmin sit down with Eugene Fuimaono from scripture union to discuss Maori culture, wider New Zealand culture and how we can integrate them well into our churches and youth ministries.
Resources Mentioned:
Jay Ruka Podcast and book can be found at:
'Bible and Treaty' by Keith Newman
'Ask that mountain: The Story of Parihaka' by Dick Scott
Contact Eugene at Scripture Union:
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