Patrick and Bob compare and contrast Gundam Wing and G Gundam by watching the Gundam Wing movie Endless Waltz to learn what works and does not about each of them.
The cast says goodbye to Bob who is off to greener pastures now that Patrick has let him out of podcast jail. Lev plays it cools as Bob walks out of the recording booth for one last time, but everyone knows he's crying on the inside. Will Lev now include Bob on his annual Christmas card list? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
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Read up on the opera 'Circus:Days and Nights' by the incomparable Philip Glass:
Find the Zaku Talk podcast at: well, here. Good work, you made it.
As always, support Gundam and anime in general at:
Opening song - White Reflection by Two-Mix
Ending song - Last Impression by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, movie, last, impression, white, reflection, endless, waltz
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 49 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Patrick and Bob finish up the two series and look back on how these shows impacted their lives. Lev cleverly hides a whoopie cushion to keep things from getting too sentimental. How bears the brunt of his prank? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
The Father:
As always, support Gundam and anime in general at:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Rhythm Emotion by Two-Mix
Kizu Dakare no Yume wo Nigiri Shimete by Kohei Tanaka
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, rhythm, emotion, erupting, burning, finger, forty, nine, 49
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 48 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Patrick mourns the loss of a dear friend. Bob tries to determine how much he could chuck if he could chuck wood. Lev wants him to shut up about. What does he do to silence Bob? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Akhnaten (and Satyagraha) performed at the Met, available at:
Funny videos available at:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Rhythm Emotion by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, rhythm, emotion, erupting, burning, finger, forty, eight, 48
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 47 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Warning: Patrick and Bob descend into heavy banter. And Lev does nothing to stop them. What was Lev too busy doing? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Rhythm Emotion by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, rhythm, emotion, erupting, burning, finger, forty, seven, 47
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 46 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Patrick thinks that his downstairs neighbor is breaking bad. Bob does not realize that Lev has spiked his drink and accidentally spills his darkest secret. What did Lev spike it with? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Rhythm Emotion by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, rhythm, emotion, erupting, burning, finger, forty, six, 46
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 45 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Bob gives Lev a lift to the studio when his car breaks down. Bonding maybe ensues. Patrick pretends that Bob is invisible. But is it actually pretend? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Trials of Mana for multiple platforms:
Get your Gunpla at Premium Bandai:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Rhythm Emotion by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, rhythm, emotion, erupting, burning, finger, forty, five, 45
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 44 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Patrick complains about the 2021 Oscar selections. Bob is sad when his apple seems to hate him. Lev offers to help by eating the apple in an act of solidarity. How will Bob react? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Andrei Tarkovsky's 'Mirror' soon available from Criterion:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Rhythm Emotion by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, rhythm, emotion, erupting, burning, finger, forty, four, 44
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 43 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Patrick reminisces about a time when peanuts only cost a nickle. Bob has been hypnotized into thinking he's a grumpy turtle. Lev is very satisfied with his hypnosis practice. How long has he been practicing for? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Retro-style 'The Prisoner' action figures available at:
Pokemon available at: everywhere?
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Rhythm Emotion by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, rhythm, emotion, erupting, burning, finger, forty, three, 43
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 42 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
This get hot when Patrick and Bob argue about the nature of world-saving and justice. Lev tries his best to stay out of it by streaming Netflix. What's he binging this week? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Hopefully you can find this Trigun D20 BESM expansion book somewhere:
Yugioh cards available at: everywhere?
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Rhythm Emotion by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, rhythm, emotion, erupting, burning, finger, forty, two, 42
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 41 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Bob gives Lev the silent treatment when Lev poorly records the audio of the episode. Lev shows a softer side in the wake of this. Patrick realizes he has a fear of spice mice. How spicy are they? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Ad Infinitum - a biography of Latin:
Written works of Musashi:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Rhythm Emotion by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, rhythm, emotion, erupting, burning, finger, forty, one, 41
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 40 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Patrick hates when things have titles, so he has chosen to give up his name. Bob, trying to appeal the salamander that lives in the toilet, builds an alter to the creature's ancesters . Lev tries to shackle the podcaster formerly known as Patrick with an embarrassing nickname. What devious name has he devised? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
World of Wong Kar-Wai box set available at:
Anime 5E (formerly BESM):
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Just Communication by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, communication, erupting, burning, finger, forty, nine, 40
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 39 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Patrick is drinking too much water and is now afraid of popping. Bob, trying to get back into beach shape, tries a new diet of eating only live crabs, shells and all. Lev is reading a book during the recording. What book is he reading? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Give Twin Peaks - The Return another chance:
Fabulous App available at:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Just Communication by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, communication, erupting, burning, finger, thirty, nine, 39
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 38 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Bob feels a strong link to a mysterious stranger, but his Facebook stalking has yielded little results. Patrick does not understand how social media works and is of no help. Lev could help but chooses not to. What does he have to do that's more important? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Mixtape by Sad Night Dynamite:
Voice Straws available at:
EccoJams Vol. 1, by Chuck Person:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Just Communication by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, communication, erupting, burning, finger, thirty, eight, 38
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 37 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Bob for some reason plugs other podcasts. Patrick tries to silence him but becomes distracted by the smell of freshly made pie. Did Lev make the pie? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Gorillaz's Song Machine season 1:
Kawaii Desupointment podcast:
They're Not Cousins podcast:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Just Communication by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, communication, erupting, burning, finger, thirty, seven, 37
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 36 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
A true secret agent makes himself known to the team today to save the show. Who or what is this menacing new threat? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Learn about Japan's American Football League at:
Pokemon stuff is still coming out: Just Google new Pokemon Stuff
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Just Communication by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, communication, erupting, burning, finger, thirty, six, 36
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 35 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
A near death experience on the way to the studio causes Patrick to chase after his secret dream of becoming a matador. This inspires Bob to go back and finish his final year at clown university. Lev's ambitions remain relatively unchanged. Why only 'relatively'? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
'Damnation' by Janice Lee available at:
Don Hertzfeld's 'World of Tomorrow' Kicktarter is available at:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Just Communication by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, communication, erupting, burning, finger, thirty, five, 35
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 34 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Bob struggles to accept his growing color blindness. Patrick thinks his drink has been poisoned, but Lev refuses to be his taste-tester. Was the beverage tainted? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Goodnight Punpun available at:
Evangelion is... a show you are already well familiar with, most likely.
Don Hertzfeld's 'World of Tomorrow' Kicktarter is available at:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Just Communication by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, communication, erupting, burning, finger, thirty, four, 34
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 33 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Patrick and Bob are caught of guard when each of their nemeses team up to ruin the podcast. Lev takes bets around the studio over who would win in a douche-off. Who are the contestants? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
Gundam Origin Manga available at:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Just Communication by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, communication, erupting, burning, finger, thirty, three, 33
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 19 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Patrick stumbles through the episode, hoping that nobody notices he has not watched this week's episode. Lev takes bets on when Bob will notice. Bob gets to pick where the gang orders lunch from today, but is paralyzed with indecision. Which 80s icon helps him find his way? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
Satantango Blu-ray from Arbelos available for pre-order:
Niche, a screen-worthy RPG available at:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Just Communication by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, communication, erupting, burning, finger, nineteen, 19
Patrick and Bob compare and contrast episode 32 of Gundam Wing and G Gundam to learn what works and does not about each of them.
Patrick is worried when a grumpy peacock breaks into his recording studio. Lev finds this hilarious and won't help him scare away the bird. Bob ate a bad burrito but pretends he is not sick. What on the burrito made Bob need to vomit? Find out on this week's episode of Zaku Talk!
E-mail the host as
'Fall of the House of Usher animated opera at:
Watch Creepshow on Shudder at:
Opening song - Erupting Burning Finger by Kohei Tanaka
Ending song - Just Communication by Two-Mix
Artwork by Kiley Mantis
zaku, talk, gundam, skeyhill, quixotic, wing, g, skerry, communication, erupting, burning, finger, thirty, two, 32
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