Last year the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) released its residential retrofit standard. Given that they're one of the construction industry's oldest, largest, and most influential institutions this felt significant.
Importantly, the RICS organisation has a global footprint, so it has the potential to influence good behaviour far and wide. We're also hopeful in light of the success of the RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment standard. That is in terms of its apparent impact, adoption, and reach.
In order to get into the subject a bit more we invited Paul Bagust (Head of Property Standards), Steven Lees (Senior Specialist - Residential Survey), and Robert Toomey (Senior Public Affairs Officer) to join us to talk about the standard and the impact they want to see it have.
Paul Bagust on LinkedInSteven Lees on LinkedIn Robert Toomey on LinkedInThe old Passive House Plus article about the Preston retrofit catastrophe that Jeff mentionsThe RICS consumer guide to energy will be here once it's published (one for the listeners of the future) The website for Scotland's Green Home Festival – details for 2025 are incoming
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff and Dan about Zero Ambitions Partners (the consultancy) for help with positioning and communications strategy, customer/user research and engagement strategy, carbon calculations and EPDs – we're up to all sortsSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd Alter's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Can we address the decarbonisation of homes by focusing on health? That's the mission that Jenny Danson has set for herself in establishing Healthy Homes Hub, and it's a question that manages to subvert Betteridge's Law of headlines, too.
Healthy Homes Hub is a network, built around an online platform, that's dedicated to transforming the way people experience social housing, and its environmental impact, by creating healthier housing environments. Comprising a series of eight dedicated hubs that cover everything from policy and finance, to retrofit and air quality, the platform enable easy access to important information, insights, and thought leadership.
Jenny has over 25 years of experience in social housing, as a supplier and client-side, driving innovation, delivery and improving lives so she knows what she's talking about.
The project was borne of a frustration with seeing time and effort wasted as people across the sector carry out the same kinds of work, repeatedly, starting from scratch when they could share resources and pool experience. In a sector where capacity is in short supply this time could be easily put to better use.
We talk through the challenges faced by the sector and how a focus on people and health can be used to drive us towards delivering on decarbonisation targets, but train our attention on outcomes for the people living in the 'building assets' not just the performance of the fabric and technology that comprises their home.
While it's explicitly aimed at the social housing sector, the platform offers a wealth of information resources and sharing of experience that could be useful far beyond the provision of social housing.
Notes from the show
The Healthy Homes Hub websiteJenny on LinkedIn Healthy Homes Hub on LinkedInOperational excellence in social housing - a roundtable readoutThose ventilation papers that Jeff mentioned
Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Part F 2006 Homes (BD 2702) by S. McKay, D. Ross, I. Mawditt, and S. Kirk (2010)Occupant Interactions and Effectiveness of Natural Ventilation Strategies in Contemporary New Housing in Scotland, UK by Tim Sharpe, Paul Farren, Stirling Howieson, Paul Tuohy, Jonathan McQuillan**SOME SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Joining us on Zero Ambitions this week is Chris Carus co-founder of Loco Home Retrofit, a Glasgow-based 'emerging one-step shop'.
Loco Home Retrofit is a retrofit operation that's most interesting for its approach to developing a viable retrofit offer, focused on building trust in communities and with its supply chain as a means to catalysing the decarbonisation of our homes (or at least Glasgow's homes).
And now, they're hiring, seeking to fill three positions (below) so if you know of anyone suitable please share the ads:
Marketing and community engagement manager Technical manager Innovation programme managerAs much as anything else, we love how they think about the retrofit challenge. Their considered approach to building a proposition and a method is what has really sold us, possibly because it resonates with our UX-focused approach to everything, but mainly because it seems to make sense.
The Loco Home Retrofit websiteChris on LinkedIn Loco Home Retrofit on LinkedInAll three job ads, againChris's interview with BE-ST after winning the Gamechanger award at the Accelerate to Zero Awards 2023Designing an ‘optimal’ domestic retrofit programme by Aaron Gillich et al (2017) – The paper Chris couldn't remember the name forLoco Home Retrofit's 2023/24 impact report detailing their innovation efforts to dateResearch Report - The right time for heat pumps in retrofit (Alan Clarke for Passive House Trust) – the other paper that Chris and Jeff reference
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
The first episode of January 2025 marks the long overdue, first appearance of Jay Stuart, a long-time friend and colleague of Jeff and a firm fixture of the green building scene in Ireland.
Jay joined us to talk about his latest project: Loop Your Spare. It’s a SaaS platform designed to match 'spare' construction materials with projects that need them on other sites before they have a chance to be classified as waste.
It’s a concept that could largely eliminate the concept of waste and minimise the need for recycling in construction by enabling materials to remain in their highest-value states, thus retaining their value and mitigating the need to put them through all of the (ultimately destructive) processes involved in recycling.
While we’re looking to Ireland in this specific case the issues are universal and the solutions should be able to cross borders with relative ease. It’s really an episode about smart thinking, with specific reference to a bunch of the projects Jay has worked on in the past and what’s coming up in the future.
We've wanted to get Jay on for ages because he’s an innovative and unconventional thinker who simplifies complex challenges in accessible and unexpected ways. He’s also massively experienced, having lectured at University College Dublin’s School of Architecture, worked with leading Irish construction businesses like Ecofix and D/RES, and worked as a government advisor to name just a few things.
Also, it’s an episode that continues the conversations from last year’s episodes with Chris Clarke and Don’t Waste Buildings and their calls to do something about egregious construction waste in the UK.
The Loop Your Spare website Jay Stuart on LinkedIn Loop Your Spare on LinkedInEmail Loop Your Spare here
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
What's it like trying to scale a retrofit start-up?
This episode welcomes Max Bloomfield and Alex Whitcroft, two of the folks from VundaHaus, to talk about their product, its ongoing design and development, and their preparations to scale the business as they raise funds from investors.
VundaHaus designs and manufactures a rapid-fit insulation solution for external wall insulation (EWI) of residential homes. It's a a sophisticated off-site, MMC, insulation jigsaw that’s been developed to make the logistics of installation much easier than traditional EWI.
There's more to the story but you can listen to that on the episode.
The VundaHaus website The KIN website Max Bloomfield on LinkedIn; email Max hereAlex Whitcroft on LinkedIn; email Alex hereThe TransformER project
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
This week's episode is all about the lessons learned in carrying out a low-carbon retrofit.
Natalie Black (Enbee Architecture + Design) and Toby McLean (Allt Environmental Structural Engineers) joined us to talk through their experiments and experiences on the renovation of a derelict house in Muswell Hill, London that was shortlisted for the Architects Journal Retrofit and Reuse awards this year.
This is a project that could easily be misrepresented as a Grand Designs-style endeavour that's only representative of what you can do if you've got loads of capital and capacity, but that wouldn't be fair. This project should really be seen as an example of what you can achieve when you've got loads of capital and the capacity to experiment.
The lessons learned here aren't going to solve the housing crisis but they can contribute to resolving the climate crisis, and this is what's motivating our guests. Like many of our listeners, Natalie and Toby are built environment professionals who have become increasingly driven to change how they work by the dawning realisation that the climate crisis is upon us.
We also discuss whether you can actually have a low-carbon basement.
Links for the PhD applications are below too.
Natalie Black on LinkedIn The Muswell Hill low-carbon houseThe Enbee Architecture + Design websiteThe Allt Environmental Structural Engineers' websiteNatalie's LinkedIn post about low-carbon basementsEnbee's 12-minute diary film about the Muswell Hill projectEnbee's short film (under 2 mins) about the Muswell Hill projectNatalie's blog about her work
Notes from the showPhD #1 - Balancing Supply and Demand: Developing a Net Zero Energy Framework for Difficult-to-Retrofit Buildings in Nottinghamshire
Nottingham Trent University deadline 8th Dec, start Apr 2025, Led by: Dr Orla Williams (UoN), Co-Supervisors: Dr Kate Simpson (NTU) and Prof Richard Bull (NTU); Community Supervisor(s): Phil Berrill (Nottinghamshire County Council), Chris Beattie (Inspire)PhD #2 - Sustainable Construction UK: Investigating the UK construction industry’s culture in relation to meeting long-term social, economic and environmental goals
Nottingham Trent University, deadline 14th Feb, start Sep 2025, led by Prof Gavin Killip and Dr Ani RaidenPhD #3 - Re-imagining energy retrofit and home adaptation to deliver safe and resilient homes during interconnected energy, health, housing and climate crises
Nottingham Trent University, deadline 14th Feb, start Sep 2025, led by myself with Dr Penelope Siebert and Prof Rowena Hill**SOME SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Our guest, Liz Male has been on our radar for a while. She is a figure who has been working in the construction sector since the 1990s, an ally to the sustainability sector, a great communicator, and an experienced thinker.
When we met earlier in the year we talked about a lot of things, but the consistent theme of our conversation was 'why we need to tell better stories about the built environment'. That said, we kept our powder as dry as we could and moved on to discuss when we might be able to get her onto the podcast to talk about it from the ZAP platform.
We get a lot into the chat. Of particular interest is the historical perspective that Liz can offer. A lot has changed since Koyoto
Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Liz Male on LinkedInLiz Male Consulting Ltd website (LMC) websiteLMC on LinkedInNational Energy Foundation
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Apologies for the delay, the lost podcast has been returned and is ready for release.
'Don't Waste Buildings' should be a straightforward proposition. It seems obvious. Especially so in the face of the climate crisis. Unfortunately, the business of the built environment is not yet on board completely.
Our guests for this episode are the founders of UK-based campaign group Don't Waste Buildings, Will Hurst (Architects Journal) Leanne Tritton (Ing Media), and Richard Nelson (Abyss Global).
They're a group who are seeking to remedy this challenge by pressuring government and persuading business to both do better. They're doing some really interesting work and they're new, so they need support.
Please note: the graphic we refer can be found here (about 15 minutes in). I'll update this reference with a link to the Passive House Plus article once it's published.
Don't Waste Buildings on LinkedIn (the best starting point)The Don't Waste Buildings holding page (a proper website is imminent, so keep an eye on Hurst on LinkedInLeanne Tritton on LinkedInRichard Nelson on LinkedInZero Ambitions - Construction's embodied carbon problem: how do we incentivise retrofit over 'demolish and rebuild', with Joseph Kilroy (CIOB)The AJ article by Kunle Barker that Will refers to: Without architects’ close expert involvement, government plans to retrofit millions of homes will be prone to unintended consequences such as mouldSomething about that 'burning fossil fuels to save the planet' nonsense that Jeff was referring to Future Energy Scenarios 2023 Released, sadly he couldn't find the actual article he rememberedHe found this as well: Ability of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) to generate negative emissionsThe Indy Johar LinkedIn post that Will refers toLRB's James Butler article about Grenfell: ‘This much evidence, still no charges’
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
This week we're speaking with Steven Heath, technical director at Knauf Insulation (UK and Ireland) and a really interesting and experienced person in the sector.
So while we had him, we ran through a bunch of our favourite hoary subjects: measuring performance, performance guarantees, and what we think about EPCs.
Knauf is a firm that's done some really interesting work in all of these areas and has even managed to make headway with the UK state in getting them to think about the value of testing performance, with EPCs and whatever SHDF is called now (the state-driven money tap for decarbonising social housing).
Steven Heath on LinkedInKnauf Insulation's websiteThe ZAP episode with Kate Crawford about HTC and the 'snug factor': A new way to measure performance, negative energy use, and learning from disaster zones, with Kate Crawford (KLH Sustainability)
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
A long-overdue episode with friend of the show, Lloyd Alter, about a blog he wrote and his book "The Story of Upfront Carbon".
We get into the language of sustainability, carbon, and lots of the words that are ubiquitous in this space (sustainability and the built environment, obviously).
We get into the sustainability of travel, to some extent too,
Buy it from the independent bookshop website (you can switch regions)You can also buy it from Amazon, but only if you really have no other option
Lloyd's book: The Story of Upfront Carbon: How a Life of Just Enough Offers a Way Out of the Climate Crisis
Thursday 3rd October, online, 9am-12pmRegister here
InnovateUK – Net Zero Heat Open Day
A showcase of IUK innovation lab projects including Transform-ERNotes from the show
"Sustainable design is dead, long live regenerative design!" from Lloyd's Substack, Upfront CarbonA sustainable architecture Google Images search A regenerative architecture Google Images search That absurd vertical forest building in MilanCOP26: Sufficiency Should be First - Yamina SahebWe Have to Put Sufficiency First in a Low-Carbon World - Lloyd's old Treehugger blog about the SER frameworkZAP episode 144 - “Use less stuff”: embodied carbon, value chains, and the potential for change in the Declaration de Chaillot. With Lloyd Alter (Carbon Upfront), Kelly Alvarez Doran (Ha/f Climate Design), and Will Arnold (The Institution of Structural Engineers)**SOME SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
A wise woman once said: "sustainability is the doing, ESG is the talking about it".
Today an Irish house-building giant has made a major move on Passive House — publishing a positioning paper and announcing the ongoing construction of over 1,700 homes to the standard.
Joining us to talk about this are Nicola Cronin (Senior Sustainability Analyst) and Stephen O'Shea (Head of Sustainable Construction and ESG Reporting).
Rather than this being another episode about Passive House we're more concerned with why a massive housebuilder has chosen to build to the standard. In this case, the answer highlights the positive impact that corporate reporting – in this case ESG – can have on the practice of construction.Where we've often derided ESG factors as a corporate fig leaf, in this instance ESG factors have driven institutional change. Most importantly, the scale of this change clearly illustrates the massive impact that big developers can have. If they choose to try.
In short, we're talking about how change is made and why change is made.
Links are below.Notes from the show
Nicola Cronin on LinkedInStephen O'Shea on LinkedInCairn Homes' Passive House positioning paperCairn on LinkedInCairn Homes' 2023 sustainability report**SOME SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Jeff invited Mhairi Grant, co founder of award-winning architectural practice Paper Igloo, to join us to talk about the challenges of ensuring that one's ideas for sustainable design actually make their way through to the construction phase.
The subject was sparked by a conversation she and Jeff had about lessons learned from a flawed project (that we discuss) and what it takes to ensure that our best, or even just easiest ideas are delivered upon in the build phase.
Usually, we'd think about specifying a project in a way that can resist value engineering, but sometimes the project can be scuppered by something as simple as an easily avoidable comprehension issue.
Mhairi Grant on LinkedInA link to Scotland's Passivhaus Consultation: Building Regulations: Determining the principles for a Scottish equivalent to the Passivhaus standard: Stage 1 consultationThe Paper Igloo websitePaper Igloo on InstagramThe Passive House Plus feature on Mhairi's own home in Stirlingshire
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Why is making UK homes more efficient so difficult? So asked journalist Leyla Boulton earlier this year in the pages of the Financial Times.
Seeing a retrofit article in the FT piqued our interest, even more so once we realised Leyla is a senior editor with an esteemed background in political and environmental reporting. She was reporting on Kyoto where no one cared.
Since beginning her retrofit journey Leyla has become a campaigner and it's this that you'll hear as we discuss the mainstreaming retrofit for the able-to-pay market, an endeavour borne of her experiences delving into the retrofit sector motivated by efforts to make her own home more energy efficient.
Typically we talk about the barriers to take up, a desperately unhelpful planning bureaucracy, poorly designed institutional support, hamstrung local authorities and councils, and the need to do better in designing a system that works.
Do check Leyla's article if you can. In spite of the broad air of dismay at how difficult things are, she describes meeting lots of helpful and enthusiastic people who were hamstrung in their efforts.
Leyla Boulton on LinkedInFive Lessons from a Neighbourhood Campaign (FT, December 2023) - a free-to-read article in the FT on Leyla's campaign (the others are paywalled)Why is making UK homes more efficient so difficult? (FT, April 2024) The More in Common research at E3G webinar and slides (July 2024)Planning reform for retrofit of listed and conservation area homes - the public-facing report on our Green Conservation campaign's meeting of councils to share best practice on planning reform for retrofit (June 18 2024)Leyla and Anne-Marie Huby's Green Conservation campaign website The Transform-ER project video on the plan to design a system that enables the retrofit sector to scale and upgrade one million homes a year by 2030 (Transform-ER stands for 'Transform. Engage. Retrofit.') Chris Procter's Climate Emergency Conservation Area Toolkit (direct DL link here)
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
In the UK every day the construction industry produces enough waste to fill a football stadium.
Rightly, former guest, Chris Clarke (SCAPE) has got a bee in his bonnet about construction waste and is making efforts to draw attention to the issue. He's not just concerned with the profligate use of resources and the impact on carbon emissions, it's the lackadaisical nature of the waste itself.
Waste management accounts for £1.5BN of construction spending every year. In an industry that's operating on margins so tight that any kind of change can be seen to be prohibitively risky, it seems absurd that such a significant amount of waste is priced into every single large-scale project.
But, while waste, accounting, reuse, circularity, and MMC are all concepts that have an important part to play, but most important is the front-end work that can be done to reduce waste at the point of design.
Whichever way we look at it, when we're asked where we might find the money to drive the circular economy or reduce emissions, it would seem that there might be a simple answer. Even if the solution itself isn't so simple.
If we're hoping for infrastructure changes that will make a significant contribution to net-zero efforts and generate revenue, it looks like we might have an easy-ish mark.
Notes from the show
Chris Clarke on LinkedIn ([email protected])Construction Waste Portal websiteSCAPE's approach to sustainability SCAPE - Building for Public Good: A Charter for Change - a policy/lobbying piece produced for the new UK governmentThat Danish development with the recycled brick slips in Architect's JournalWe Build Eco in the pages of Passive House PlusChris's last appearance on Zero AmbitionsInnovate UK's Circular Economy Innovation Network
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a proper website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Something-like twelve months on from inception we thought we'd catch up with what's happening at Living Places, the multi-disciplinary, impact-focused consultancy co-founded by this week's guest Cat Magill.
Where last year Rufus Grantham came on the podcast to tell us all about the organisation he was in the midst of founding, this year Cat joined us to tell us about what they've been up to.
There was plenty to talk about, but in short, the finance part isn’t that easy. However, they're making progress and figuring out how to make it happen, and Cat tells us all about it.
Cat Magill on LinkedIn Living Places websiteThe West Midlands Combined Authority's outcome funding report: Creating a market for place-based outcomesResearch about conversations with your neighbours: Do you listen to your neighbour? The role of block leaders in community-led energy retrofitsThe official evaluation paper about the first social housing decarbonisation demonstrator in which none of the projects delivered to schedule: Whole House Retrofit (WHR) and Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator (SHDF(D))Here’s an article from Inside Housing about the same thing: Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund: majority of councils failed to retrofit single home by deadlineAccelerating Net Zero Delivery, the UKRI paper that we refer to as being authored by PwC and Andrew Sudman (there were more authors)And some academic research that followed up on it: Climate policy as social policy? A comprehensive assessment of the economic impact of climate action in the UKLast year's episode with RufusDan's presentation about the Energiesprong Comfort Plan retrofit research on YouTube
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
This week's guest is Caroline Ashe Brady of KORE Retrofit in Ireland, one of the objectively successful one-stop-shop retrofit providers to have emerged over the past few years.
Caroline is a business leader who we’re a proper fan of, so apologies in advance for our ‘so Caroline please tell us, why are you so great’ style questioning. That said, you can trust us in this opinion, we’ve done the work with these guys.
Caroline was happy to talk about their method, process, challenges and offer up some top tips for how to make it work in the sector, which should be valuable to anyone involved wherever they're based.
KORE Retrofit is a business that is ambitious about doing better and has demonstrated that retrofit can be a commercial success. It's not easy, and no-one is perfect, but KORE is operating with a practical plan about how they’re going to do better, not just offering up words.
Notes from the show
Caroline on LinkedInKORE Retrofit's website KORE Insulation's website**SOME SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Returning champion Lisa Ann Pasquale rejoins us on Zero Ambitions to talk about dogs and retrofit. Mainly retrofit though.
Informed by Lisa's experiences as a retrofit coordinator, technical lead at RetrofitWorks, and Technical Manager at The Retrofit Academy she knows an awful lot about the challenges faced by retrofit practitioners. Windows, ventilation, product information, and the inflexibility of insurance-backed guarantees all come in for a well-justified shoeing.
Notes from the show
Lisa on LinkedInLisa's video about her own home retrofit (it's brilliant)Lisa's first appearance: What makes for a successful retrofit (February 2022)RICS residential retrofit standard**SOME SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women (but not in a patronizing way)
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
Returning champion Ellora Coupe joins us to talk about the recent report that Her Own Space has published about the place of women in the retrofit sector, which is heartening, insightful, and damning in equal measure. A great piece of work that everyone interested in the sector should heed.
Perhaps more importantly, she's with us to promote the incoming launch of its professional sister network Her Retrofit Space, a network for professional women working in the retrofit sector. It's a network that she's created to fill an obvious cultural deficit and in her words "empower professional women to drive retrofit". It sounds brilliant.
Finally, a deserving heads-up for Graphenstone as the first signed-up partner for Her Retrofit Space.
Ellora on LinkedInThe Her Retrofit Space survey and sign-up web pageJudith Leary Joyce – How you and your builder can save the planet (TEDx St Albans) (Judith is a member advocate of Her Retrofit Space)Katie Hart (also a member advocate of Her Retrofit Space and neuromarketing professional)The Her Own Space websiteThe Her Own Space Facebook group
Notes from the show
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women (but not in a patronizing way)
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
This week we're going by Joseph Little, Head of Construction & Building Performance in the School of Architecture, Building and Environment at TU Dublin. He joined us to talk about the journey he's been on leading the MSc in Building Performance over the last seven years, but we got into a lot more.
Joseph has been deeply involved in the promotion of better building standards by measuring the performance of buildings for years. Not least with the five Breaking the Mould articles he wrote that Jeff published years ago, sounding the alarm on moisture, condensation, ventilation and a bunch of other issues.
We get into all of it and tried to be mindful to keep it to a 'reasonable' length. I'm sure we'll have him back though.
Joseph Little on LinkedInBE-ST Fest Summit 2024 - The UK's biggest festival for a zero-carbon built environment, Wednesday 6th November 2024The Built to Last case studies hosted on the Dublin City Council websiteJoseph's papers and articles on the TU Dublin Arrow repositoryThis is A link to the Springboard web page for TU412 Postgrad Certificate in Building Performance open until the end of August 2024, apply during June to get best chance of a subsidised place; oddly, it'll only direct you there if you're in Ireland, so more info can be found here on the TU Dublin websitePartial fill cavity wall: have we reached the limits of the technology? By Joseph LittleBreaking the Mould 1 by Joseph LittleBreaking the Mould 2 by Joseph LittleBreaking the Mould 3 by Joseph Little Breaking the Mould 4 by Joseph LittleBreaking the Mould 5 by Joseph LittleThermal bypass risks: A technical review (September 2022), by Mark Siddall
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women (but not in a patronizing way)
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
This week we're thinking about retrofit differently with Dan Hill from Dark Matter Labs (DML). Or rather, we're talking about retrofit's potential to become a movement for social change.
In reality, retrofit is about much more than fabric and economics, it's about people and how they live. With that in mind we should be thinking much more about engagement. This is itself a massive challenge because thinking about people properly, as the users of a building, requires a massive shift in how retrofit practice is organised and enacted.
Dan has 25 years of experience from working in housing and planning in senior roles at housing associations, Newham Council, CICs, and in a bunch of other consultative roles.
We really enjoy talking about these subjects with him because he has gifted us different ways to thinking about the sector, even when we're talking through familiar territory. So, listen up, eh?
Dark Matter Labs' published work on RetrofitDML on 'Community Powered Retrofit'Retrofit Reimagined Festival 2022 videos of sessionsRetrofit Reimagined Festival 2023 websiteRetrofit Reimagined Festival 2023 videos of sessionsReport on Feasibility for a Regional Retrofit Impact Fund, with a focus on Outcomes based financing with West Midlands Combined Authority and PartnersCommon Wealth report The Case for Community Energy DemocracyReport on the embodied carbon of retrofit materials versus operational carbonA report on the concept of Embodied biodiversity from Expedition EngineeringThe reference about the 40% figure (fig 1.7) and the maritime trade in fossil fuels
Updated notes from the show
Dan Hill on LinkedInThe Dark Matter Labs websiteThe 'People-First Retrofit' panel about the Energiesprong Comfort Plan research we did, held at Futurebuild 2024That story about the Tory Minister who thinks swimming in sewage is good actuallyThe Catalogue of Good Practices a hybrid green finance catalogue for the reconstruction of UkraineThe National Retrofit Hub websiteThe Civic Square websiteThe HEAL (Home Energy action Lab) Linktree page
Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page (we still don't have a website)Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications - [email protected]; Everything is User ExperienceSubscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon UpfrontJoin ACANJoin the AECB Join the IGBCCheck out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women (but not in a patronizing way)
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.**END OF SELF-PROMOTING CALLS TO ACTION**
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