Kind en gezin – Slovenië – Populaire podcasts

  • Izbor ljudskih pravljic in drugih zgodbic za lahko noč ali dolgočasno vožnjo z avtom.

  • Whether you're a dog owner or you work with dogs, this is the podcast for you. The podcast covers everything dog within the training & behaviour world. From puppy blues, reactive dogs, separation anxiety, dog training tips and everything in between. Co-authors Louise Campbell-Pierson (@caninefriendsuk) and Jay Gurden (@goodguardianship) delve in to a new topic each week. Louise Campbell-Pierson is an award winning dog trainer & behaviour consultant specialising in separation anxiety and puppy training. Jay Gurden is a behaviour consultant and qualified family dog mediator, specialising in reactivity.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • We look at different parts of Lord of The Flies

  • Radio Ognjišče vse od prvega dne misli tudi na najmlajše poslušalce. Radi jim prebiramo zgodbe, z veseljem pogledamo v Sveto pismo, širimo obzorja s Šmarnicami in bogatimo domišljijo s pravljicami, ljudskimi in umetnimi zgodbami. Vemo, da ima pisatelj George Martin prav, ko pravi: "Kdor bere knjige, živi tisoč življenj." Skrbno izbiramo, prijazno prebiramo in iskreno vabimo: prisluhnite podcastu Zgodbe za otroke. Bere Jure Sešek.

  • Povezovanje prebranega s tvojim in mojim vsakdanom

  • Ogrnili te bomo v pripovedni svet ljudskega izročila in ti predstavili slovenske ljudske zgodbe v vsej njihovi igrivosti, mističnosti ter avtentičnosti na sodoben način.

  • HowHow! Sva Dona in Marko PoPasje, na pasji misiji s HOWastično skupnostjo lovilcev slinastih poljubčkov!

    PoPasje je ljubezen do živali, učenje sproščenega življenja s psom, je slinast lajfstajl aktivnih vodnikov, stičišče živalskih storitev in aktivnosti vseh vrst, namenjenih dvigu kvalitete sobivanja, poglobljenemu sodelovanju s psom in spoznavanju sebe skozi oči živali.
    Že 12. leto se učimo razumeti univerzalen jezik psov, ga vnesti v današnjo družbo in ga predajati ljudem, ki so mu pripravljeni prisluhniti. Mi2 sva njihov glas ...

  • Tune in for the best amputation recovery and care tips for three legged pets, and their people. Hosted by the Tripawds Blogs community founders Jim & Rene, and spokesdog Wyatt Ray. Keep listening for interviews and informative discussions with veterinary surgeons, oncologists, rehab therapists and other specialist veterinarians as well as pet parents sharing their own amputation recovery experiences, treatment plans, and results for their own amazing three legged dogs and cats. Learn more and contact the hosts at

  • Moms of truth is founded on 2 Timothy 3:16-17; "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work." The vision of this ministry is to provide content that is rooted in the word, share principles, behaviors, and truths that we can practically apply to our life and our parenting. Our mission is to teach children the truth, train them in their faith and trust God with the outcome.

  • Tedenski pogovori s strokovnjaki na različnih področij, katerih skupna točka sta mlada mamica in njen malček.

  • Ein Märchen gelesen für meine Schüler*innen der 5e

  • Conor's Adventure ima KONČNO svoj podcast. Prvi slovenski pasji podcast, ki bo določeno pasjo tematiko razbil na »prafaktorje« in jo obdeloval v več tedenskih epizodah skozi cel mesec.
    Z vami sem Pija Vrezner, avtorica preko 350 blog zapisov in člankov o vzgoji psa iz oči začetnika. Z različnimi znanimi in manj znanimi gosti, se bom pogovarjala o vsakdanjih pasjih temah (prehrani, vzgoji, izbiri psa, opremi, športu, zdravju psa itd..), jih raziskovala iz različnih zornih kotov. Popolnoma brez Cenzure!

  • Podcast, kjer bomo pokukali za zaveso, v resnično izkušnjo starševstva.
    NMS Zapiski

  • In this podcast We will be listening to different types of stories from spooky to heartwarming to even funny

  • Good Night Kids is a Podcast which tells good and fun stories for kids before bedtimes. 💤👼🏻

  • V Eko Brlog Podcastu bomo govorili o vsem pasjem in mačjem. Z različnimi strokovnjaki se bomo pogovarjali o zdravju, prehrani, negi, šolanju in zdravem sobivanju z našimi ljubljenčki.

  • We are all at different place on our healing journey.

    If we don't know what we want, we can't get it. I usually start by asking guests, what does healing mean to you? So what does it mean to you - the one reading this blurb. Take some time, journal, ponder, whatever works for you.

    What's helping/helped you heal? Listen in. Could the guest's actions help you heal? Worth a go right? Or at least being open to it. Our beliefs are bouncers guarding against new ideas. Beware where your beliefs are getting in the way.

    What's hindered your healing? YOU can't get in the way of your healing, only your beliefs can. Or taking action. So find that new therapist when your current one retires. Prioritise your healing. Give yourself grace and take a break if you need to!

    Thriving Adoptees helps you along your unique journey with insights from your fellow adoptees.

    So that their learnings catalyse your healing.

    So why do I love helping adoptees heal?

    I was adopted at 5 weeks old and told about it so young I don't ever remember not knowing.

    I didn't experience any conscious adoption trauma until I hit 40 when I found out my childhood teddy bear was a gift from my birth mother.

    This caused an eruption of anger, feeling rejected and unloved.

    That kickstarted a learning journey that led me to heal and then want to help others.

    I created the podcast so guests help listeners along their unique healing journey and see their worth.

    That's the reason the Thriving Adoptees logo is a diamond.

    You are a diamond.

    We are all diamonds.

    Diamonds whose worth is hidden by our trauma.

    But every metaphor has it's limits.

    Diamonds have a finite value.

    Your value is infinite.

    Most podcasts for adoptees focus on stories, we focus on healing.

    Email me at [email protected] if you'd like to have a chat about being a guest on the show.

    There have been 83,000 downloads of the show since launch in April 2021.

  • V epizodah boste lahko poslušali pogovore s strokovnjakinjami na različnih področjih. Teme se bodo večinoma povezovale s temo otrok in starševstva, vmes pa bodo tudi teme, povezane z osebnostno rastjo. Želim pa, da v znanju, izkušnjah in predanih informacijah poslušalci vzamete tisto, kar v danem trenutku rezonira za vas.