Det er - mildest - talt vildt at være til et Trump-møde.Mads og David fortæller om deres oplevelser fra mange Trump-rallies.Det ligner ikke normale politiske møder - for nu at underdrive. Og så spiller vi klip fra nogle af de mennesker, som varmer op til Trump og introducerer ham før han taler. Eksempelvis tv-stjernen Roseanne Barr, som siger han er sidste værn mod…kommunismen, stalinismen, fascismen, nazismen og, ja, islamisk kalifat. Klip fra The Tucker Carlson Show, The RSBN Channel, The Turning Point USA Channel. See for privacy information.
Så er 2023 ved at være slut, og det er endelig blevet tid til at skue tilbage og kåre de absolut bedste serieoplevelser, fra året der gik. Vi har fornemt besøg af Soundvenues filmredaktør Jacob Ludvigsen, der ligesom Kasper og Frederik, har set det meste, som året havde at tilbyde. Fra opfølgende sæsoner af etablerede serier som The Bear og Succession til nye vilde serieoplevelser som The Last of Us og Beef. Hvilke serier topper Frederik, Jacob og Kaspers lister?
I dette første afsnit kårer vi de bedste serier fra 10 - 6 og i næste afsnit gennemgår vi toppen fra 5-1.
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A slew of evidence-based, ready-to-try-today interventions we can use to “complete the stress cycle.”
Emily Nagoski is the award-winning author of the New York Times bestseller Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life. She has a MS in counseling and a PhD in health behavior, both from Indiana University. She’s also the co-author of Burnout: The Secret To Unlocking The Stress Cycle.
Amelia Nagoski holds a DMA in conducting from the University of Connecticut. An assistant professor and coordinator of music at Western New England University, she regularly presents educational sessions discussing the application of communications science and psychological research for audiences of other professional musicians, including “Beyond Burnout Prevention: Embodied Wellness for Conductors.” She is the co-author of Burnout: The Secret To Unlocking The Stress Cycle
In this episode we talk about:
The three characteristics of burnout The difference between addressing stressful circumstances in our lives and dealing with the actual physical experience of stress What they call the “real enemy” How to create a “bubble of love” The evidence-based interventions you can try right awayRelated Episodes:
Optimizing Your Stress | Modupe Akinola
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Full Shownotes:
Er de europæiske vælgere trætte af klimaet? - og står verdensøkonomien foran en nedtur?
Det diskuterer partilederne Martin Lidegaard (R) og Franciska Rosenkilde (ALT), udenrigsordfører Anders Vistisen (MEP, DF), sognepræst Marie Høgh, senioranalytiker i tænketanken EUROPA Jacob Kaarsbo og økonomisk analytiker Andreas Steno.
Vært: Clement Kjersgaard. -
Retssagen mod Claus Hjort Frederiksen er droppet. Hvad betyder det for regeringen - hvordan vil Venstre balancere hensynet til både regeringsalliancen og den gamle partinestor? Krigen mellem Israel og Hamas er intensiveret. Hvordan påvirker krigen den internationale politiske dagsorden? Om et år er der præsidentvalg i USA. Hvad kommer der til at ske?
Herhjemme er forfattere ude i et fælles opråb, da streaming af lydbøger er populært og det gør ondt på forfatternes indtjening. Hvordan vil forfatterne tjene penge i fremtiden?
Søndagens panel består af: Samuel Rachlin, journalist og forfatter, Tanja Nyrup Madsen, chefredaktør, Mandag Morgen, Esben Schjørring, politisk redaktør, Altinget, Trine Pertou Mach, MF, Enhedslisten, Therese Moreau, journalist, Version2, Lone Theils, forfatter og journalist & Niels Th. Dahl, politisk kommentator, Jyllands Posten.
Vært: Clement Kjersgaard. -
Din hurtige indflyvning over de af ugens kriser, som Anna Thygesen ser på med sine kommunikationsbriller. Her fra uge 26 2023
Vært: Anna Thygesen
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Ukrainekrigen og fremtiden for USA, Kina og EU i stormagtsspillet på den internationale scene er blandt ugens emner. Ved bordet er: Pernille Vermund, formand for Nye Borgerlige, Pernille Weiss, medlem af Europa-Parlamentet for Det Konservative Folkeparti, Trine Mach, medlem af Folketinget for Enhedslisten. Suppleret undervejs af Niklas Rendboe, projektforsker, Forsvarsakademiet, og Mads Vestergaard, filosof og stifter af Sinolytica.
Paul Rosolie is a conservationist, explorer, author, filmmaker, real life Tarzan, and founder of Junglekeepers which today protects over 50,000 acres of threatened habitat. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:
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Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time.
(00:00) - Introduction
(06:09) - Amazon rainforest
(17:24) - Discovery of the Amazon
(22:00) - Werner Herzog
(28:06) - Jane Goodall
(41:55) - Anacondas
(1:05:44) - Eaten Alive
(1:18:08) - Joe Rogan
(1:26:28) - Surviving in the Amazon
(1:53:39) - Uncontacted tribes in the Amazon
(2:03:34) - Surrounded by black caiman crocodiles
(2:21:11) - Graham Hancock and ancient civilizations
(2:26:43) - Aliens
(2:56:44) - Climate change
(3:01:55) - Jordan Peterson
(3:19:17) - Hunting
(3:26:33) - Ayahuasca
(3:35:00) - Meaning of life -
Fjerne galakser, der ligger millioner lysår fra jorden. Stjerner, der støder sammen i altopslugende sorte huller. Vi ved meget lidt - ja nærmest ingenting - om det uendelige univers. Men der er en formel for det hele. Albert Sneppen har allerede fundet svar på komplekse spørgsmål om vores kosmos. Men der er ét mysterium, der nager og driver ham. I dagens Genstart fortæller han om smukke, matematiske formler, der kan forklare universets fødsel - og måske endda dets fremtid.
Vært: Anna Ingrisch. -
Hvordan tegner fremtiden for kunst, kultur og medier i Danmark? Den nye kulturminister Jakob Engel-Schmidt møder forfatter Knud Romer, museumsdirektør Jane Mylenberg, sangerinde Fallulah, redaktør Isabella Hindkjær og Henrik Dahl (MF, LA).
Vært: Clement Kjersgaard. -
Står Danmark og verden overfor udfordringer, der kræver en ny form for politik? En række gæster mødes i P1s nye "søndagsavis" om politik i ind- og udland.
Svarene kommer i dagens udsendelse fra: EU-Kommissær, fvh. partileder Margrethe Vestager, direktør i Aalborg Havn, fvh. partileder Kristian Thulesen Dahl, journalist og anmelder Katherine Diez, direktør i Alliance of Democracies Jonas Parello-Plesner og psykolog, aktiv i Alternativet og tidligere folketingskandidat Sofie Groth. -
En personlig makeover af de store, en umage klike i FC København og Brøndby-stjernens lykkelige omstændigheder. De kulørte historier står som altid i kø i Superligaen, der leverer alt fra nye unger og bonussønner til en målmand på vej mod jagttegn.
Værter: Michel Wikkelsø Davidsen og Sture Sandø.
Produceret og klippet af: Rasmus Søgaard.
Lyddesign: Søren Gregersen.
Programansvarlig: Sofie Rye. -
As the UN’s annual climate jamboree begins, our correspondent calls for a strong dose of realism: limiting warming to 1.5C is just no longer feasible. On average the rule of law is losing ground globally, yet one place it appears to be strengthening is on Russia’s doorstep. And a look at the sports teams everyone loves to hate. For full access to print, digital and audio editions of The Economist, subscribe here
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
'Det var den lykkeligste tid i mit liv', siger 28-årige Pavel Kuzmin om det år, han fik lov til at arbejde for oppositionspolitikeren Alexei Navalny. De afslørede korruption overalt i Rusland og delte en følelse af kunne vælte Putin. Senere røg de begge i fængsel - og i dag kæmper de begge for at genvinde fodfæstet i kampen mod Kreml.
Værter: Matilde Kimer og Morten Runge. -
Roger Waters is a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, co-founder of the legendary rock band Pink Floyd, and successful solo artist. Catch him live on the worldwide "This is Not a Drill" concert tour. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Missile strikes on the port of Odessa have dimmed hopes for a UN-brokered deal to get Ukraine’s grain on the move. We ask what chances it may still have. Tunisia's constitutional referendum looks destined to formalise a march back to the autocratic rule it shook off during the Arab Spring. And how Formula 1 is looking to crack America. For full access to print, digital and audio editions of The Economist, subscribe here
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Last night, the committee investigating the events of January 6th 2021 said that Donald Trump’s failure to stop his supporters’ attack was a “dereliction of duty”. The evidence was strong; whether it will change anything remains unclear. We examine the thinking behind the European Central Bank’s surprise half-point rise in interest rates. And the money motivations of Bangladesh’s loosening booze laws.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode, I explain the biological roles of the four major neuromodulators—dopamine, epinephrine (aka adrenaline), serotonin, and acetylcholine—and describe how these neuromodulators impact a wide variety of mental states and behaviors, including focus, creativity, motivation, drive, learning, alertness, mood, relationships, and feelings of well-being. Then, with that foundational understanding in mind, I describe a potent toolkit of science-supported behavioral, nutrition, and supplementation tools that can be used to increase baseline levels of individual neuromodulators and that can be modified for specific goals. This episode summarizes low-or-no-cost, actionable, science-based tools that can benefit anyone in order to enhance their levels of brain chemicals and improve mental health, physical health, and performance.For the full show notes, visit you to our sponsorsAG1: Up: Optimizing Neurochemicals to Improve Health(00:05:30) Sleep & Maintaining Healthy Metabolism(00:09:52) Tools: How to Wake Up Earlier, Night Owls(00:18:58) Sponsors: AG1, LMNT(00:22:05) Nervous System Overview(00:31:32) How Neuromodulators Work (00:34:24) Baseline Neuromodulator Levels, 3 Daily Phases(00:42:15) Hormones Modulate Neuromodulators(00:52:12) The 4 Major Types of Neuromodulators(01:01:45) Tool Kit 1: Increase Baseline Dopamine & Focus(01:08:52) Tyrosine-rich Foods & Dopamine(01:10:59) Dopamine Supplementation: Mucuna Pruriens, L-tyrosine & Phenylethylamine(01:16:00) Deliberate Cold Exposure & Dopamine(01:21:12) Tool Kit 2: Additional Tips to Increase Dopamine(01:26:10) Tool Kit 3: Increase Epinephrine (Adrenaline) & Alertness(01:34:34) Tool Kit 4: Increase Acetylcholine & Attention/Learning; Choline-rich Foods(01:37:29) Acetylcholine Supplements: Nicotine, Alpha GPC, Huperzine (01:44:47) Tool Kit 5: Behavior to Increase Focus & Acetylcholine(01:46:56) Tool Kit 6: Behavior to Increase Serotonin & Feelings of Well-being (01:50:51) Tools: Tryptophan-Rich Foods & Serotonin(01:53:31) Tools: Serotonin Supplements: Cissus Quadrangularis, 5-HTP, Myo-inositol(02:02:14) Use the Neurochemical Toolkit to Meet Individual Goals(02:06:44) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous Supplements, Instagram, Twitter, Neural Network NewsletterDisclaimer
Hope you didn’t get too rowdy on Independence Day — the Large Hadron Collider is about to zap us into another dimension, and July 4th partygoers will be left in the old universe. So goes the thinking in a new TikTok conspiracy theory. On this week’s Fever Dreams, host Will Sommer and guest host Andrew Kirell discuss what they’re expecting to get from the new dimension, and whether the Mandela effect is at play. Also on the podcast: MAGA supporters declare July to be “America Month,” and a Michigan secretary of state candidate gets into sexual demonology. 2020 election deniers build up their local infrastructure. Also: Reporter Baynard Woods joins to talk about his new book, “Inheritance,” an investigation of his family’s history in white supremacy.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sidste afsnit inden fire ugers sommerferiepause, hvor Fries bliver afløst af Tinder Greatest! Traditionen tro holder vi Klassens Time i voksenudgave, hvor vi har forberedt spændende og let pikante spørgsmål til hinanden. Vi kommer ind på Joses ekstreme haveliderlighed, Nanna går i detaljer med børnedrømme og “høne-følelsen”, vi diskuterer anal penetration og Den Perfekte Bananasplit, leger Fuck Marry Kill i Masterchef edition, deler vores absolut værste sider OG meget mere. Rigtig god sommer!
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