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Practical Prepping Podcast Episode # 223, "Adaptability In A Changing World; The Adaptability Skillset."
Inthis episode, we discuss the adaptability skillset. Adaptability is a skill that allows us to be flexible and change easily. Adaptable people tend to thrive in unpredictable environments, and can adapt to changing situations.
EEveryprepper can benefit from adaptability in a changing world.
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ProLine Digital Group
Email: info@prolinedesigns.usJim Curtis Knives
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Practical Prepping Podcast Episode # 222, "Senior Citizens And Prepping."
In today's episode, Krista discusses the benefits and challenges to senior citizen preparedness. Hat tip to writer, Tara Dodrill, for the timely information.
The sponsors for this episode are:
ProLine Digital Group
Email: info@prolinedesigns.usJim Curtis Knives
Email Jim:"PracticalPrepping For Everyday People"
Available on Amazon or wherever books are sold.
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Practical Prepping
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Practical Prepping Podcast Episode # 218, ""Having A Positive Attitude And A Survival Mindset, rewind"
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In this episode we discuss: "Having A Positive Mental Attitude and Survival Mindset, And Dealing With Stress"
"A positive mental attitude will not let you do anything, but it will let you do everything better than a negative attitude will". - Zig Ziglar
" Whatever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve" - Napolean Hill
"We become what we think about" - Earl Nightingale
We all know people who are so negative that we often hate to see them coming. We also know people who are so positive, to quote Ziglar again, they "would go after Moby Dick and take the tarter sauce with them."
In such a time when we need to use our preps or put our emergency plans into action, the stresses mount up. Stress can impede our performance in areas of memory, decision making, and multitasking, as well as increase fatigue.
Two basic types of stress: chronic stress and acute stress.
Chronic Stress
Remove the stress, if possible
Take some deep breaths
Take a break
Break things down in to smaller tasks
Count to 10 before speaking or responding
Take a break from news & social media
Develop Regular routines
Prepping relieves stress & worry
Make a plan and work your planAcute stress
Train to handle acute stress
Visualize Scenerios
The mind doesn't know the difference between visualization and the actual doing of a thing.
A Survival mindset says, "I am ready, I will prevail"
A survival mindset is the prepper mindset. We decide ahead of time that we will survive most any situation and that we will do what it takes to protect our family.Decide ahead of time what you will do.
Acknowledge there will be stress
Plan for the stress
Plan a course of actionWhat are you willing to do to save your family or to save your own life?
Are you willing to turn others away when there is little food?
Are you willing to take another's life?We decide ahead of time that we wont let the situation drag us down.
We prepare. We train.
We visualize scenarios so that when we get there we are prepared because in our minds, we have already been there.Find ways to relieve your stress
Have some fun
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It costs you nothing extra, but pays us a little commission to support the podcast.Buy Us A Cup of Coffee one of our books
"Practical Prepping For Everyday People"
"Making Contact During Emergencies" Linked from our website, On Amazon, or wherever books are sold.
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Practical Prepping
Email at info@practicalprepping.infoWebsite design and hosting by ProLine Designs
Copyright 2022, Practical PreppingJoin us every weekday for more episodes of Practical Prepping Podcast.