
  • Good morning, everyone and welcome to the Bed Head Chronicles.

    Today, I want to talk about that moment -- and I'm going to use this in an example of an athlete, okay? But this totally relates to life itself or any situation that you're faced with in life. The athletes in the middle of the race and they feel like oh my God, I just have nothing left.

    It's at that moment when you feel like you want to give up. You want to give in. You want to back off because you feel like you have nothing left. It is so important at that moment to ask yourself the question, "Is this really true? Do I really have nothing left or is it that I'm just tired of being uncomfortable? What will this mean if I break through this discomfort and keep pushing on?"

    Perhaps that will take me to a whole new level. I going to expand my pain threshold. I'm going to expand my ability to be relentless, to be resilient, and to find more even when I think there's nothing left.

    In those moments when you feel like giving up, whatever story it is that you're telling yourself, whether it's I have nothing left -- that is the time to ask yourself a very quality important question: "Is this true?"

    Because as if you investigate this thought, this belief you, will find that you can find a much better, more empowering solution; and that is: "No. I'm just tired of being uncomfortable."

    But this is what it takes. This is what it takes to break through to the other side. And to have the performance I dream of. Or to have the relationship I dream of. Or to get the result that I'm looking for.

    No matter what we're talking about in life, ask yourself better questions in those moments when you want to give up. Because if you can find a more empowering answer, it will fuel you and take you to all-new levels of performance. Whether you're in a race or doing something athletic or trying to take your relationship to the next level.

    We can always find a way out, but the important lesson is always to find a way through. Not around it, not under it, not backing away. But find your way through, and you will break through to a whole new level of strength, confidence, resilience, and relentlessness. And that is what will take you to achieve your goals.

    Empower yourself. The thoughts that you think, the beliefs that you have are what will determine your entire state. And your state determines everything. So choose to empower yourself. Find the empowering meaning. Find a way to break through to the other side. You got this.

    Have an amazing day.

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