In marriage, God has given us communication to connect emotionally and marital intimacy to connect physically. Tune in to this episode to learn how powerful these Biblical principles are in the marital journey.
We learn from Genesis 2:25 that marriage is the only relationship on earth that has absolute physical, emotional, and spiritual openness. Truly understanding and exercising this principle will help us foster a marital relationship that brings glory to God.
Authority, submission, and unity are key principles in any successful marriage. In this episode, Pastor Wilkerson gives an encouraging message on prioritizing the marital relationship.
Hebrews 13:4 says, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” The intimate relationship between a man and woman is a gift of God reserved for marriage. God purposefully intended it to be so. In this episode, Pastor Wilkerson shares Biblical principles to strengthen our marriages and dwell with each other according to knowledge.
After God created the earth, He chose to place man and woman in the garden and give them responsibilities, rules, and relationships. In this episode we learn how these are the foundation for a Christ-honoring marriage.