
  • Please join my guest Doc Mac and myself as we chat about a number of his experiences that he has had whilst out tracking Big Cats in the UK. Based in the NE of Ireland Doc Mac is usually out videoing and tracking our natural wildlife. Whilst doing so he was finding signs he recognised from his time abroad and with his tracking history that a large Cat was in the area.

    Over time he began to see some strange anomalies in the woodlands and valley choke points. Visiting areas with other professionals he was surprised to see that these very sceptical friends both felt strange in the area he researched and both left the woods with a fissure of fear.

    In one area Doc found a possible feeding area with several jaw bones from sheep and deer strewn on the ground and a number of strange twisted trees and branches.

    One day tracking animal bones lead to a strange set of people, who he described as 'bulked up' and they were chewing on animal bones. On another occasion he found footprints in a smaller forest in the valley between the mountain ranges.

    He was chased by a predator he couldn't identify and on the following night he and his cameraman heard something heavy run and jump into the stream. Doc Mac also shares an experience that happened very recently to a young lady in County Antrim and several other stories from across the globe

    Which raises the question, is there a British Wildman. I interviewed Doc Mac and during the interview something flew across the room as we were chatting. You can hear it hit the wall and fall as we chat.

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  • If you are interested in the cryptid or fortean subjects you will no doubt have heard of the host of eye witness accounts that have taken place close to the Shroppie canal or Cannock chase areas. I also have witness reports in the Pendeford area. Recently I was contacted by a fellow investigator who shared a recent case with me that he has been working on. The report takes place where the historical reports of the Canal man monkey have taken place.

    Seb: I could see fairly well from my headlights but not like you would if it had been directly in front of me. But I saw it clearly enough to know it had stood upright and was actually standing at the opening of the field at the gap between the tall hedge line that runs along the lane on both sides. It was an opening leading into a farmers field, with a wide wooden gate with those panels going across then one diagonally each way. It stood with one hand on the gate, turned slightly and I could clearly see it was looking at me from the side of its eyes but not facing me."

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  • I had a lovely time at first. I sat in a glade listening to the birds sing and the breeze moving through the leaves. It was a really relaxing time until I saw it. I was just sitting there chilling, remembering all the times I had played there for hours as a child. We used to make dens and rope swings and spend all day out there only coming home for tea. Those were some of my happiest memories. Sadly that is no more.

    As I was sitting there I saw a movement within the shrubbery and I realised what I was looking at and it was terrifying. I don't know what to call it, It had a man's body only hairier. It had a dog-like face, with amber orange eyes. It had pointed ears and I remember the teeth clearly. I don't know if that creature was smiling or growling as the face was a grimace and you could see pointed canine teeth. Now when I think about it, some features are not clear as I concentrated on the width of the shoulders, the power of this thing and the face of the creature. He was muscled and big and looked far more stronger than me. It just stood there and looked at me.

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  • At the time my cousin began to wake up and he rolled off the couch still half asleep and shuffled towards the bathroom when he noticed me standing rigid in front of the glass door closest to the kitchen. He opened his mouth to say something when he noticed the dark figure standing in our door. The creature looked at him and growled, my eyes flicked between the two before I moved closer to the kitchen door. The creature looked back at me, noticing my movement. My cousin, frozen in place, was horrified at what was in front of him. I grabbed the kitchen door handle and clicked the lock open.

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  • I was getting the washing in from the garden. I remember it was summer and it was just after 10pm so it was getting dark out. My German Shepherd dog named Cody was looking at something outside of our garden. I couldn't see anything or make anything out. But then I heard a loud growl, as though something was standing right next to my ear and my brother said "you f###ing heard that right?" and I explained that I did and that it was right close to my ear. So we got our other brother to come outside with us because it terrified us.
    To Make a Report: you can contact Deborah at [email protected]

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  • Steve Hevican is a chap from the midlands who has always had strange experiences in his life even as a child. Steve had a number of experiences as a teen and throughout his adult life.
    In 2017 Steve decided to visit an area close to where he lives on the edge of Cannock Chase and Hayes Heath.

    It was early spring below 20 and there was snow on the ground, so Steve decided this was a good day to look for prints in the snow. Whilst walking off the path and into the thicker vegetation Steve heard steps being taken around him. He felt watched and shadows on the entire visit . After a couple of visits with strange activity including bangs, thuds and whistles Steve decided to back off from that area as he felt things were taking a negative vibe. Listening to the many reports in the area of missing people, pets and livestock it made Steve not want to go into the woodland alone.

    Then he saw two Werewolf like creatures. Then things began to happen in his children's homes

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  • Steve: “It was Sunday 17th July 1994 when I saw the strange wildman creature. I am a DJ and ex radio host and I consider myself a very confident person. This event is one I struggle to explain. I was hosting a disco that night at the Hibaldstow club and everything went as normal and it was after packing up and leaving that things went strange. I drove on to the B1207 road when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. It was a figure stooped in the road examining something in the road way. Then I saw it walk out onto the road. It then crossed the road and went off into the field. It was going left to right across the road.

    My first thought was that there must have been somebody injured in an accident laying out on the road and that's why this figure was stooped looking over the road. And then I saw it was covered in hair, matted bedraggled hair. I would describe it's build as almost like a bodybuilder. And I am almost certain it was holding something in its right hand.

    The red light at the back of my car then shone on the fur on the left hand side of its face. It seemed to be looking back at me as I moved past it and caught it in the red glow of my lights.

    That was it for me, I put my foot down and drove home.
    DEBORAH’S EMAIL - [email protected]

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  • I would like to share an interview that I recorded recently which I think you all enjoy. I met up with Caen Myles who shared with me a number of experiences he had in life. Up until 1987 Caen had no interaction that he can recall with anything Unexplained.

    On a visit to Lyme park in Cheshire with his family members Caen and his entire family saw a UFO and after this event unfolded Caen went on to experience a lot of interactions with UFO's and Light beings.

    Caen takes us through those experiences that culminated with a crash that happened in Buxton where a strange set of circumstances were set into play. Caen and Jaquie escaped certain death when they crashed into a river when they were on Cowdale Corner and the couple had to be saved from the car. Whilst sitting on the bank Jaquie was aware of a man at her side, yet no other bystanders recall him. And the events unfurled to become even stranger.

    Caen explains these events in more detail and he kindly allowed me to share some of the images he has been able to capture over the years. I will endeavour to place them in the correct order during the interview where possible.

    I will be recording further interviews with Caen over the next few months as we visit his experiences more in depth. If you wish to view the images more in depth I have added a link to Caens Youtube channel and also to the BBR website where I have included them into a written account of Caen and Jacquies experiences.

    Hello Debbie it's Caen Myles aka The Guitar Nomad ( YouTube) Channel , So as I mentioned to you I have had some really strange things happen to me since 1987 which was my first Encounter with a UFO. It was Late September and I was with my family and friends and we were at Lyme Park which is not far from Buxton. While we were out it began to go dark and one of my friends noticed a Star slowly dropping down from the sky?

    There was nothing spectacular about this star but as it got closer and closer what we thought was a star turned out to be a Spotlight at the rear of a disc shaped object which came towards us very slowly about 500 ft . There was no noise, no wings, no windows . We all just stared in amazement as this craft headed off towards Manchester!!

    So we all went home and the following night I stood in my back garden having a cigarette, it was dark. I noticed a flickering Silver Ball (Golf ball sized) but it was just hovering around my neighbours drainpipe and then it came down towards me! It moved with a purpose, Omg I just stood there frozen watching it! It got to my height and then it started moving off towards the hedge and it looked like it was scanning the whole area! And with a Flash it shot off into the Sky.

    So that was the Beginning of something that has and is still going on in my life !!

    So fast forward to December 2003 when I had a vivid Dream that I was in a Car crash and I was trapped in a Car in a River with my left leg Stuck under the dashboard! The dream happened on a Thursday Night. So on Sunday me and my Girlfriend went for a drive. We went to Bakewell and it was snowing. As we approached a road called Cowdale Corner something bad happened. In an area where there was a missing portion of the stone wall due to an accident just days earlier the Car went into a skid that we could not pull out of. We hit the gap in the wall and the car hit the river and it was slowly submerging into the freezing cold water.

    Caen Myles Videos -

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