
  • Dr. Georgia Ede is a psychiatrist, researcher, and an advocate of nutrition and diet as an alternative approach to standard medications. She’s also a speaker and writer and although has spent much time working and taking courses at Harvard, she has not fallen into their plant based diet dogma. She, in fact, researchers plants and some of their negative effects in a human diet. It really seems counterintuitive to most, but there is hard science out there about this. People are curing diseases and their depression and anxiety by cutting out certain plant foods.

    She’s also an expert on Alzheimer’s and how what we eat affects the onset of this scary disease which we get into a little. We also do some more debunking of studies including the new low carb and longevity study as well as that old WHO study trying to claim red meat causes cancer.

    Please listen carefully to this important and eye-opening episode. I really enjoyed my discussion with her and she provides a lot of great information.

    We’re in the last 24 hours of the Food Lies Indiegogo campaign so please preorder the film there now to make sure you get it. Backers will receive the film a couple months early and there’s a bunch of other perks you can get as well. You’ll get your name in the credits as a backer of the film as well as options like the “It’s what else you eat, not the meat” t shirt and the special features bonus footage. THanks so much for supporting us in this project. It really is a lot of work and we’re not accepting outside funding - only from people like you. Ok now enjoy the show!

    Show notes

    Georgia had 2-3 hours of nutritional education over 4 years of medical school and didn’t receive any nutritional education while studying to be a psychiatrist for 4 years Nutritional epidemiology dominates most of the nutritional studies in the world Plant foods contain antinutrients and lack key brain nutrients, Dha, B-12 Refined carbs are mood destabilizers It is possible that chemicals that plants use to protect themselves can exacerbate mental health conditions by entering the bloodstream Plant seeds are the most heavily defended part of plants, have lectins and phytic acid which makes it hard for us to digest them Georgia has recommended an animal based diet as an all natural approach to treating depression Spinach contains iron that we can’t absorb Sugar rushes to the brain which makes it hard for insulin to cross the brain, this is a contributor to alzheimer's phytic acid is considered an anti nutrient, however it also fights cancer and prevents iron overloads in people Vitamins D, E, A, and K are all fat-soluble Two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble Her article in Psychology Today about the The Antioxidant Myth Pom Wonderful does more harm than good with a huge load of sugar and a few antioxidants that aren't even bioavailable Sulforaphane, curcumin, oxidation, and free radicals Alzheimer’s and type 3 diabetes - it’s all about the insulin! Harvard School of Public Health has a goal to try to find a way to show meat is bad and promote grains as much as possible Epidemiology is the only area of science that has any indication that red meat is bad for you The one study the WHO put out on red meat being bad is based on very poor quality studies and only 2 are clinical trials in humans that don’t really show anything Debunking the new low carb decreases lifespan study Low carb group wasn't even low carb. There’s also way too many variables to make any conclusions THe whole hypothesis that meat would be cancerous is ludicrous in the first place Dr. Walter Willet defends nutritional epidemiology Harvard School of Public Health’s agenda If you eat all plant based diet you’re a healthy hero, if you eat all animal based diet you’re a deranged madman. They’re both extreme and both sides think they are completely correct and all the world’s problems would be solved if everyone went on their diet. Twitter @GeorgiaEdeMD Preorder the film here: Film site: Podcast site: YouTube: Follow along: Theme music by
  • One of my favorite humans I have never met in person, Lierre Keith, shares a ton of information with us today. We talked for almost 2 hours and could have gone longer. You may recognize her from the Netflix film The Magic Pill - she was a hardcore vegan for 20 years and lived the lifestyle with passion. I won’t give away everything, but she wholeheartedly enjoys animal products now and wrote a book that thoroughly refutes the three major tenets vegans and vegetarians stand on. They claim a plant based diet is better morally, better for the environment, and superior nutritionally. As I know, and you at home probably are aware of by now, the opposite is true on all accounts. We also bring up the Sapien Movement near the end as a way to join together and fight the vegan propaganda, spread the truth, and work to improve the way we do agriculture and human nutrition. The site is live at and you can also find the group on Facebook and the twitter and instagram accounts, all under that name. The goal is to “End industrial agriculture and eat ancestrally” - other than that, It’s not defined yet. Join us and help us figure out what we can do to make a difference. As we speak, I’m in San Diego filming with some awesome researchers and doctors. We still really need your help if you haven’t pre-ordered or contributed to the film - it’s called Food Lies and it’s on Thanks so much to everyone who has supported us so far. Let’s hear from Lierre! Show notes: How she got caught in the vegan ideology Body began to degrade, but she ignored it due to beliefs Blood sugar and insulin problems Not getting enough protein, fat, or cholesterol Honeymoon of phase where veganism works Her spine and joints started falling apart Skin problems, reproductive problems Nasty soy and hormone problems Damaged stomach and can’t produce proper acid Reach out to her at if you are a vegan and having problems Her book The Vegetarian Myth begins with breakin down the moral argument Where we went wrong with salt Plants are beginning to become dependant on humans to plant them because they are too big, humans have to clear land Monocropping only takes from land, plants don’t give back and chemicals/fossil fuel is required in large amounts Most vegans don’t understand the negative traits of monocropping The water table has dropped far due to monocropping, oil drilling is used to get to the water Ruminants and grass coevolved Cows should not be fed corn Cows stimulate the growth of grass Bison make mini wetlands with their horns by stabbing land above water E. coli is a result of factory farming and over usage of antibiotics Cowspiracy is not based on real evidence and some of the individuals involved admitted they were wrong It is hard to present facts to groups of individuals who are always convinced that their ideology is correct despite what any evidence points to Grow your own food to reduce carbon footprint Lierre talks about her gardening experience/realization about the cycle of life Many vitamins are only available in animal fat Some individuals need to eat meat because they can’t make the enzyme that converts the vitamin a found in carrots There is not any plant source for vitamin B12, this has caused physical harm to some vegans such as damaged vision or hearing Omega-3’s and omega-6’s get converted into fats USDA used to not even consider soy a food Studies showing higher mortality rates for people using vegetable oils [LINK] Big health organizations have admitted that they have made mistakes when telling us what to eat The govt. is subsidizing the worst food for us, corn, wheat and soy Wheat is addictive 1800 marks the beginning of the fossil fuel age Agriculture requires intensive labor and is resulting in poor nutrition Lierre talks about agriculture during the age of empires to explain some of the negative traits of agriculture that are still relevant today Phytoestrogens in soy are harmful Soy consumption among children contributes to precocious puberty Soy disrupts the hippocampus which can lead to memory problems The Japanese eat soy as a condiment rather than as a protein substitute Quick overview of what Weston Price did Overview of “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” Vegans have to cheat on their diet to maintain health Discussion about the two different metabolic states humans can exist in Noticed less low fat products when filming B-roll at the store It’s all about information - we know fast food and sugar are bad This Sapien Movement is a real thing. Go to and @SapienMovement on twitter and Instagram, and join the private Facebook group I talk more and more about her book and how everyone should read it - find it at Preorder the film here: Film site: Podcast site: YouTube: Sapien Movement: Follow along: Theme music by