Learn Norwegian by listening to our weekly podcast delivered to you by Lingu's friendly Norwegian teacher Camilla Cahill.
Every Norwegian learner has something to gain from our podcast, whether it is pronunciation, understanding the dialects of Norway, cultural knowledge or vocabulary expansion.
In this episode a choice selection of Lingu's teachers share some of their top tips about how to gain further progress in your language learning process and it's all in Norwegian. Enjoy!
Study materials and a transcript of this episode are available at
Why did the cat leave her town? Did she find another place to call home? Who did she meet along this difficult journey?
The story is written by Jaiker Khorsheed, illustrated by Bara’a Alawoor and published by Asala Publishers.Did you enjoy this book? We would love your feedback.
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To purchase this book and many others like it, visit and enter code storytimewithteta10 at checkout to receive 10% off!*All necessary permissions are taken from the publisher of this book*
لماذا خرجت القطةُ الصغيرة ُمن وطنها ؟ واين ذهبت؟ وهل وجدت القطة الصغيرة وطناً آخر أجمل وأكثر أمان من وطنها؟
هذا ما سنعرفه في هذه الحلقة الجديدة
القصة من تأليف جيكر خورشيد ورسوم برآء العاوور , ومن منشورات دار أصالة للنشرلكتابة مراجعات عن هذه القصة , زوروا منصة النقش الالكترونية , وفيها تجدون الكثير من المعلومات الخاصة بهذا الكتاب لشراء هذه القصة, زوروا موقع
واحصل على خصم ١٠ % من قيمة كامل المشتريات, ادخل الكوبون التالي
storytimewithteta10*لقد تم الحصول على الإذن الخطي من الناشر لهذا الكتاب لعرضه في المدونة الصوتية (البودكاست)*
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Everyone is hungry, and the pancake is running away! Who ate the big pancake in the end? Listen to the story to find out!
This is a classic story retold by Diana Bentley, illustrated by Paula Martyr and published by Arab Scientific Publishers.Did you enjoy this book? We would love your feedback.
Please write a review by visiting alnqsh.comTo purchase this book and many others like it, visit and enter code storytimewithteta10 at checkout to receive 10% off!
*All necessary permissions are taken from the publisher of this book*Click here for worksheets for this story from
الكل يريد أو يأكل الفطيرة الكبيرة لأنها شهية جداً , ولكن, من أكل الفطيرة الكبيرة في النهاية؟ ! استمعوا للقصة حتى النهاية لتعرفوا من أكلها
هذه القصة من القصص العالمية وقد اعادت كتابتها .ديانا بنتلي. وهي من منشورات الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون
لكتابة مراجعات/ ملاحظات عن هذه القصة , زوروا منصة النقش الالكترونية , وفيها تجدون الكثير من المعلومات الخاصة بهذا الكتاب
,اضغط على الرابط لتحميل مطبوعات حول موضوع القصة من موقع شمساتشمسات، التعليم المبكر بمزيد من الحب والدفء تقدم مطبوعات تعليمية باللغة العربية للصغار
لقد تم الحصول على الإذن الخطي من الناشر لهذا الكتاب لعرضه في المدونة الصوتية البودكاستSupport the Show.
In this episode I will share my personal experience and tips on how to heal from a loss. This is a levantine bilingual podcast and you will find the original script with translation on my website:
Follow us on Instagram Levantine Arabic, made easier by nasma
Big thanks to for music- You are awesome!
Hazim likes to play with his friends and race to the river. One day he told his grandpa that he does not want to go out to play. He felt sad, but all his friends thought he was lucky. What was the reason?
The book is written by Asma’a Amarah, illustrate by Nabila Shiskikli, and published by Asala PublishersPlease write a review by visiting
To purchase this book and many others like it, visit and enter code storytimewithteta10 at checkout to receive 10% off!
*All necessary permissions are taken from the publisher of this book*
حازم يحبُ أن يلعبَ مع أصدقائه ويسابقهم إلى النهر . ولكن في يوم أخبر جدَه أنهُ لا يريُد أن يخرجَ ليلعب! يا تُرى ما هو السبب؟ ولماذا قال له أصدقاؤه أنه محظوظ؟
القصة من كتابة أسماء عمارة ورسوم نبيلة شيشكلي ومن منشورات دار أصالة للنشرلكتابة مراجعات/ ملاحظات عن هذه القصة , زوروا منصة النقش الالكترونية , وفيها تجدون الكثير من المعلومات الخاصة بهذا الكتاب
*(لقد تم الحصول على الإذن الخطي من الناشر لهذا الكتاب لعرضه في المدونة الصوتية (البودكاست*
Support the Show.
Find full script with translation on my website:
Follow us on instagram: Levantine Arabic, made easier by nasma
Follow us on Youtube: Levantine Arabic, made easier
Big shout out to : for music! You are awesome
The little duckling could not find anyone to play with him but, what a pleasant surprise is waiting for him!
The story is retold by Margaret Nash , illustrated by Elisabeth Moseng and published by Arab Scientific Publishers
All necessary permissions are taken from the publisher of this book*
فَرخُ البطِّ البَشعُ حزين لأنه لا أحد يريد أن يلعب معه. ولكن هناك مفاجأة جميلة تنتظره!
القصة أعادت كتابتها مارْغريت ناش ,ومن رسوم إليزابيث موسينك , ومن منشورات الدار العربية للعلوم
*(لقد تم الحصول على الإذن الخطي من الناشر لهذا الكتاب لعرضه في المدونة الصوتية (البودكاست*Support the Show.
I've been following Sara for few years now & she is an inspiration to me and to many women. She is one strong willed woman who has exemplified overcoming her disability through success. Sara Minkara became legally blind when she was 7 years old and there is a lot to learn from her.
In this episode we discussed the right terms to use for people with disability in Arabic, a run down of her day, her struggles, and her dreams.
Below are our top 20 vocabulary picks.
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1. Jam3iyeh/ جمعية: Organization
2. Damej/ دمج: Merge/ integrate
3. I3aqah/ إعاقة: Disability
4. Kaf Basar/ كف بصر: Blindness
5. Thowet 7ajet khasah/ ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة: People with special needs.
6. Bitzel/ بتزل: Degrades
7. Mojtama3/ مجتمع: Society
8. Nazrah/ نظرة: Vision
9. Na2es/ نقص: Less than or missing something
10. Marad/ مرض: Sickness
11. 3dame/ عظامي: My bones
12. Sob7an Allah/ سبحان الله: A phrase said to recognize what God gives or makes.
13. 7ajer al-manzele/ الحجر المنزلي: Quarantine
14. 7okomeh/ حكومي: Government
15. Saley/ صلي: I pray
16. Tabi3iyen/ طبيعياً: Naturally/ normally
17. Awled/ أولاد: Kids
18. Jeme3/ جامع: Mosque
19. 3arbashet/ عربشت: I climbed
20. Za7latet/ ذحلتط: I slided
Music by: Stay Young
by Nick Petrov
Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Nine and Happy Christmas!
I've just started an instagram page where I will post podcast episodes and more content including videos, vocab and tips on language learning and differences between accents - check it out here @learnlevantinewithlivi
I hope you are all well even though the world is rather...upside down.
Thanks to all of you who sent suggestions and thoughts about the podcast via email. I’d encourage you to send more as I love hearing your feedback. Please feel free to get in touch at
Also, Ramzi still has some spaces available for conversational Arabic classes for intermediate students. His classes are ideally suited to those who can understand around 70% of the conversations in the podcast. For more information please get in touch at the same email address
Today we are going to return to the topic of 'home'. We recorded this episode whilst we were back in our 'home' countries. Listen out for the sounds of the Old City of Jerusalem in the background whilst Ramzi is talking.
Here are some of the new words we will be hearing in today's episode:
بمستوى مجازي - On a metaphorical level
البيوت كلها فوق بعضها - The houses are all on top of each other
المهجر - In the diaspora / Abroad
الخروج من رحم امهاتنا - Getting out of our mothers’ womb
نوع من الغربه - A kind of strangeness
حقيبتي وطني ،و وطني حقيبتي - My backpack is my homeland and my homeland is my backpack.
سور - Wall
معقد - Complicated
اشي بهبل - Something foolish/trivial
الاشياء الملموسة - Tangible things
الحواس - The senses
هوية - Identity
مسلوب - Stolen
تكوين المكان - Spatial configuration
مغتربين - Expatriates
Norskpodden er tilbake neste fredag. Vi gleder oss sjukt mye til å være på luften igjen! Nye episoder proppfulle med nye måter til å bli enda bedre i norsk på! Woho!