Dette høres kanskje ut som en tørr og kjedelig pod, jo det er jo ikke slike ting vi liker å snakke om. Men, det er nødvendig. Vi skal prøve å lufte litt tanker rundt kjøpskontrakter og hva som gjelder.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Det er flere ting som skrurrer i omstendighetene rundt pågripelsen av Marius Borg Høiby, mener VGs krimkommentator Øystein Milli. Han og Tor-Erling Thømt Ruud går gjennom hva som er de store spørsmålene.
Ansvarlig redaktør Gard Steiro
In this episode, Jacob and Ian play Dog Breed Bingo! As each breed is called, they share their opinions and experiences with it. Expect fun discussions about different breeds' personalities, training tips, and quirks. Perfect for dog lovers and anyone curious about different breeds!
Just click the link below and I'll send you the 7 best pieces of business advice I've ever received.
Uke 42 2024: En nordmann er siktet for drap i Finland, boka til Stein Morten blir forsøkt stoppet og Annema spiser middag på andres regning. Dette og mye mer får du i premieren av Avhørt Aktuelt.
Denne uken er det premiere på vår helt nye podkast AVHØRT AKTUELT og her kan du høre en liten smakebit. Gå over til AVHØRT AKTUELT for å høre resten, helt gratis!
Dette er første episode i en serie som er eksklusiv for strømmetjenesten Podme. For å høre hele serien nå, gå inn på eller last ned Podme-appen.
Hver eneste dag blir nordmenn utsatt for svindel. Hvem er svindlerne og hvem er ofrene? I første episode av vår nye serie "Svindlet" møter vi Tage som skulle kjøpe bruktbil på Facebook Marketplace, men selgeren "Marianne" hadde andre intensjoner.
Ansvarlig redaktør i Batong Media er Stein Morten Lier
Ansvarlig redaktør for Podme er Kristin Ward Heimdal.
Vi skal på biljakt, vi skal undersøke utspekulert kokainsmugling og vi skal sjekke om Øystein Milli har stjålet noe. Hør serien Vokterne fra Krimpodden.
Første episode er ute på Podme eller hvis du hører gjennom VG+.
I detta tankeväckande avsnitt utforskar vi djupet av hundars betydelse för att lära människan om själva essensen av livet och hur vi hittar rätt i vår mänsklighet.
Tillsammans med Kerstin Malm, filosofie doktor i etologi och hundpsykolog, granskar vi det filosofiska temat som argumenterar för att hunden fungerar som en lärare för människan om hur vi kan utvecklas mot mer medkänsla och glädje.Kan hundars närvaro framhäva människans bästa egenskaper?
På vilket sätt kan hundars kärlek och solidaritet inspirera oss till personlig utveckling?
Hur kan den ömsesidiga förbindelsen mellan hundar och människor kan vara en katalysator för positiv förändring och personlig tillväxt?
Hur påverkar hundars enkelhet och glädje människans syn på livet?
På vilket sätt kan hundars närvaro bidra till en öppenhet för det enkla i livet?
Varför är hundars påverkan på människan särskilt relevant i dagens samhälle?Missa inte detta samtal där vi utforskar det filosofiska djupet i förhållandet mellan hundar och människor och de lärdomar de erbjuder om mänsklighetens väsen.
💚 Varje gång du ger din hund klimatsmart, djurvänlig och näringsriktig kost från Vecanis så stöttar du podden 💚Vecanis är den enda leverantören som erbjuder 100% växtbaserat foder, godis och tuggisar med ett lägre ekologiskt fotavtryck. Varje köp hos stöttar inte bara din hunds hälsa utan även vår planet, djuren och Hundpodden Vår Bästa Vän.
Stötta Hundpodden VBV:s fortsatta överlevnad!
Jag är en stolt och naiv folkbildare inom hund som vägrar gömma kunskap bakom betalväggar, jag tror på "pay what you want"-filosofin och att podden måste vara gratis och tillgänglig för alla.💌 SWISH
123 267 77 63
Eller bli månadsgivare på:
💌 -
Drar din hund i kopplet? Ligger som en wannabe-Husky slash jordfräs längst fram? Eller såsar den bara i egen värld och går en meter på tjugotvåtusen minuter? Då är detta avsnittet för dig!
Vi går bland annat igenom:
- Bästa övningarna
- Bästa (och sämsta) utrustningen
- Varför stanna när hunden drar-metoden är... trist (vi använder eventuellt hårdare ord? hehe)
Ja och mycket mer! Mmmmm matigt! Kul! Snackigt! God lyssning!
♡ Hannas promenadrecept:
♡ Stanna när hunden drar-video på youtube:
♡ Om utrustning:
♡Följ oss gärna här också♡
Poddens instagram:
Hannas instagram:
Lillys instagram:
Lillys youtubekanal:
Karen-Marie Reitan forsvarte fastlegen sin mot ryktene i bygda Frosta. Da politiet plutselig tok kontakt, forsto hun at han hadde lurt henne. Hør resten av episodene i Podme-appen.
Hmm, en av de mest provoserende utsagn vi kan tenke oss her i podden... Vi skal snakke litt om tobente i dag., kanskje mest om tobente faktisk.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Når Bård André Spildrejorde (44) blir skutt og drept i sin egen hytte er broren hans i etasjen over og blir vitne til det hele. Dette er brorens historie.
Med krimkommentator Øystein Milli og programleder Tor-Erling Thømt Ruud. Ansvarlig redaktør Gard Steiro
Vi pratar om vad som hänt i allmänhet och Marias valp i synnerhet.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky sit down to share their experience of using online spaces to create passive income for their dog businesses. They dive deep into the realities of creating and marketing dog training courses and also provide information on the membership and Live training session models.
By the end of the episode, you will have a clear understanding of the pros and cons of using online spaces to create passive income. It will enable you to work out whether it is worth doing for your business, what the best approach and how to make it happen.
Creating a dog training course does have the potential to generate some passive income. The average conversion rate, even if you have an email list of active followers is only between 7 and 10%. So, you need a big list to generate enough buyers. It takes a lot of upfront work to build a big enough list to sell to. Content creation and marketing will consume more of your time than you think. When people do buy, if you do not offer them some support, the chances are they will not complete the course, which is disheartening. The membership model can include support but running it will take up some of your time. Sharing live training has some advantages over delivering a standard course. Do your research, and make sure that there is demand for what you are thinking of delivering. Whatever you deliver has to be suitable for your audience. During the research phase find out what people want and how they want it to be delivered.BEST MOMENTS
“To make something like that work you need a very large audience.”
“You need proof of concept.”
“You have to know exactly what that course, that membership does. How does it support somebody? ”
“When you're putting the customer at the heart of everything you make your service that much more attractive, and you can absolutely do that in the online space.”
Community Facebook Group:
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!
Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
In Episode 314 of The Canine Paradigm, we explore training methods to stop chasing behaviour in dogs by discussing a groundbreaking study titled "Comparison of the Efficacy and Welfare of Different Training Methods in Stopping Chasing Behavior in Dogs." This study offers valuable insights into how different training approaches affect the success of stopping unwanted behaviours, particularly chasing, while considering the welfare of the dogs involved.
We break down the study's findings, highlighting the pros and cons of various training methods to stop chasing behaviour in dogs. The research reveals that different methods can lead to varying degrees of success, especially when considering the impact on the dog’s well-being.
In addition, we delve into the topic of deprivation in dog training. While deprivation can sometimes enhance the effectiveness of training methods to stop chasing behaviour in dogs, it also raises concerns about ethics and welfare. We discuss how this approach fits into modern dog training and what it means for both the effectiveness and overall welfare of the dog.
Further Details
Are you in search of top-tier dog trainers and steadfast supporters of the Canine Paradigm? Below is a comprehensive list of individuals and businesses that stand by our mission, contribute to our operational costs, and make significant contributions to the canine community.
Glenn Cooke oversees a wide range of canine-related services at Canine Evolution and Pet Resorts Australia.
Pat Stuart offers a full suite of coaching and dog training services through Serious dog business
We invite you to support our show and access exclusive content on our Patreon page. Your contributions directly support the show’s ongoing production, and we deeply appreciate the wonderful community that has formed around it. If you’re unsure how to contribute, feel free to reach out to us for assistance.
Explore our complete range of merchandise at our Teespring store.
You can also help by spreading the word within the canine community or suggesting special guests for future interviews.
For information on how to listen to our podcast, please visit this link.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video content and updates.
If you enjoyed the podcast, we would greatly appreciate your reviews on iTunes, Spotify, and other podcast directories.
Details on joining the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) can be found here. We highly recommend membership for anyone serious about advancing in the canine industry.
We also encourage you to check out Dogs Playing for Life, a transformational rescue process making a positive impact on dogs across the USA.
Support Our Supporters
Narelle Cooke hosts her own podcast, Natural Health for People and Pets, available on all major podcast platforms. Be sure to listen in.
For the finest human-grade supplements for your dogs, visit Canine Ceuticals. Now available in the USA. SHOW SPONSOR
Jason Firmin of Einzweck Dog Quip is another proud SHOW SPONSOR.
The innovative motorcycle dog kennel can be found at Rowdy Hound. SHOW SPONSOR
For daycare and heartfelt training services, check out From the Heart Dog Training. SHOW SPONSOR
Our dear friend and frequent contributor, Birdy O’Sheedy, can be found at
Special Thanks
A huge thanks to all our contributing artists. Please take a moment to support their amazing work:
Jane Stuart
Avery Keller
Zoie Neidy -
Har vi for mye fokus på "rasetypisk", og det å sette både hunder og eiere i bås? Ikke alle passer inn i det samme mønsteret... vi trenger å tenke litt mer på individer og individuelle forskjeller.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jeg vil ha en liten hund.... het en sang som ble veldig populær på slutten av 60-tallet.... En sort og grå med en sløyfe på, Som ligger og sover ved sengen min, Om natten søtt på puten sin... Er det slik det blir? Tenker vi godt nok gjennom hva slags forpliktelser det kommer med valget?
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to The K9PT Academy podcast, the only podcast in veterinary rehabilitation that focuses on helping business owners and entrepreneurs build and scale a profitable and successful canine rehabilitation business!
As canine rehab therapists and entrepreneurs we are often battling our own insecurities, either clinically for from a business perspective. That is totally normal and quite often we tend to underestimate what we know and overestimate what we don't know, but a challenge that will come from it will be the fact that this self-doubt makes it easy for us to follow through on what we know we hav to do to keep things moving forward, especially when it comes to our business. Listen to the full episode as we discuss:
Why we need to be careful about always be looking for something new rather than focusing on doing what we need to do todayWe can't commit to anything if we are still looking for somethingThe importance of having the confidence that no matter what you will always prevail, and will find the solutions to your challengesAsking ourselves 'what can I do TODAY to improve my situation?'why education without execution leads us nowhereJoin our Canine Rehabpreneur Community:
Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you found this content valuable here are some additional ways we can help each other:
1) Go to for more resources on business ownership, including our free Fee Calculator and Marketing Done Easy worksheet
2) Send us your question or subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected]
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4) Leave us a 5-star review so we can expand our reach and help more folks
Vi har besøk av forfatter Åse Gulbrandsen som "skulle bare ha en liten hund. Så fikk hun hele Sparky" Og livet med Sparky blir nå en bok, en bok om kjærlighet og frustrasjon, om læring og kommunikasjon. Vi skal få høre litt mer om denne sjarmøren.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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