"One who every hour prepares himself to give answers for his own sins will not quickly lift up his head to examine the mistakes of others.” (St. Gennadius of Constantinople)It's easy to point our finger at someone else's mistakes, rather than focus on our own. Why?We'll explore the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant and the two big things that make it easy to judge others.As a special bonus, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you focus on your sins, not others.
"Thoughts" are the imaginings and fantasies that can distract us from God. And they can turn into action after they enter our hearts. So how do we deal with the thoughts that bother us? Instead of fighting them, we can turn away from them.
Christ is Risen! Yet, if Christ really has conquered death, why do we still die? With a little help from St. Paul the Apostle and Fr. John Behr, we'll take a closer look at our relationship with God and explore how we perfect our union with Christ.
But He would withdraw to deserted places and pray.” (Luke 5:16)#WorldMentalHealthDay can help raise awareness about the importance of self-care. But does this mean self-indulgence? Is taking care of your health a selfish thing that Christians should avoid? Aren't we called to sacrifice everything for God and neighbor?We'll look at the example of Jesus Himself and the powerful words of St Isaac the Syrian to see why Christian self-care is actually selfless. Because, when we care for ourselves, it puts us in a position to love more deeply. This is especially important during the coronavirus pandemic and Covid. We can still Be the Bee and Live Orthodoxy even in the toughest times.As a special bonus, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn.
Feeling scared to go back to school or work? What about Church?This has been a crazy time for us all. So Steve and Christian and back to share 4 keys to staying healthy during the coronavirus pandemic (and as public place begin to reopen). They even made a companion journal to the episode. The journal offers guided questions to help you stay healthy: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.Get your free "Healthy Human" PDF here: you anxious for churches to reopen? Are you feeling scared? Leave a comment and share how you're doing.
“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”(John 1:5)Politics are toxic and the world seems full of darkness. Is our job, as Christians, to fight that darkness?We'll review the advice of two greats saints (St Isaac the Syrian and St Poprhyrios of Kavsokalyvia) to see how we can bring the Light of Christ into a world darkened by toxic politics.As a special bonus, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn.
“Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16)Adults fear that young people will grow up and stop being Christians. But no one ever fears that a kid will stop rooting for their favorite sports team. Why?We'll look at how the life of a sports fan can challenge the way we share the Faith with others. Because our goal isn't simply to make people loyal to our religion: it's to give them a taste of holiness and inspire them to be saints.If we're going to raise people to be faithful Orthodox Christians, we need to start here.As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn:
Christians seem more divided than ever. Is there really such a thing as "one" Church? Does Christian unity even matter? Father Andrew Stephen Damick joins Steve to tackle these important questions!
You may be the only Orthodox Christian at school or work. Fr. Andrew joins Steve to offer 4 tips to help you live as an Orthodox Christian in the world.
Some say Orthodox Christianity is one of the world's best kept secrets. So let's talk about what Orthodoxy is. At it's core, Orthodoxy is about the Gospel, the Good News of our new life in Christ. And there's a lot more to say, so we're going to spend a few weeks answering some of the basic questions people have about the Faith.
Many of us seek wealth, or stuff, or other temporary pleasures. Yet God wants us to seek something more. Christ chose the Cross. What do you choose?