
  • Veteran health podcaster, blogger, international speaker, and bestselling author Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” teams up with Toronto, Ontario Canada-based nephrologist Dr. Jason Fung from and Dr. Fung’s Clinical Director at his Intensive Dietary Management Program clinic Megan Ramos on this podcast dedicated to answering YOUR questions about intermittent, alternate day, and extended fasting. Jimmy and Dr. Fung are the coauthors of the 2016 international bestseller The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting and, along with Megan, are happy to provide this podcast as an additional resource for anyone curious about going on a fast to improve their health. We love hearing from our listeners with new questions–send an email to Jimmy at [email protected]. And if you’re not already subscribed to the podcast on iTunes, then you can do that and leave a review HERE. Listen in today as Jimmy and Megan answer your questions on all things fasting in Episode 10.


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    KEY QUOTE: “Once you are able to regulate your hormones, it doesn't matter what dietary problems you had before. Fasting is truly incredible.” – Megan Ramos

    Here’s what Jimmy and Megan talked about in Episode 10:


    Hey guys,

    After devouring everything I could on Dr. Jason Fung, along with your books, I decided to contact his Intensive Dietary Management clinic to become a client. I tried doing a 24-hour fast on my own and came to the realization I needed support. I’m back to doing 16:8 IF every day, but definitely needed help with doing longer fasts. When I am eating, it’s ketogenic. I can’t begin to tell you how excited, thrilled, and optimistic I feel about working with IDM. Just knowing there is a solution to my weight problem makes me feel like I have finally found my Holy Grail because NOTHING has worked for me.

    Even eating low-carb, high-fat was not enough to get me into fat-burning mode. I actually needed to get and keep my insulin low for a longer period of time than 12 hours, which is what I had not been doing. All of us who have struggled with our weight and health issues and have done numerous programs that have failed us, who have lived with despair and suffered with this horrible affliction, know how painful this all is. Now, to have an answer, a healthy, doable answer, is a miracle.

    I just had to share with you my absolute joy about this discovery. Thank you for The Complete Guide To Fasting. It has become my new Bible for healthy living offering hope, help, guidance, and support to reach ALL my health goals in 2017.

    With heartfelt gratitude and thanks!



    NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship

    – HOT TOPIC: How do you get over your fear of fasting?

    1. Are there special fasting considerations for people with hypothyroidism?

    Hey Jimmy and Megan,

    I've read a lot about how fasting affects various health issues, but I haven't seen anything on thyroid disease, specifically hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s). Do you have clients in the IDM program with this and is there anything different you do with them?

    Thanks so much!


    KEY QUOTE: “Let the positive health benefits motivate you to conquer your fear of fasting." – Jimmy Moore

    2. Is it necessary to eat low-carb, high-fat on non-fasting days to maintain the benefits of alternate day fasting?

    Hi Jimmy and Megan,

    I have lost weight successfully using alternate day fasting. I am 5'10" tall and currently weight 163 with a BMI of 23.4 and a 34" waist. On my fasting days, I eat from 0-500 calories and I eat LCHF on my non-fasting days. So what would happen if I did not eat LCHF on my non-fasting days? Would I still see results just at a slower pace or would that negate the benefits I am seeing?



    3. If you only eat one meal a day for a 24-hour fast, how do you get adequate calories to prevent metabolic slowdown?

    Hey Jimmy and Megan,

    Okay, now I am confused. On a recent episode of Fasting Talk, I heard Megan says it is detrimental to your health to not get enough calories in on your feeding days. She noted that patients who only eat 500-800 calories a day are the hardest ones to help because their metabolism has been slowed down for so long. But then in last week’s episode from Low Carb Breckenridge with Dr. Fung answering questions, he said it’s okay to eat one meal a day when you intermittent fast and that he doesn’t really care about how many calories you get in that meal. There’s no way I could get over 1,000 calories in one meal. So if you are doing this six days a week then aren’t you getting to that place where Megan says it is detrimental with the low calorie intake? Please help me with this.


    4. Do I need to do extended fasting to help reduce eczema symptoms or can keto/IF give me relief from this?

    Hello Jimmy and Megan,

    Thank you so much for the information you are providing the public. You make my job as a Mind-Body Nutrition Coach easier, knowing I am providing quality, relevant information for myself and my clients. My question for you guys is about eczema. From what I’ve read, it seems fasting is beneficial, but more so for doing an extended fast of more than three days. I'm not sure I want to fast for that long since I don't have any weight to lose. I'm 5'3", 123 pounds, 52 years old and very active with trail running 2x/week, Crossfit 2x/week and ballroom dancing 2-3 times per week. Would shorter or intermittent fasting reduce the eczema symptoms or do I need to suck it up and do an extended fast of a few days to get the most benefits? Or would a ketogenic diet alone help with this?

    Thank you for all you do!



    5. Are there any differences in the fasting experience consuming water vs. dry fasting?

    Hello Jimmy and Megan,

    I've read your book on fasting and love this podcast. I have been doing 7-day fasts and intermittent fasts on a regular basis. While reading your book, I saw that fasting is a practice followed by numerous religious traditions. But one element of several of these traditions, such as Ramadan, that I did not see mentioned in your book or discussed on your show is the impact of not drinking anything during the daytime of these religious fasting periods. Fasting means abstaining from food and drink from dawn to dusk. All the discussions of fasting assumes you are consuming water. But what about these dry fasts during the daytime? Is this something different about fasting with liquids vs. fasting without them?

    Thank you,


    iTunes review:


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    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the new lemon-lime flavored Jigsaw Electrolyte Supreme supplement (Get $10 off your order with coupon code “LLVLC”)
    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: The world’s freshest and most flavorful artisanal olive oils. Get your $39 bottle for just $1
    – JIMMY AND DR. ADAM NALLY’S NEW SUPPLEMENT LINE: Try the KetoEssentials Multivitamin and Berberine Plus ketogenic-enhancing supplements
    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the BRAND NEW 2017 Ketonix breath ketone analyzer from
    – Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb”
    – Dr. Jason Fung from Intensive Dietary Management
    – Megan Ramos from Intensive Dietary Management
    – The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting
    – Get the full audiobook read by Jimmy on Audible
    – Fung Shweigh Facebook page

  • Veteran health podcaster, blogger, international speaker, and bestselling author Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” teams up with Toronto, Ontario Canada-based nephrologist Dr. Jason Fung from and Dr. Fung’s Clinical Director at his Intensive Dietary Management Program clinic Megan Ramos on this podcast dedicated to answering YOUR questions about intermittent, alternate day, and extended fasting. Jimmy and Dr. Fung are the coauthors of the 2016 international bestseller The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting and, along with Megan, are happy to provide this podcast as an additional resource for anyone curious about going on a fast to improve their health. We love hearing from our listeners with new questions–send an email to Jimmy at [email protected]. And if you’re not already subscribed to the podcast on iTunes, then you can do that and leave a review HERE. Listen in today as Jimmy and Megan are joined by Featured Fasting Patient Hayley Porteous and talk all about fasting in Episode 16.

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    SPECIAL GUEST: Hayley Porteous

    My name is Hayley and I am a Menopausal Momma to two kids (11 and 14). I am a Mental health clinician and am one course short of finishing my Masters of Health Administration. I live in Victoria which is on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Like most people, I have tried everything to “stay healthy” and lose weight. But nothing really worked for long. The scientific evidence that Dr Jason Fung presented in the Obesity Code really made sense to me and I began the IDM program at the end of November 2016. I feel like I have found the answer I was looking for and my life will never be the same!

    KEY QUOTE: “I felt so good after trying low-carb high-fat and fasting that I never wanted to go back.” – Hayley Porteous

    HOT TOPIC: Is it necessary to go ketogenic prior to fasting? Or can you eat a high-carb diet and still fast?

    1. How often can someone do an extended fast? How do you prevent gaining back all the weight loss during an extended fast?

    Hey Jimmy and Megan,

    Fasting has totally changed my life, so thank you for sharing on this podcast. I have a few questions for you that I would love to hear the answers to. How often can you engage in extended fasts of five or more days? And how can I be sure that I don’t regain all the weight I lose while on an extended fast?

    Thanks for your help,

    KEY QUOTE: “In our clinic we work on fasting first and diet second. Fasting helps regulate hunger hormones then you make better food choices. ” – Megan Ramos


    2. Why did my fasting blood glucose spike on the day after an alternate day fast? Does eating this Mercola-styled meal actually enhance your fasting?

    Hey guys,

    I am really enjoying Fasting Talk. I love and appreciate Dr. Fung's ability to relate info in a way that anyone can understand. And, of course, I have listened to you, Jimmy, for a long time. I am loving Megan Ramos and look forward to hearing more from her on upcoming episodes. My question for you guys is this: I practice alternate day fasting and I take my blood sugar reading the morning after a fasting day. Much to my surprise, my last reading jumped 25 points! I have read that sometimes this happens when hormones such as cortisol, glucagon, and epinephrine are released causing the liver to release glucose. Incidentally, I did eat a small meal of 3 ounces of ham and 8 ounces green beans about 3-4 before bed, so possibly that is the culprit in my higher reading. Dr. Joe Marcela was the one who recommended eating a meal consisting of 500 calories or less with 20-30g protein and 8 ounces of green vegetable to enhance my fasting so I thought I’d give it a try.

    Thanks for helping me figure this out,



    NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship

    3. What would be the benefits of fasting for only two days when it seems the most results coming after that?

    Hey Jimmy and Megan,

    Thanks for the awesomely informative podcast! I'm pretty familiar with keto, but I’m absolutely clueless about fasting. I have a question for you guys to address today about fasting. Several things seem to spike up during the first few days of fasting before going down again. Doesn't this mean that doing a two-day fast means you are only getting the worst part of the fasting experience? Don’t people who do this short of a fast deny themselves of seeing the ultimate benefits of seeing these things coming back down again and feeling good on the other side?

    I appreciate your insights,



    NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship

    4. Why did I experience hypoglycemia in Day 2 of an extended fast? What can I do to prevent this from happening again?

    Hi guys,

    I've read The Complete Guide to Fasting and have been loving the Fasting Talk podcast. As a science teacher, I really appreciate how you present the information. I initiated what I wanted to be a four-day fast and maybe longer recently. I made it to the 32-hour mark before experiencing signs of hypoglycemia. I was shaky, dizzy, faint, and very weak despite my heart rate at around 100 bpm. When I checked my blood sugar, it was down to 33. Because I didn’t feel safe to drive at the moment, I decided to drink 8 ounces of pomegranate juice since that was the only thing I could find to bring my blood sugar back up. I assume it improved because the symptoms decreased a bit and I made it to work safely. I'm generally healthy except for elevated cholesterol and a bit of excess weight and I'm hoping these things will be fixed by fasting and keto. Any thoughts on what happened here and should I be concerned? If I try to do an extended fast again, do you have any tips to prevent this the next time?

    Thanks for your help!



    KEY QUOTE: “Fasting is a great way to kick start ketosis and you start feeling the therapeutic effect of ketones within about three days.” – Jimmy Moore

    5. Can I use Chinese medicine or take various supplements during a fast?

    Hey guys,

    Is it okay to use Chinese medicine or supplements such as glutamine or effervescent tablets during my fasting period?

    Thank you for your help,



    NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship

    iTunes review:

    – JIMMY AND DR. ADAM NALLY’S NEW SUPPLEMENT LINE: Try the KetoEssentials Multivitamin and Berberine Plus ketogenic-enhancing supplements
    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the BRAND NEW 2017 Ketonix breath ketone analyzer from
    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the new lemon-lime flavored Jigsaw Electrolyte Supreme supplement (Get $10 off your order with coupon code “LLVLC”)
    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: The world’s freshest and most flavorful artisanal olive oils. Get your $39 bottle for just $1.
    – Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb”
    – Dr. Jason Fung from Intensive Dietary Management
    – Megan Ramos from Intensive Dietary Management
    – The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting
    – Get the full audiobook read by Jimmy on Audible
    – Fung Shweigh Facebook page

  • Veteran health podcaster, blogger, international speaker, and bestselling author Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” teams up with Toronto, Ontario Canada-based nephrologist Dr. Jason Fung from and Dr. Fung’s Clinical Director at his Intensive Dietary Management Program clinic Megan Ramos on this podcast dedicated to answering YOUR questions about intermittent, alternate day, and extended fasting. Jimmy and Dr. Fung are the coauthors of the 2016 international bestseller The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting and, along with Megan, are happy to provide this podcast as an additional resource for anyone curious about going on a fast to improve their health. We love hearing from our listeners with new questions–send an email to Jimmy at [email protected]. And if you’re not already subscribed to the podcast on iTunes, then you can do that and leave a review HERE. Listen in today as Jimmy and Megan answer your questions all about fasting in Episode 19.


    NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship


    HOT TOPIC: How much to eat on feasting days to distinguish from fasting days?

    1. Why do I have a tight feeling in my throat while I’m extended fasting? Is it my thyroid detoxing or something else?

    Hello Jimmy and Megan!

    I’m now 4 1/2 days into my first ever 7-day water fast. Thanks to The Complete Guide to Fasting, I was well-prepared and I managed the first two days just fine and the hunger pangs are all but gone now. I’m sleeping soundly, and my daily energy levels are sufficient enough to handle my normal activities, but I don’t feel like there’s enough gas in the tank for my normal exercise routines. I do have a few worrisome symptom that I wanted to ask you about. I’ve noticed a tight feeling in my throat starting in the morning of Day 3. It’s located around the hollow of my neck just at and above the level of my collar bone. It’s actually something I used to feel all the time, before I adopted a cleaner way of eating over a year ago and that sensation has been gone for several months. But now it’s back with a vengeance since I commenced extended fasting. It seems to be where I think my thyroid is, so of course I’m wondering if my thyroid is suffering or just detoxing and getting healthy and strong again. Any ideas about what might be going on?

    Bless you for resurrecting the important tool of fasting! I had all but given up on shedding these extra 10 pounds that suddenly appeared a couple years ago. I’m thrilled about reforming my eating habits, improving my blood sugar, and EASILY eliminating wheat and artificial sweeteners, and of course the weight loss.

    Warm regards,



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    2. Do you get the same or better results doing a 10-day extended fast vs. two 5-day fasts?

    Hey guys, love the show! Thanks for all of your hard work and for educating your listeners around the world. My question for you guys is this: Are there any specific weight loss, insulin resistance or general advantages to doing a 10-day fast vs. doing two 5-day fasts?

    Thanks for answering my question,

    Bard in Sydney, Australia

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    3. Would limiting my fasting to non-training days be best for someone like me doing Brazilian jiu jitsu?

    Hey Jimmy and Megan,

    About two years ago I was living a sedentary lifestyle and weighed 275 pounds at 5'9". Now I'm down to 190 pounds after a lot of hard work and not drastically changing my eating habits other than cutting out sodas, cakes, and other sugary snacks. I'm what you might call a "fatthlete" (fat athlete). I train Brazilian jiu jitsu five days a week and I'm a little worried about fasting because from what I understand about it vigorous physical activity can cause problems for people. What are your thoughts on circadian fasting or fasting only on days I don't train? Would those be better fasting options for me?

    Thank you in advance for your advice,


    4. Is it okay to engage in a fast post-surgery? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

    Hi guys,

    I’m so glad I found Fasting Talk. I already listened to Keto Talk and this new podcast makes my life complete. What I want to know about is if there are any guidelines for fasting after surgery. Is there a time period when it’s not advisable to fast post-op? Or does it depend of the surgery? I had my appendix out just before Christmas and while I felt fine doing a 40-hour fast in the week afterwards, my husband got rather anxious about me doing this. I have been doing a 20-4 intermittent fast most days for the last year with occasional longer fasts. But I haven’t found any information about fasting post-surgery anywhere.

    Manny thanks,

    Denise in Canberra, Australia


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    5. Can you fast consuming green vegetable juice and coconut water? How about with the Master cleanse?

    Hi guys,

    I’m curious to know if you would ever recommend fasting on green vegetable juice and coconut water? Also, I’ve heard about a lot of people having success doing the Master cleanse which uses lemons and maple syrup? I know the latter has a lot of sugar but maybe this works best for people who are more insulin sensitive. Any thoughts on this?

    Kate in Cape Town, South Africa

    iTunes review:

    LINKS MENTIONED IN EPISODE 19 – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: The world’s freshest and most flavorful artisanal olive oils. Get your $39 bottle for just $1. – JIMMY AND DR. ADAM NALLY’S NEW SUPPLEMENT LINE: Try the KetoEssentials Multivitamin and Berberine Plus ketogenic-enhancing supplements – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the BRAND NEW 2017 Ketonix breath ketone analyzer from – Sign up today for KETO FEST at – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the new lemon-lime flavored Jigsaw Electrolyte Supreme supplement (Get $10 off your order with coupon code “LLVLC”) – Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb”
    – Dr. Jason Fung from Intensive Dietary Management
    – Megan Ramos from Intensive Dietary Management
    – The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting
    – Get the full audiobook read by Jimmy on Audible
    – Fung Shweigh Facebook page
  • Veteran health podcaster, blogger, international speaker, and bestselling author Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” hosts this podcast dedicated to featuring listener testimonials and stories about their journey using intermittent, alternate day, and extended fasting. Jimmy, along with noted Toronto-based nephrologist and fasting expert Dr. Jason Fung, is the coauthor of the 2016 international bestselling book The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting and has years of experience and knowledge about fasting to share in these engaging conversations with everyday people perfecting the fine art of not eating. Listen in today as Jimmy talks with Jeanette Louise about how she transformed her life using fasting and keto in Episode 41.


    Here’s what Jimmy and Jeanette talked about in Episode 41:
    Jeanette started April 21st 2017 experimenting with different fasting protocols, and then graduated to her first extended fast 78 hours, then immediately went into alt day fasting. She now combines IF with Keto. She is a former competitor and trains because she calls training her soulmate. She also is keen into listening to her body now that she immediately knows when certain foods spike insulin. She has come to realize that her best workouts are during fasted states, and her fasting days are zero calorie. She enjoys her heightened sense of awareness and celebrates being free from food bondage and having control over food.


    Sign up by February 2018 for the 9-month program
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    Join The Keto Clarity Club For $1 Blood Ketone Test Strips!

    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Become A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Join Jimmy Moore’s Keto Support Group:
    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Join The Keto Clarity Club For $1 Blood Ketone Test Strips!
    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the BRAND NEW 2017 Ketonix breath ketone analyzer from
    – JIMMY AND DR. ADAM NALLY’S NEW SUPPLEMENT LINE: Try the KetoEssentials Multivitamin and Berberine Plus ketogenic-enhancing supplements
    – Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb”
    – The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting

  • Veteran health podcaster, blogger, international speaker, and bestselling author Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” hosts this podcast dedicated to featuring listener testimonials and stories about their journey using intermittent, alternate day, and extended fasting. Jimmy, along with noted Toronto-based nephrologist and fasting expert Dr. Jason Fung, is the coauthor of the 2016 international bestselling book The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting and has years of experience and knowledge about fasting to share in these engaging conversations with everyday people perfecting the fine art of not eating. Listen in today as Jimmy brings this chapter to a close with the final episode of Fasting Talk as he talks with Debbie Wagner beat three decades worth of eating disorders with the power of keto and fasting in Episode 43. “I no longer use crutches during my fasts and at 50 years-old, I'm finally cured. ” – Faith Marston GET THE BESTSELLING FASTING AUDIBLE AUDIOBOOK

    Here’s what Jimmy and Debbie talked about in Episode 43:

    For Debbie Wagner, it all started with BulletProof Coffee and that led to intermittent fasting. She had long looked for a cure for a constant tremor that plagued her, along with bulemia. She graduated to 5 day fasts and through learning this new way of living has now cured her longstanding health issues. Her next challenge is to do a 7 day fast, and she has even recruited her sister to finish the fast with her. Because of what she's learned, Debbie wants to write a book to encourage others.


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    Join The Keto Clarity Club For $1 Blood Ketone Test Strips!


    Sign up by February 2018 for the 9-month program
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    NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship

    LINKS MENTIONED IN EPISODE 43 – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Become A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Join Jimmy Moore’s Keto Support Group:
    – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Join The Keto Clarity Club For $1 Blood Ketone Test Strips! – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the BRAND NEW 2017 Ketonix breath ketone analyzer from – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: – JIMMY AND DR. ADAM NALLY’S NEW SUPPLEMENT LINE: Try the KetoEssentials Multivitamin and Berberine Plus ketogenic-enhancing supplements

    – Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb”
    – The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting

  • Veteran health podcaster, blogger, international speaker, and bestselling author Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” teams up with Toronto, Ontario Canada-based nephrologist Dr. Jason Fung from and Dr. Fung’s Clinical Director at his Intensive Dietary Management Program clinic Megan Ramos on this podcast dedicated to answering YOUR questions about intermittent, alternate day, and extended fasting.