
  • 职场女性身边的焦虑 Anxiety and stress among career women

    第三集 Episode 3 :我的“恋人”就是我的工作 My job is my “sweetheart”




    Transcript of this episode can be found here











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    一心一意 yī xīn yī yì to do something whole-heartedly 两全其美 liǎng quán qí měi to satisfy rival demands 三心二意 sān xīn èr yì in two minds about sth 四通八达 sì tōng bā dá roads open in all directions 五体投地 wǔ tǐ tóu dì to prostrate oneself in admiration 五花八门 wǔ huā bā mén all kinds of; all sorts of

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