Conversion therapy is a misguided attempt by religious zealots to convert people from gay to straight. News flash - it doesn't work. Learn all about this abhorrent practice today.
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Marraskuussa 2010 nelihenkisen Panin perheen kotiin hyökkäsi joukko aseistettuja murtovarkaita. Valitettavasti taloon tunkeutuneet miehet eivät tyytyneet pelkkään rahaan, vaan hyökkäys vaati myös kuolonuhreja. Kun poliisit alkoivat tutkimaan tapausta, he huomasivat nopeasti että se ei vaikuttanut tyypilliseltä murtovarkaudelta. Miksi kaikkia arvoesineitä ei oltu viety? Entä miksi yksi hyökkäyksen silminnäkijöistä jätettiin eloon? Poliisien tutkimusten jälkeen selvisi, että Panin perhe ei ollut niin täydellinen, kuin ulkopuoliset olivat luulleet.
Ota yhteyttä: [email protected]
Instagram: @jaljillapodcast
Musiikki: Doug Maxwell - Heartbeat of the Hood
In the 1930s, Lester Gaba was designing department store windows and found the old wax mannequins uninspiring. So he designed a new kind of mannequin that was sleek, simple, but conveyed style and personality. As a marketing stunt, he took one of these mannequins everywhere with him and she became a national obsession. “Cynthia” captivated millions and was the subject of a 14-page spread in Life Magazine. Cynthia and the other Gaba Girls changed the look and feel of retail stores.
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The foosball, the snacks, the scale - life at a big design firm can be really exciting. But at independent studios, design culture still flourishes. In this episode, taped live at Adobe MAX, we explore life at independent design studios, with Jason Hardy of Century, Jennifer Gonzales of Hugo & Marie, and Kemp Attwood of Area 17.
Time was that you’d bury a deceased relative in your yard; now it’s just weird. But it’s still legal – and if you want to do it, here’s how!
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Ever since Cabbage Patch Kids came along in 1983, there’s been an annual holiday frenzy around one particular toy – the must-have Christmas toy of the year. But what makes a toy a must-have toy? Josh and Chuck investigate (and kick off the holidays).
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It's no secret that human beings have an obsession with innovation -- but has our species already found every good idea? As Josh and Chuck break down the continuing search for the next great idea, they touch on everything from hand tools to cancer cures.
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Zebb Quin katosi jäljettömiin ollessaan ystävänsä kanssa autokaupoilla tammikuussa 2000. Vaikka monilla on Zebbin kohtalosta selkeä näkemys, liittyy tapauksen uskomattoman paljon erikoisia yhteensattumia joille ei ole keksitty selitystä. Oliko kyseessä useamman Zebin tunteneen ihmisen salaliitto? Miksi joku haluaisi satuttaa Zebiä, joka tunnettiin mukavana ja kilttinä miehenä?
Ota yhteyttä: [email protected]
Instagram: @jaljillapodcast
Musiikki: Doug Maxwell - Heartbeat of the Hood
Disappeared- sarjan jakso "Just a nice guy"
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Galileo tried to teach us that adding more and more layers to a system intended to avert disaster often makes catastrophe all the more likely. His basic lesson has been ignored in nuclear power plants, financial markets and at the Oscars... all resulting in chaos. At the 2017 Academy Awards, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway famously handed the Best Picture Oscar to the wrong movie. In this episode of Cautionary Tales, Tim Harford takes us through all of the poor design choices leading into the infamous La La Land/Moonlight debacle, and how it could have been prevented.
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Miltä tuntuu joutua somekohun keskiöön? Nettikeskusteluissa mopo lähtee helposti käsistä ja asiat saavat odottamattomia ja kohtuuttomiakin mittasuhteita. Jaksossa toimittaja ja mediapersoona Maria Veitola kertoo kokemuksistaan vihapuheesta ja somekohuista, jotka ovat nousseet otsikoihin saakka.
About 5,300 years ago a Copper Age shepherd was murdered. He just happened to die in a place where his body was so well preserved that gave researchers an actual shot at determining the course of his final day on Earth.
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A Roman senator once said, "Mankind can live without gold, but not without salt." Right he was. The human body needs salt so much we have developed a taste for it specifically. But too much salt can be toxic. Learn about salt's role in human history and how we get it from the Earth in this classic episode.
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Osa 2. Susan Powell katosi epäilyttävissä oloissa joulukuussa 2009. Kun poliisit kuulustelivat Susanin aviomiestä Joshia ja tämän perhettä, heille tuli tunne että kaikki ei ollut kunnossa - perhe oli kiinnostuneempi puhumaan pahaa Susanista kuin auttamaan etsinnöissä tai tutkinnassa. Toisessa osassa käydään läpi poliisien monimutkaista tutkintaa ja sitä miten tapaus Powellin perheen osalta päättyi.
Ota yhteyttä: [email protected]
Instagram: @jaljillapodcast
Musiikki: Doug Maxwell - Heartbeat of the Hood
Jaksossa mainittu hätäpuhelu:
NOLLALINJA - apua parisuhdeväkivaltaan: tai puh. 080005005
"The Disappearance of Susan Powell"- dokumentti
Getting the rain and melted snow from upstate NY into the taps of every NYC resident and business is one of the great feats of engineering. Does it taste great and make perfect bagels and pizza crust? Sources say yes!
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There are symbols all around us that we take for granted, like the lightning strike icon, which indicates that something is high voltage. Or a little campfire to indicate that something is flammable. Those icons are pretty obvious, but there are others that aren't so straightforward. Like, why do a triangle and a stick in a circle indicate "peace"? Where does the smiley face actually come from? Or the power symbol? We sent out the 99PI team to dig into the backstory behind some of those images you see every day.
Ubiquitous Icons: Peace, Power, and Happiness
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Back in 1982, Key West seceded from the United States. Don’t believe us? It’s true! Just listen to the episode, will you?
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Hallucinogenic drugs are currently illegal, but they were once commonly used in psychological treatment. In this classic episode, Josh and Chuck discuss the rise and fall of psychedelics in treating mood disorders -- and why they're starting to gain favor again.
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Jakso 14 käsittelee MS Estonian uppoamista. 852 ihmistä menettivät henkensä tässä tragediassa vuonna 1994.
Episode 13 Show Notes:
Change might not be fast and it isn't always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.
Be Focused - Mac
Interval Timer - Desktop, iOS, Android
Web Design Inspiration
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The chili pepper is the pride of New Mexico, but they have a problem with their beloved crop. There just aren’t enough workers to pick the peppers. Picking chili peppers can be especially grueling work even compared to other crops. So most workers are skipping chili harvests in favor of other sources of income. As a result, small family farms have been planting less and less chili every year in favor of other less-labor intensive crops. So, scientists are trying to find ways to automate the harvest, but picking chilis turned out to be a tough job for a robot.
Rose Eveleth’s podcast is called Flash Forward. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or RadioPublic.
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