In this introductory episode of The Vertue Podcast, I, unpack the concept of wellness beyond the familiar narrative. I introduce you to the biopsychosocial model—a holistic way of understanding health. But, we go beyond that, venturing into ‘my’ unique BPSES model which includes the economic and spiritual dimensions of well-being. We'll reflect on why our society often sees health in a purely physical light, even making snap judgments based on someone's physical appearance, and I'll challenge you to shift this perspective. By the end of this episode, I hope you'll start seeing wellness as more than just gym sessions or diets, but as a combination of our physical, mental, social, economic, and spiritual lives. Also, there's a bit of homework! I want you to reflect on where you might be emphasising one aspect of the BPSES model over others. Prepare for a journey of understanding health in a holistic and interconnected manner, and don't forget to send in your questions for future episodes! Join me as we redefine what it truly means to be well.
Are you a university student or recent graduate? Are you looking to gain a competitive edge in the job market, specifically in the fields of accounting and finance?
Then this episode is what you need! Packed with practical advice tailored to your needs, it will equip you with valuable Excel tips that will enhance your employability as you move into your first accounting or finance role.
Delve into the world of Excel and hear expert insights on how to leverage this powerful spreadsheet tool. Tune in now and unlock the secrets to succeeding with Excel.
Host: Neale Blackwood CPA has more than 20 years of experience as a Microsoft Excel educator. He is the author of more than 200 INTHEBLACK articles as well as a book, Advanced Excel Reporting for Management Accountants.
CPA Australia publishes three podcasts, providing commentary and thought leadership across business, finance, and accounting:
With Interest INTHEBLACK Excel TipsSearch for them in your podcast platform.
You can email the podcast team at
Dan & Jennifer chat and ask each other typical 'getting to know you' questions to find out a little more about one another and introduce themselves to their listeners. Topics include 'Where are you from?' (Jennifer really is from America's finest city!), 'What do you do?' and 'What about the future?' Dan talks about the phrase 'How do you do?' and how British people DON'T tend to use this phrase anymore. Jennifer introduces a phrasal verb, 'meet up', and the idiom 'to take a rain check'. So! All in all a pretty action-packed first episode - we hope you like it!
Alex and Sofia dive into the differences between 5's and 6's vs 9's and 10's. Depending on where you land on the may need to work over time in the bedrooom. Plus, Sofia discusses getting caught cheating thanks to her fat a$$.
Follow along vlogger Alexandra Cooper and best friend Sofia Franklyn as the duo dives into the explicit details of their life in NYC. In their 20s, the two exploit the f*ck out of their lives, making you feel a hell of alot better about yours. Relationships, sex, the NY social scene, embarassing moments, and weiner holes are all addressed here on CALL HER DADDY.
Fahrenheit or Celsius? Why not both? If they can agree - exactly at -40 degrees - then it seems like we should all be able to agree they're both great as well.
See for privacy information.
Do you think social media traps you into only making friends with people you have mutuals with? Does it make it harder to get out of your social bubble? In this episode, we talk about how we decide who to be friends with, if mutuals make us more or less likely to be friend with someone, and ways to try to get out of our social bubble. Enjoy!
Also this is our first episode filmed in NY! Woooo! You will also notice a camera crew in the room, that's for a secret project we're a part of that we'll tell you about later!
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В этом выпуске разбираемся в сотворении мира по-гречески. Изучаем, в чем разница между первородными, титанами и богами. Смотрим, кто кого породил, и как отягощенное наследие повлияло на всю историю божественных взаимоотношений. Инструкция от Геи: как из ребра создать себе сына и сделать его своим мужем, который превратится в “отца года” и сумасшедшего тирана. Также выясняем, откуда взялась Афродита, при чем тут пенис Урана (отрубленный), а также, как отличить Мнемосину от Мнемосины и произносить правильно - Та́ртар или Тарта́р.
Продолжаем историю о том, как Осирис, Сет и Гор пытались выяснить, кто из них должен править Египтом.
Великая мать, которая заново родила своего мужа. Оригинальный способ развеселить отца. Вырванные глаза, отрезанные руки и сломанный член. Троица по-древнеегипетски.
Эти и другие выдуманные истории, о которых невозможно молчать, — в сегодняшнем выпуске.
Ведущая — Любовь Леднева;
Редактор — Анастасия Куджева;
Звукорежиссер — Илья Коваленко. -
Обретение ресурса, исцеление, раскрытие способностей
Делюсь с Вами медитацией с закрытого канала. Добро пожаловать в исцеляющие энергии Источника
Работа направлена на исцеление от заболеваний по запросу.
Знакомство с тотемным животным позволяет обрести его силы и почувствовать его присутствие в жизни, почувствовать его поддержку
Что это такое и что можно исцелить с их помощью
Снятие стресса
Эта медитация для тех, кто хочет стать психологически зрелой личностью, выйти из под влияния энергий матери.
Что такое подсознание и как эффективно взаимодействовать с ним
Даооская медитация исцеления органов с помощью энергий стихий!
Исцеленное сердце соединяется со всем миром, дает чувство гармонии и внутреннего покоя
Упражнение для выхода из ситуации и поиска решения
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