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Victorian Government announces reforms to Coroner's Act and Phobe's grandfather Lorne responds.
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The Victorian Government has announced a review of the Coroner's Act amid widespread public concern about the inquest into Phoebe Handsjuk's garbage chute death.
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We dissect the coroner's finding in Phoebe's case, raising serious questions about his conclusion and the methods he used to reach it. We examine the consequences of challenging a poor finding. And we reveal the Facebook post that prompted this podcast.
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Seven months after Phoebe Handsjuk died, forensic scientists found a piece of paper in the pocket of the jeans she was wearing when she died. Whose number was it? And what did it mean?
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Phoebe is remembered by her friends and family. We chronicle the competing memorials and funerals. And we journey to the shores of her Viking farewell.
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We explore Phoebe's tumultuous last week and examine what she and her partner, Ant Hampel, did on her final day. Then we put the blowtorch to failings and omissions in the police investigation following her death, and the early conclusion that it was a suicide.
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We explore the difficulties of establishing Phoebe's time of death, and a debate between police and doctors over the value of trying to estimate when somebody has died.
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Our investigative journalists Richard Baker and Michael Bachelard report back on the tip-offs we've received and the political developments triggered by Phoebe's Fall since we launched.
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Examines the state of Phoebe's mind and the relationship that dominated her life at the time of her death. We find evidence that she was planning to leave her partner, Ant Hampel. And we play audio of a secret recording made by Phoebe's mother of Ant's reaction to her death.
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We walk through the final hours of Phoebe Handsjuk's life, challenge the plausibility of the coroner's findings, and examine the gruesome mechanics of her death in a chilling re-enactment. We also hear from a leading forensic pathologist whom we commissioned to review the evidence.
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Starts with the mysterious and gruesome death of 24yo Phoebe Handsjuk and the open possibilities that it was either murder, suicide or a tragic accident. Then it steps back to hear from Phoebe herself and then her friends and family describe her many traits; her beauty, her art, her physical strength, her appetite for drugs and booze, her obsessions with forbidden men.
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A major investigation by The Age newsroom in Melbourne, Australia, into the death of Phoebe Handsjuk, who was found at the bottom of a garbage chute in a luxury apartment building.
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A new podcast series from The Age, Melbourne, Australia.
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Feitelijk, zakelijk en objectief: dat is normaal gesproken de rol die media vervullen. In het geval van de zaak Dutroux ging het weleens anders: de emotie in het land drong ook door tot redacties. Media waren er mede de oorzaak van dat er zo veel mensen kwamen opdagen voor de Witte Mars, horen justitiejournalist Gabriella Adèr en correspondent België Anouk van Kampen in deze aflevering van politicoloog Stefaan Walgrave. En het ging nog verder: tot op de dag van vandaag gelooft een deel van het land in pedofiele netwerken rondom Dutroux, met hooggeplaatsten die hem in bescherming namen. Daar speelden de media een belangrijke rol in. Gabriella en Anouk gaan in gesprek met justitiejournalist Mark Eeckhaut, die de zaak vanaf het begin volgde.
Wil je de hele serie De Schaduw van Dutroux luisteren? Je vind hem in de gratis podcastapps van NRC en De Standaard. Download nu en luister meteen verder.
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Na de zaak-Dutroux komen politie en justitie onder vuur te liggen. Zó onder vuur, dat op 20 oktober 1996 300.000 mensen de straat opgaan in de Witte Mars om hun ontevredenheid te uiten, en dat er een parlementaire commissie wordt opgericht. Wat ging er mis, en hoe veranderden politie en justitie sindsdien? Justitiejournalist Gabriella Adèr en correspondent België Anouk van Kampen spreken met rijkswachters die aan de zaak werkten, met het hoofd van de parlementaire commissie en voormalig minister van Justitie Marc Verwilghen, en werpen een blik op de Belgische justitie vandaag de dag.
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In this chilling case of Munchausen by Proxy, the perpetrator wasn’t a parent, but a trusted healthcare worker preying on the most vulnerable patients. Beverley Allitt, a British nurse, was given the nickname The Angel of Death—but was she suffering from a psychological disorder, or was she simply evil?
Under the guise of care, Allitt carried out a horrifying series of attacks on young and helpless children. What drove her to commit these unthinkable crimes? And how did she evade suspicion for so long?
Join us as we uncover the disturbing case of Beverley Allitt, a serial killer who turned a place of healing into a house of horrors.
⚕️🔪 #TrueCrime #BeverleyAllitt #AngelOfDeath #MunchausenByProxy #MedicalMurder
A mother’s love is supposed to protect—but for Laurie Williamson’s children, it became a source of unimaginable suffering. In this shocking case of Munchausen by Proxy, a rare and disturbing disorder drove a mother to make her own children sick, all for attention and personal gain.
How was her deception uncovered? And what lasting effects did her actions have on those she was supposed to care for?
Join us for Chapter 1 of Sick and Murdered as we dive into one of the most unsettling forms of abuse and the devastating consequences it leaves behind.
⚠️🩺 #TrueCrime #MunchausenByProxy #LaurieWilliamson #SickAndMurdered #MedicalAbuse
Wealth, power, and luxury couldn’t shield Ted and Generosa Ammon from the dark side of their crumbling marriage. In Part 2 of Murder in the Hamptons, we explore how their bitter and costly divorce spiraled into resentment, rage, and ultimately, murder.
Who was behind the brutal killing of the wealthy financier? And how did greed, jealousy, and betrayal turn a high-society love story into a deadly nightmare?
Join us as we uncover the shocking conclusion to one of the Hamptons’ most infamous crimes.
💰🔪 #TrueCrime #TedAmmon #MillionaireMurders #MurderInTheHamptons #BetrayalAndGreed
🎧 Podcast Recommendation: The Noir Factory Podcast
📖 Book: Almost Paradise: The East Hampton Murder of Ted Ammon by Kieren Crowley -
What began as a high-society romance ended in betrayal, bitterness, and bloodshed. When multimillionaire Ted Ammon and his wife, Generosa, entered a vicious divorce battle, their love story turned into a ticking time bomb. But no one could have predicted just how deadly it would become.
In Part 1 of Murder in the Hamptons, we unravel the lavish lifestyle, growing tensions, and dark secrets that set the stage for a brutal crime. How did a once-glamorous marriage spiral into murder?
Join us as we dive into one of the most infamous cases of wealth, power, and deadly revenge.
💰🔪 #TrueCrime #TedAmmon #MillionaireMurders #MurderInTheHamptons #DeadlyDivorce
🎧 Podcast Recommendations:
Murder Dictionary – Join Kelly & Brianna as they explore true crime cases from A-Z, each focusing on a different type of crime. A mix of dark humor and gripping storytelling!🔗 Support the show on Patreon:
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