
  • In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele address the following topics: Fr. Sandborn’s Casiciacum thesis; the Church’s indefectibility; the juridical structure of the Church; the unity of the Church; the Faith of the Church; the Church’s form of worship; modernism’s evolutionism; theories about the current crisis in the Church; apostolic succession; sedevacantism; attack on the magisterium; papal authority; conservatives vs. catholicism. The parable of the Sheep and the Goats in Matthew, chapter 25; condemnation of the goats to hell; omitting the corporal works of mercy a mortal sin?; sins against justice and sins against charity; omissions of charity can be mortally sinful; our Lord’s commandments of Charity. The purple scapular of “benediction and protection”; Marie Julie Jahenny, Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi and the three days of darkness prophecies; the Rituale Romanum of the Church; the scapular of the passion of our Lord. Satan did not know who our Lord was in Mathew 4, but the demons recognized Him in Matthew 8?; our Lord’s public miracles; Satan provoking miracles from our Lord in the desert; the Devil didn’t know; devils vs. demons; the mystery of the Incarnation — supernatural and beyond the understanding of angels; the phrases “Son of God” and “children of God”; the divine Person of Jesus Christ; the faith of devils. The bones of St. Peter; how were they found?; Margherita Guarducci; contained in a wooden box; the graffiti on the wall; the Confessional of St. Peter; the Trophy of Gaius; St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s bones in St. Sebastian’s catacombs; Constantine’s Basilica of St. Peter in 360 A.D.; lowering of the archbishops’ pallia down to St. Peter’s remains; the new Basilica of St. Peter in 1626; Pius XII’s excavation and the discovery of St. Peter’s bones; the Scavi tour in Vatican City of the archeological investigation into the remains of St. Peter. Banning Burke from the Vatican. The Gardasil vaccine and St. Jude’s Hospital; Gardasil developed and tested by aborted human fetuses?; used against HPV; unsafe and unhelpful? The pentagon promoting socialism to combat China; event — “The Case for Global Justice and Democratic Socialism” hosted at the pentagon — the Institute for National Strategic Studies; speaker — French economist, Thomas Piketty, author of “Time for Socialism”; Piketty — “end Western arrogance and promote a new emancipatory, egalitarian horizon on a global scale”; “hyper-capitalism”; post-colonial government; similarities to the Great Reset; the January 6 “insurrection”; overturning the U.S. Constitution; the Chinese form of government; Sebastian Gorka’s report. Disney gone “woke”; Disney’s history — promotion of homosexuality; high-level officials — create a “gay world” through children’s entertainment; Ron DeSantis’ misrepresented bill protecting children from groomer-teachers; Twitter’s idealogical motivation; LGBTQ+ ideology and birth control; the culling of the hunt race; reengineering humanity; replacing “breeders”; creation of digital man. The power of God underestimated by the world; the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord; the apostles, St. Peter, and us making the same mistake; we must not make the mistake of Christ’s enemies; inversion and G.K. Chesterton’s poem, “The Convert”; the love of God will always triumph and can make the world turn upright again; have faith and pray!

    This video was livestreamed on 4/19/2022.

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