
  • Dr. Steven Farmer is a world-renowned author, teacher, shamanic practitioner, and Soul Healer. He has published several best-selling books and other products. is a licensed psychotherapist, former college professor, Reiki Master, and an ordained minister in the Circle of Sacred Earth Church. He brings a wealth of skills and experience to his writing, teaching, and spiritual healing, offering clients a unique and powerful synthesis of his many years of experience as a spiritual psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and hypnotherapist to afford quick and effective results.

    Content Summary:

    6:00 Dr. Steven’s Continual Evolution of Work

    8:50 Introduced to Shamanism

    Contemporary shamanic work that caught fire for Dr. Steven and planted something meaningful on the horizon

    11:38 Limitations on Labeling Yourself

    Essential life guideline: focus, presence and gratitude

    “Show up for whatever you are called to do.”

    17:35 What is Shamanism?

    Healing/helping spirits and your consciousness to mother earth

    “A great spirit is delivering a message to you, and the real task is to discern what that message is.”

    21:50 Power Animals

    Animals that often reflect characteristics of who you are

    “Feeling the spirit animal is just as valid as seeing the spirit animal.”

    33:20 Communing with Earth

    “To commune with the trees and see the world as living just as you are, has become a lost art.”

    How to just be present in the moment and using nature to bring groundedness

    40:20 The Collective Unconscious

    Developing your intuitive abilities and the benefits of walking barefoot

    53:20 Just Showing Up

    What it means to truly appreciate the soil beneath your feet and the privilege to be alive

    56:30 The Year of the Whale

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  • A man that wears many hats, Anthony Gustin is the definition of a fearless innovator. Developer of the the formerly known PureWod nutrition products, Anthony has since then expanded his company into a wide selection of all-natural products from clean and whole sources. Anthony’s products are unlike any other supplements out there today and that is because of one simple reason. Anthony believes in the quality above all else and has dedicated himself to creating supplements that will nourish the body in all the right ways. No shortcuts, no bullshit, only pure ingredients from whole foods.

    In this episode of Meathead Hippie, Anthony also provides information on treating soft tissue injuries by strengthening hinge movements, advice for big goal-setters and how to manage having many projects ongoing at once. He is certainly a man that wears many hats and in a way, resembles the very essence of his products. Anthony is a person that sets high expectations of himself, leaves no room for shortcuts while pursuing his goals, and has the purest intentions of far exceeding them.

    Content Summary:

    6:45 How to Manage Many, Many Projects
    Reviewing progression each month
    Prioritizing goals dependent on their difficulty levels

    10:20 Breaking Down Big Goals
    Creating a spreadsheet and rubric for tracking progress
    Achieving 70% of your goals, no more and no less

    14:01 When You Get Off Track
    Not letting your failures overcome your capability to succeed
    The importance of meditation and support of good people

    17:00 Avoiding Personal Burnout
    Decreasing stress on the body from intense workouts, traveling, computer time, mental stress
    Keeping nutrition up, sleep, movement, relationships, work, supplements

    20:20 Gymnastics: Connective Tissue Training
    Movement to prevent connective tissue injuries
    Strengthening hinge movements

    29:38 Control Less, Delegate More
    Trusting that the people you work with hold the same values as the company
    “It’s not about me or every single one of my ideas anymore. It’s about growing this thing as a living organism that gets to make impact.”

    33:34 The Shift to Launching Food Products

    36:18 What Are Exogenous Ketones?
    Switching from carbs to ketosis
    Helps with mental performance, clears brain fog and rids of bad sleep

    38:40 From PureWOD to Equip
    Equip’s natural products and each of their benefits of supplementing nutrition to the body

    43:20 Brain Performance Supplements

    43:38 Spirit Animal

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  • Dr Steven Lin is a board-registered dentist, TEDx speaker with featured in The Sydney Morning Herald, MindBodyGreen, Readers Digest, Woman’s Health and many more.

    Steven’s program helps his patients solve the cause of dental disease. It merges dental nutrition, breathing, airways, functional orthodontics and sleep health. Today the oral-systemic link is clearer than ever. And it’s helping the next generation of children to avoid braces naturally.

    In January 2018, his book The Dental Diet will be released in the US, UK, Australia and Germany. The Dental Diet is a journey of ancestral medicine, the human microbiome, and epigenetics. It explains the foods for healthy teeth based on whole, delicious nutrition. Buy your book at the link below:

    You can find him on Facebook and Instagram @drstevenlin or at

    Content Summary

    6:46 The Root of All Dental Diseases

    What is the real reason of wisdom teeth removal?

    10:00 Weston Price

    Major contributions to the National Dental Association and Price’s theory on the relationship of nutrition and dental health

    16:04 Roles of Vitamins K & D

    The importance of these fat-soluble vitamins and why deficiencies are so common

    20:00 Vitamin D3 and Parathyroid

    Signs on why you might need to check your parathyroid levels

    “Vitamin D is on the BASE of that nutrient pyramid because we are designed to take energy from the sun.”

    24:34 Vitamin A and EATING ORGAN MEAT

    Proform and preform vitamin A

    Proper absorption of vitamin A

    “Every culture has their way of eating organ meats… The reason why that was is because the liver is the most nutrient-dense part of the animal.”

    33:55 Tongue-Tie

    Linked to nutrient deficiencies in A, D & K

    It’s relation to breathing issues

    36:20 Dairy and VItamin K2: A Misunderstood Beast

    The difference between vitamin K1 and vitamin K2

    “Vitamin K2 is the final piece of the puzzle.”

    Fundamental to our physiology

    46:00 Nasal Breathing & Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome

    Where breathing issues derive from

    “During sleep, increased pressure sends a sympathetic kick to the brain.”

    51:10 Exercises to Prevent Breathing Issues

    Palate expansions and taped lips exercise

    Blood-brain barrier

    “You will get so much more oxygen by reprogramming your breathing into slow breaths.”

    56:00 Teeth Grinding: A Sign of Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome

    “When you grind your front teeth, that is your brain pushing your lower jaw forward and so that’s actually just opening the airway.”

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  • Jimmy Moore catapulted onto the health scene in 2004 after a phenomenal 180-pound weight loss enabled him to come off of prescription drugs for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and respiratory problems. He is the energetic personality behind the über-popular blog Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb and the host of the longest-running and one of the top-ranked iTunes health podcasts, The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show. Jimmy also hosts two other active podcasts Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & The Doc and Fasting Talk with Jimmy Moore and Friends along with the retired podcast Ask The Low-Carb Experts and the departed Low-Carb Conversations. He has interviewed over 1300 of the world’s top health experts and has dedicated his life to helping people get the best information possible about living healthy so they can make the right decisions for their health. Jimmy is an engaging speaker who has been invited to speak all around the world, including the UK, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and across the United States. He is the international bestselling author of The Complete Guide To Fasting,The Ketogenic Cookbook, Keto Clarity, and Cholesterol Clarity as well as the upcoming release of The Keto Cure, Keto Freedom, and Real Food Keto. Learn more about Jimmy and his work at

    Content Summary:

    6:45 Paleo or Keto?

    Jimmy describes the difference between the two and why his diet leans towards being more ketogenic

    11:00 Signs of a Fat Burner

    How to tell if you are using fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates

    12:15 Jimmy’s Journey with Food and Dieting

    Started with the Atkins diet

    Understanding ketones and their roles in the body

    15:45 The “Protein Piece” of a Keto Diet

    How much protein does one really need and is it possible to be consuming too much?

    “Gluconeogenesis: The body can’t store protein so it has to store it into a usable source of energy which it then goes through the liver and stores as glucose.”

    19:00 More Carbs for the Crossfitter

    The importance of knowing your insulin levels with high intensity training

    21:00 Insulin Resistance

    Signs and symptoms of being insulin resistant

    “Even real food carbs can be problematic at times for people with insulin resistance.”

    22:20 Sequence of Understanding Your Body Through Testing

    Testing blood sugar and insulin levels

    Getting rid of the dreadful scale

    30:25 Jimmy’s Wake-Up Call

    Family genetics and history with heart disease

    Ketogenic Vs. Atkins Diet

    35:55 Misconceptions About Keto Worth Noting

    Beware of the people that are just trying to make money off of the trend

    “I think the real food aspect of keto needs to be underscored.”

    37:30 Quality of Food > Calories in Food

    “It’s the hormonal effects that matter the most and calories does not take into account the QUALITY of food.”

    42:00 Exogenous Ketones and Ketone Esters

    Testing your blood ketones

    46:45 A Vegan-Keto Approach

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