Want to talk well in English as a business owner during international meetings?
Tariq saw one of his long-time international clients at his new office in Doha.
He stood up quickly from his chair to greet her.
He was surprised to see her at his new office.
Tariq invited her into his office, and while she talked, he listened well so he could understand her words well in English.
He didn't rush while talking to her in English because he knew he would make so many grammar errors if he rushed.
Tariq and the international client talked for a long time in English, and any time he made a grammar error, he corrected himself confidently.
But can you talk confidently in English with an international client who shows up at your office without telling you?
Would you say a few words in English and keep quiet because you don't want to make many grammar errors?
Are you going to tell yourself that you are not good enough instead of talking in English?
However, if you are a Middle Eastern business owner and you want to talk well in English during international meetings and events.
You can use the tips to improve how you talk in English during important meetings and events with your international clients and partners.
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اهلا بيك في الحلقة الاولي من بودكاست Daily English listening استماع الإنجليزية يوميا. 💛حلقة اليوم 🎙️ :
رواية احداثها بتدور عن تحقيق في جريمة قتل اللورد ارثر في منزله فكيف اكتشفوا الجريمة وكيف حلها المحقق سباستيان؟؟؟
أتمني انك تستمتع بالرواية وحكون ممتن انك تعطيني تقييمك :)
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