
  • Podcast med Anniken Lien MathiesenPodcasten Kjærlighetsmønster hjelper deg med å skape akkurat det kjærlighetsforholdet du ønsker deg. Kjærlighetscoach Anniken Lien Mathiesen ønsker for deg at du skal åpne hjertet ditt å si ja til deg selv så du kan oppnå et sunt og godt kjærlighetsforhold. I denne podcasten får du teknikker og verktøy som vil gi deg en bedre relasjon både til deg selv og de rundt degFor annonsering kontakt: [email protected] Produsent: Awa Sarr

  • A window into our world, through in-depth storytelling from the BBC. Investigating, reporting and uncovering true stories from everywhere. Award-winning journalism, unheard voices, amazing culture and global issues.

    From former prisoners in Syria, to the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh, to Nigerian women protecting their community from violence, The Documentary investigates major global stories.

    We delve into social media, take you into the minds of the world’s most creative people and explore personal approaches to spirituality. Every week, we also bring together people from around the globe to discuss how news stories are affecting their lives.

    A new episode most days, all year round. From our BBC World Service teams at: Assignment, Heart and Soul, In the Studio, OS Conversations, The Fifth Floor and Trending.