Danny's back from Hawaii, but Frank's just started his pirate themed vacation there in the latest Like a Dragon game, the crew dive deeper on Avowed, some positive thoughts on Two Point Musuem, and it's time for another demo buffet with the first Steam Next Fest of 2025.
Avowed: a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii: Point Museum: Closes Three Studios, Cancels Wonder Woman Game: NEON: Mascot Agency: and the Riverside: Is Coming: Deep: Space: Page:
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0:00:00 - Intro
0:04:14 - Thanking our Patreon supporters!
0:08:28 - Hawaii
0:10:59 - Avowed
0:32:20 - Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii
0:46:05 - Two Point Museum
1:00:36 - WB Games Closing Monolith Productions
1:06:02 - Remembering Viktor Antonov
1:10:00 - Steam Next Fest
1:13:10 - Advent NEON
1:16:07 - Promise Mascot Agency
1:19:36 - Ruffy and the Riverside
1:25:14 - He Is Coming
1:28:59 - Skin Deep
1:36:24 - Next Fest Demo Recap
1:38:38 - Noclip Updates
1:41:42 - Sign Off -
Da spørgsmålene bliver kritiske, løfter Mette Frederiksen øjenbrynene og begynder sin opsang til de fremmødte journalister: Løft blikket, Danmark skal opruste, det skal gå stærkt, og derfor er der, ifølge statsministeren, ikke tid til det hun kalder "akademiske udredninger", før vi lynopruster for milliarder. Krisestemningen hænger tykt i luften. Danmark kan være i fare og vores sikkerhed afhænger af sejr til Ukraine. Hvad betyder det, at Mette Frederiksen nu er gået i kriseberedskab? Dét spørger vi Pia Glud Munksgaard, journalist og politisk analytiker i DR, om.
Vært: Simon Stefanski.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 27. februar 2025. -
Bagstiv Viborg. Der er mareridt fra begge komikere i dagens afsnit🥳 Uffe har dummet sig næsten ligeså meget som konen. Torben har haft ekstrem dårlig mave. 🤯
We've done it: we've brought on Rob Zacny -- host of (among many other things) A More Civilized Age: A Star Wars Podcast -- to dissect and attempt to make sense of the rules of technology in the Star Wars universe. Join us as we consider questions such as: What exactly is it that comes out of a lightsaber? Is there a bathroom in the X-wing? How many Imperial officers it takes to fire a giant laser? Does hyperspace make any sense at all? And is there room in this podcast to discuss droid liberation? (At least that last question has a definitive answer: yes, of course.)
Support the Pod! Contribute to the Tech Pod Patreon and get access to our booming Discord, a monthly bonus episode, your name in the credits, and other great benefits! You can support the show at:
Join The Full Nerd gang as they talk about the latest PC hardware topics. In this episode the gang covers the reviews for Nvidia's GeForce RTX 5070 Ti line of GPUs, all of the new weirdness surrounding the whole RTX 50-series launch, and more. And of course we answer your questions live!
RTX 5070 Ti review:
DLSS 4 testing on RTX 5070 Ti:
Missing ROPs:
Newegg reservation program:
Join the PC related discussions and ask us questions on Discord:
Follow the crew on X: @AdamPMurray @BradChacos @MorphingBall @WillSmith
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I gennemsnit rører vi ved vores telefon 2.617 gange dagligt. Skriver, tjekker, læser, scroller. Det er bare et lille ryk med tommelfingeren. Men over halvdelen af os ville ønske, vi kunne lade være. For tiden går fra øjenkontakt, en færdiglæst bog, leg, nærvær og fordybelse. Men selv med den erkendelse og ønsket om mindre mobiltid, så er det åbenbart ekstremt svært at lægge telefonen væk - holde fingrene i ro - eller slette en app. Jakob Sorgenfri Kjær, journalist på Politiken og forfatter til bogen "Kig op", fortæller hvordan mobilen gik fra et praktisk hjælpemiddel til en dårlig vane.
Vært: Anna Ingrisch.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 23. februar 2025. -
What do we know so far about the new cars? Will Ferrari’s bets pay off in 2025?
Rob Smedley joins the show for the third time alongside DC to break down pre-season testing and why Ferrari aren’t waiting for 2026. He talks about big changes in the car and drivers for next season before sharing updates on his FAT Karting league and its role in shaping future talent.
Get in touch with DC and Eddie by emailing [email protected] and follow the show on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok.
Produced by Whisper
Executive Production by Whisper & New Strange
Recorded & Edited by New Strange
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Han bliver latterliggjort, holdt udenfor, kaldt en middelmådig komiker. Men da Zelenskyj svarer igen, bryder helvede løs: Den amerikanske præsident kalder den ukrainske præsident for en diktator uden opbakning i Ukraine. Zelenskyj er fanget mellem to onder: Enten føje sig fuldstændig over for Trump eller risikere at miste en uvurderlig støtte fra USA. Flemming Splidsboel, seniorforsker på Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier fortæller om Zelenskyjs knibe.
Vært: Simon Stefanski.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 24. februar 2025. -
As the Trump administration pursues its federal downsizing project, we're joined by Nick Gillespie, Editor at Large of “Reason” magazine and Host of “The Reason Interview with Nick Gillespie” podcast, to examine what's at stake. We explore where libertarian principles align with and diverge from Trump's approach, debate if government serves as essential check on free markets, and consider what role government should play in a society that values both liberty and the public good. PLUS+, find out what Donald Trump, Bob Dylan & George Constanza have in common!
Follow The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart on social media for more:
> YouTube:
> Instagram:
> TikTok:
> X:
> BlueSky:
Host/Executive Producer – Jon Stewart
Executive Producer – James Dixon
Executive Producer – Chris McShane
Executive Producer – Caity Gray
Lead Producer – Lauren Walker
Producer – Brittany Mehmedovic
Video Editor & Engineer – Rob Vitolo
Audio Editor & Engineer – Nicole Boyce
Researcher & Associate Producer – Gillian Spear
Music by Hansdle Hsu
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This week we attempt to get back to the positive end of the yo-yo cycle by playing Monster Hunter Wilds, LAD: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, more Avowed, and some Steam Next Fest demos, plus the shocking closure of Monolith, some new Fable footage, Microsoft's games AI model, and your emails!
Advertise on The Nextlander Podcast at Audioboom, or support us on Patreon!
(00:00:00) NOTE: Some timecodes may be inaccurate for versions other than the ad-free Patreon version due to dynamic ad insertions. Please use caution if skipping around to avoid spoilers. Thanks for listening.
(00:00:10) Intro
(00:02:41) Putting reality on pause for a few hours
(00:13:52) What's the last stop before dry toast?
(00:16:37) Monster Hunter Wilds | [PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S] | Feb 28, 2025
(00:42:18) Consoles or PC, the eternal struggle
(00:48:05) First Break
(00:48:10) Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii | [PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S] | Feb 21, 2025
(01:00:26) Avowed | [PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox Series X|S] | Feb 18, 2025
(01:17:39) Void Crew | [PC (Microsoft Windows)] | Nov 25, 2024
(01:20:57) Lost Records: Bloom & Rage | [PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S] | Feb 18, 2025
(01:23:41) Steam Next Fest
(01:24:50) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tactical Takedown | [PC (Microsoft Windows)] | 2025
(01:31:41) Fellowship | TBD
(01:37:18) Second Break
(01:37:23) News
(01:37:45) Warner Bros. closes Monolith
(01:56:19) Fable delayed to 2026
(02:04:22) Microsoft wants to use AI in game "preservation"
(02:16:58) Bloober Team and Konami are back at!
(02:22:22) Email
(02:33:06) Wrapping up and thanks
(02:38:10) Mysterious Benefactor Shoutouts
(02:40:22) Nextlander Content Updates
(02:41:18) See ya! -
This week Ed is joined by none other than TM New Zealand series 2 legend, Urzila Carlson! The pair discuss episode 5 and Ed gets all the insider info about the softness of David Correos' beard, what Benoni thought of this episode, and what a gift card to Peaches & Cream has to do with buying a boat.
You can catch Urzila on her newly-announced UK tour, with tickets available here.
For all things Taskmaster visit
To watch all the UK and NZ eps go to
Fantino & Bonde har en KÆMPE podcastnyhed til dig - desværre har Danmarks største vært, Mads Steffensen, lidt stukket en kæmp i hjulet på Christian og Marias store overraskelse, så nu skal alting gå meget stærkt! Så har Pave Frans det enormt dårligt, og det er Maria foruroligende ked af, for det viser sig at hun er stor pavefan. Der er naturligvis også skøn brugerinvolvering om kedelige mål I har sat jer, der er lytterhenvendelser og så har Christian og Maria opdaget Danmarks hotteste koncertsted - MENY I MÅLØV.
Når du har hørt dette afsnit, så ved du at du lige om lidt bliver fuldstændig overdynget med spændende opdateringer om Christian og Maria-projekter, så hold på hat og briller; første Putcast udkommer på mandag!
Du er velkommen til at anmelde podcasten dér, hvor du lytter til den (hvis du synes, den er god – ellers behøver du ikke).
Link til vores mail, sociale medier, YouTube osv.:
Fantino & Bonde udgives af Bauer Media og indeholder reklamer.
Hun har givet op. Ligger stille på fortovet iført dimittendkjole og med eksamenspapirer spredt omkring sig. Byens liv suser forbi, men i Kina bliver passivitet en protestform. En hel generation af unge, der er vokset op med løftet om et bedre liv, står nu mismodige tilbage uden job. Hver femte unge kineser er arbejdsløs, og i desperation lægger de sig - bogstaveligt talt - på gaden. Det ulmer: Kan de unges livslede udvikle sig til en trussel mod kommunistpartiets magt? Det spørger Genstart DR's Kina-korrespondent Phillip Roin om.
Vært: Anna Ingrisch.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 25. februar 2025. -
Hannah Crosbie, Katie Steckles and Geoff Marshall face questions about paper profits, moving markers and secondary splits.
LATERAL is a comedy panel game podcast about weird questions with wonderful answers, hosted by Tom Scott. For business enquiries, contestant appearances or question submissions, visit
HOST: Tom Scott. QUESTION PRODUCER: David Bodycombe. EDITED BY: Julie Hassett at The Podcast Studios, Dublin. MUSIC: Karl-Ola Kjellholm ('Private Detective'/'Agrumes'), The Fly Guy Five ('Another Pineapple Please'), courtesy of ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS: Ingmar, Jordan Elder, Katherine Q., Joseph Robidoux, Ólafur Waage, Bob Weisz, Ryan. FORMAT: Pad 26 Limited/Labyrinth Games Ltd. EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: David Bodycombe and Tom Scott. © Pad 26 Limited ( / Labyrinth Games Ltd. 2025.
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Episode 62: AMD has officially revealed the Radeon RX 9070 XT and Radeon RX 9070 including pricing and first-party performance benchmarks. So what are our thoughts?
00:00 - Intro
00:37 - Our Thoughts on RX 9070 XT Pricing and Strategy
41:25 - AMD Asking For Our Opinion?
51:35 - Our Thoughts on RX 9070 Pricing and Strategy
1:17:08 - Some Cool Features Here
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Den danske astronaut Andreas Mogensen er en 'idiot' og 'fuldstændig retarderet', hvis man spørger Elon Musk. Musk og Trump mener, at to astronauter er blevet efterladt i rummet af Joe Biden af politiske årsager. Det passer ikke, ifølge Andreas Mogensen. Uenigheden bliver til en ordkrig på X.
Men hvorfor sidder to astronauter på niende måned i rummet? Professor i astrofysik Anja C. Andersen fortæller om Mogensens og Musks rumkamp.
Vært: Simon Stefanski.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 26. februar 2025. -
The UK election rumbles on, an old Irish man was not as he seemed, some (but only some) countries want peace in Ukraine, and sports news: hot dog eating.
This all happens because you, the global public, fund it, support us here:
Written and presented by:
Andy ZaltzmanRia LinaNeil DelamereAnd produced by Chris Skinner and Laura Turner.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Could it get any worse for the Tories, or is Rishi Sunak basing his election campaign on The Producers? Andy is with Nish Kumar, Tiff Stevenson and Anuvab Pal for an election special.
Expect a 2nd episode this week... with puns!
This all happens because you, the global public, fund it, support us here:
Written and presented by:
Andy ZaltzmanTiff StevensonAnuvab PalNish KumarAnd produced by Chris Skinner and Laura Turner.
Cover art by @TradePhotographer
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Andy delivered a manifesto of puns to an astonished audience in the record of Bugle 4308, here it is!
This all happens because you, the global public, fund it, support us here:
Written and presented by:
Andy ZaltzmanThe Victims were:
Nish KumarTiff StevensonAnuvab PalThe Bloomsbury Theatre audienceAnd produced by Chris Skinner and Laura Turner.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Tiff Stevenson and Anuvab Pal join Andy Zaltzman for more of your finest bullshit bookended satire.
This week, the team report on Germany's tentative shift to the right, Trump wondering why 'dictator' Zelenskyy, Starmer and Macron have done nothing to end Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Liz Truss urging 'Elon's nerd army' to examine Britain's 'deep state' and - in comparatively normal news - Amazon buying James Bond.
Meanwhile, Anuvab's yoga teacher imparts some wisdom to apply to all of the above.
Listen in for top-tier satire, incisive analysis, and the usual dose of nonsense.
💰 Support The Bugle:
🎧 Listen to Realms Unknown
🎙 Featuring: Andy Zaltzman, Tiff Stevenson and Anuvab Pal
🎛 Produced by: Chris Skinner & Ped Hunter
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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