As the title says. Are you in this for the short term, or the long term? How do you develop the confidence that your model will deliver?
audio download: original, shortened
ICT talks about his 2024 plans and how he is planning to enter in the Robins Cup.
He also talks about his plan to win it while calling out his detractors to come and join him.
Especially Vinny, because it's time for Vinny to step up to the plate.
audio download: original, shortened
ICT felt like having a little rant today on Youtube. Unfortunately, the video was pulled a few minutes after he finished. Fortunately, a copy was saved by @_eMiniHank and posted to X, the app formerly known as Twitter.
From the video:
Pitfalls & Plagues Of Trading Well:
1) Unrealistic Results
2) Peer Driven Performance
3) Social Media Influence
4) Lead Dog Pitfall
It's a good lesson on mindset and how to succeed.
audio download: original, shortened
What are the margin requirements when selling put options? In this podcast, I'll break it all down for you.
By the end of the podcast, you should know EXACTLY what is required to sell put options and how options selling on margin works.
Today we'll cover:
What are Margin Requirements
How do these requirements work
How much margin is usually required
Example for those with Tradier
Why the broker requires so little capital
The one-stop-shop software that helps YOU
Learn the importance of reprogramming the subconscious mind to overcome imposter syndrome. Change core beliefs and personality traits.
The post STOP Imposter Syndrome in Trading // Ep. 134 appeared first on Think Profit Podcast.
There are a number of ways to trade for income. We like to focus on trading Stock Options because (A) they give us a lot of leverage without having to risk a bunch of our capital, and (B) we can profit if a stock is moving up, down, or even sideways.
Usually, we just wait for the market to give us a signal that it's about to start moving in a certain direction, then we hop in a trade to profit off of that move. So if we think the stock will move up, we open a trade where we profit from an upward move. If we think the stock will drop, then we open a trade where we profit from the market falling. We could even put on a neutral trade if we think the market is going to move sideways and not make much of a move at all.
How you choose to trade in the stock market ultimately depends on your preference, but I highly recommend that you choose to trade Stock Options - they give you so many opportunities to be profitable!
Learn how you can start trading stock options Today -
Learn How We Analyze Stocks To Find High Winning Setups, And As A BONUS, Learn How To Use Options To Trade Them For Income - -
After being in the trading industry for over a decade, I now teach new and struggling traders how to analyze charts to find trade setups, how to choose the best strategies to trade, and how to become more independent traders. How? That's what we cover in this series. Ways to help you start trading with confidence, trading with purpose, and Trading with Insight.
Learn How We Analyze Stocks To Find High Winning Setups, And As A BONUS, Learn How To Use Options To Trade Them For Income - -
Backtesting kan vara en kraftfull metod för att öka din prestation 📈, men det kan också bli en begränsning om det används fel. Vi diskuterar hur du kan dra nytta av backtesting för att stärka ditt självförtroende och utveckla en solid strategi, samtidigt som vi belyser riskerna med falskt självförtroende 🤔 och utmaningarna i verkliga marknadsförhållanden.
Du kommer att få insikter i hur du effektivt kan kombinera backtesting med live trading 🎯 för att bygga en hållbar och konsekvent tradingprocess 🔄. Missa inte detta avsnitt om hur du kan förbättra din trading genom att förstå både styrkor och svagheter med backtesting!
Om podden
Tradingsnack är din go-to podcast för allt som rör tradingpsykologi, teknisk analys och hur du kan utveckla rätt mental inställning för att lyckas på marknaden. Vi utforskar insikter som hjälper dig att nå dina mål.Om du uppskattar podden, följ gärna och ge oss ett betyg i Spotify-appen 🌟. Det hjälper oss att nå ut till fler traders som vill förbättra sin prestation!
Podden produceras av Robin från Mindity Trading.
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When people discourage you from trading, it can negatively affect your confidence. Learn how to deal with these people and potentially turn them into a supporters.
The post How to Deal With Haters in Trading // Ep. 1 appeared first on Think Profit Podcast.
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