Imagine if your Dad wrote a dirty book. Most people would try to ignore it and pretend it had never happened - but not Jamie Morton. Instead, he's decided to read it to the world in this award-winning comedy podcast. With the help of his friends, James Cooper and Alice Levine, Jamie will be reading a chapter each episode and discovering more about his father than he ever bargained for.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Welcome to the Ghibliotheque, the podcast that leafs through libraries of films from the world’s greatest animation studios.
In 2018, Michael Leader, an avowed Studio Ghibli fanatic, sat down with Jake Cunningham, who had never seen any of the Studio’s work before. Together they looked at the history behind Ghibli's films (including Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro and Princess Mononoke), and got a critical perspective from Jake as a first-time viewer. They covered all of Studio Ghibli's films, visited Japan on the ultimate Ghibli pilgrimage, and have since interviewed artists, animators and filmmakers who have either worked on or have been deeply inspired by Ghibli's films. With their co-host Steph Watts, they have also branched out to cover filmographies of other studios and filmmakers whose work has revolutionised animation, from Satoshi Kon and Mamoru Hosoda to Cartoon Saloon and Henry Selick.
Where will we go next? For more information, follow us on Twitter at @ghibliotheque, or on Instagram at ghibliotheque.pod. Or email us at [email protected].
Follow Michael and Jake on Twitter:
@MichaelJLeader – Michael
@jakehcunningham – Jake
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Lästerschwestern – Der Podcast über das Internet mit YouTuber Robin Blase & Gästen aus der Influencer-Welt.Hier diskutieren und lästern wir jeden Samstag über YouTube, das Internet, Social Media, Influencer*innen und was das Netz diese Woche so bewegt. https://zez.am/laesterschwestern_podcast
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Nehmt Platz auf der rosa Couch und quatscht mit euren Besten Freundinnen. Jede Woche geben sich Max und Jakob ihren Gefühlen hin und teilen großzügig, was die Welt am meisten braucht: Die Perspektive zweier weißer Männer.
Unermüdlich arbeiten sie an der nahezu unmöglichen Aufgabe, den ultimativen Guide für alle Beziehungs- und Datingfragen zusammenzutragen.
Zusammen mit euch schreiben sie Kapitel um Kapitel, um die einzig wichtige Frage zu beantworten: Was denken Männer wirklich?
Ihr findet uns auf Instagram unter @bestefreundinnen_podcast
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Felix Lobrecht (Comedian und Autor) und Tommi Schmitt (TV-Moderator und Kolumnist) haben einen Podcast. Jeden Mittwoch exklusiv als Video-Podcast auf Spotify.