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En bonus til deg som kan trenge en meditasjon for å jobbe med din identitet.
Besøk gjerne nettsiden vår:
Her kan du bestille vår nye bok: Sju dager til en ny start - metoden for bedre livsmestring, mer overskudd og mindre stress
Hva er din identitet og hvordan kan vi endre den? Den personligheten vi har er i stor grad passivt formet av våre tidlige omgivelser: Av våre foreldre, skolen, venner og tradisjoner. Dette skaper begrensninger som er i veien for å mestre vårt eget liv. Hvordan kan vi bryte ut av rammene og selv aktivt innta førersetet i vår egen utvikling? Sandra og Torkil snakker om hvordan vi kan gå fra den vi er til den vi kan bli. Har de noen knep på lur?
Besøk gjerne nettsiden vår:
Her kan du bestille vår nye bok: Sju dager til en ny start - metoden for bedre livsmestring, mer overskudd og mindre stress
If you're feeling tired, unmotivated, and lonely you need today's episode.
Today, the #1 stress doctor is here to share her toolkit to quickly get out of a rut and live a happier life.
Dr. Aditi Nerurkar, a Harvard Medical School lecturer and one of the world’s top experts on stress and public health, will reveal the top 3 things that keep you stressed and overwhelmed.
Then, she shares a reimagined, science-backed approach to protect your brain from stress and feel calmer now.
The strategies you’ll learn today are simple, free, and available for you to start using right away.
By the time you finish listening, you will go from feeling tired to energized, shift from feeling disconnected to deeply connected in your life, and break free from burnout and finally feel your best again.
By the end, you’ll feel inspired, empowered, and ready to start thriving.
For more resources, including links to Dr. Aditi Nerurkar’s research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page.
If you liked this research-packed episode, your next listen should be Mel’s conversation with Dr. Tara Swart, MD, PhD: The #1 Neuroscientist: After Listening to This, Your Brain Will Not Be the Same
Connect with Mel:
Get Mel’s new book, The Let Them TheoryWatch the episodes on YouTubeFollow Mel on Instagram The Mel Robbins Podcast InstagramMel's TikTok Sign up for Mel’s personal letter Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes Disclaimer -
In this episode, you’ll learn how to actually stick to your goals this year.
Mel shares 5 rules that will make any new habit stick. These hacks are simple, evidence-based, and easy to apply.
They help you avoid the most common traps people fall into: feeling tired, lazy, and deciding to give up on your goals.
You’re not alone—many people end up quitting. But not you. Not this time.
Because by the time you finish listening to today’s jam-packed episode, you’ll know the 5 powerful, science-backed strategies to make your habits stick for good.
Whether it’s staying consistent with your fitness goals, building better money habits, or committing to Dry January, these tools will help you stay on track—even on the days you want to give up.
You’ll learn the powerful link between habits and your identity, simple ways to trick your brain into action, and how to bounce back quickly from slip-ups.
This is the ultimate episode for anyone who’s tired of starting over and ready to lock in the habits that lead to lasting change. These tips are practical, proven, and so easy to apply, you’ll be on your way to success before the episode is over.
This is an encore episode with new and exciting insights from Mel at the top.
Get a copy of Mel’s new book, The Let Them Theory here.
For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page.
If you liked this personal, tactical, and relatable episode, listen to this one next, about how to use your mornings better this year: Try It For 1 Day: Do This Every Morning to Boost Motivation & Focus
Connect with Mel:
Watch the episodes on YouTubeGet Mel’s new book, The Let Them TheoryFollow Mel on Instagram The Mel Robbins Podcast InstagramMel's TikTok Sign up for Mel’s personal letter -
Take 7 minutes for yourself today.
These are 7 minutes for the next year that will start 2025 right.
In this special mini-episode of The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel has a message just for you: This year, you have the power.
You have the power to make this the best year of your life.
You have the power to take the leap, pursue your dreams, and create the change you’ve always wanted.
This is the year you take back control. You stop worrying about what others think, say, or do, and start focusing on YOU. Because here’s the truth: only you decide how to spend your time and energy. And when you direct them toward the right things, everything changes.
Start your year strong with this message from Mel.
If you liked this episode, your next listen should be this one: The Top Expert Advice of the Year: The Best of the Mel Robbins Podcast
Get Mel’s new bestselling book: “The Let Them Theory: A Life-Changing Tool That Millions of People Can't Stop Talking About”
For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page.
Connect with Mel:
Get Mel’s new book, The Let Them TheoryWatch the episodes on YouTubeFollow Mel on Instagram The Mel Robbins Podcast InstagramMel's TikTok Sign up for Mel’s personal letter Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes Disclaimer -
Do you want to make 2025 your best year yet?
There are 7 questions to ask yourself that will help you:
Step into 2025 with clarity about what you want & with a plan to make it happenBecome inspired, energized, and in control againLearn & apply Mel's powerful, life-changing, science-backed, year-end ritual that she has done for over 20 yearsIn this episode, Mel will walk you through the 7 powerful questions, reveal her own answers, and guide you through how to answer them.
Your answers will show you what the very next steps are in your life, and help you confidently map out what you should focus on in the next 12 months.
This is the method Mel uses to set and achieve goals, and today, you’re getting the roadmap to the success, fulfillment, and happiness that you desire.
And if you’ve been a long-term listener of Mel and the podcast, you’ll recognize and love this method, as Mel invites you to reflect on and revisit how the past year went.
Fun, engaging, and deeply impactful, this episode will help you step into 2025 with purpose and momentum.
For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page.
If you liked this episode, your next listen should be this one: The Top Expert Advice of the Year: The Best of the Mel Robbins Podcast
Connect with Mel:
Get Mel’s new book, The Let Them TheoryWatch the episodes on YouTubeFollow Mel on Instagram The Mel Robbins Podcast InstagramMel's TikTok Sign up for Mel’s personal letter Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes Disclaimer -
In today’s episode, Mel asks you 3 powerful questions that will reveal who you really are.
This episode gives you a simple way to learn more about yourself, find clarity, and feel energized and inspired again.
The first question helps you become your best self and tap into your capacity for success and excellence.
The second question will help you make any difficult decision and access your most important values.
The third question involves your relationships, how you can make them better, and how you prioritize them.
Whether you're at a crossroads or just curious about your potential, this episode will leave you inspired and ready to take action.
For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page.
If you liked this episode, your next listen should be this one: Try It For 1 Day: Do This Every Morning to Boost Motivation & Focus
Connect with Mel:
Get Mel’s new book, The Let Them TheoryWatch the episodes on YouTubeFollow Mel on Instagram The Mel Robbins Podcast InstagramMel's TikTok Sign up for Mel’s personal letter Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes Disclaimer -
Ole Petter og Mads snakker om ønsker og deres ambisjoner for den norske folkehelsa i 2025. Hva bør ledere innen politikk, næringsliv, skole, helsevesen og andre deler av samfunnet satse på for å styrke folkehelsa det kommende året og for fremtiden for å forebygge, samt styrke behandlingen av den stadig økende forekomsten av livsstilssykdommer.
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Lær hvordan livshjulet kan forandre livet ditt!
Har du noen gang følt at livet er litt ute av balanse?
Kanskje noen områder føles fantastiske, mens andre trenger litt mer kjærlighet og oppmerksomhet?
I den nyeste episoden av Mestre Livet tar vi tak i nettopp dette – ved hjelp av livshjulet!
Denne gangen lærer jeg, Sandra, Torkil hva livshjulet er, og hvordan du også kan bruke det til å:
- Få oversikt over livets ulike områder. Som relasjoner, helse, jobb og økonomi.
- Identifisere hvor du mangler balanse – og hva du kan gjøre med det.
- Sette mål som faktisk betyr noe for deg slik at du lettere oppnår målene og drømmene dine.Vedlagt finner du livshjulet slik at du kan teste dette selv!
Besøk gjerne nettsiden vår:
Her kan du bestille vår nye bok: Sju dager til en ny start - metoden for bedre livsmestring, mer overskudd og mindre stress
Vi er det vi gjør daglig, sa Aristoteles. Vanens makt er stor! Hvordan kan vi kutte uvaner og innføre gode vaner? Hvorfor er det så viktig? Hvor lang tid tar det å innarbeide en vane? Sandra og Torkil deler sine vanedannende tips. PS! Gjør det gjerne til en vane å lytte til Mestre Livet!
Besøk gjerne nettsiden vår:
Her kan du bestille vår nye bok: Sju dager til en ny start - metoden for bedre livsmestring, mer overskudd og mindre stress
Kan du virkelig manifestere det du ønsker å ha i livet ditt? Hva er egentlig manifestering og hvordan gjør du det for å lykkes? Både Sandra og Torkil har god erfaring med manifestering. Ofte er det slik: Enten manifesterer du det du vil ha, ellers vil det du ikke vil ha manifestere seg. Denne gang har vi med selveste manifesteringseksperten Kari Opsal. Hun har nettopp kommet ut med boken Manifestering. Her får du et kræsjkurs i hvordan du gjør det! Lær deg å framkalle det du vil ha mer av!
Besøk gjerne nettsiden vår:
Her kan du bestille vår nye bok: Sju dager til en ny start - metoden for bedre livsmestring, mer overskudd og mindre stress
I denne episoden har Sandra invitert Torkil hjem til seg. Sandra og Torkil gir ut bok sammen og Sandra har fått et anfall av bedragersyndrom. Hva tenker Torkil om det? Tror du han har bedragersyndrom? Hva er ulempene og fordelene med å ha det? Hvem er det som rammes dette syndromet? Kan det kureres? Og hva er temaet i denne boken de skal gi ut? God lytt!
Besøk gjerne nettsiden vår:
Her kan du bestille vår nye bok: Sju dager til en ny start - metoden for bedre livsmestring, mer overskudd og mindre stress