Audio from the annual Alcoholics Anonymous conference about the twelve step program
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
AA On Air is a forty five minute radio broadcast airing every four weeks on Saturday at 10.15am. The programme is often an actual AA meeting attended by recovering alcoholics, although other readings and talks are included. -
In this podcast, we discuss mystical works of literature, primarily Taoist text, and how they relate to alcohol recovery. Taoist Philosophy can be an excellent tool for embracing the idea of a “Higher Power.” Nature offers all of the examples necessary for a concept of a source of all life, much different but yet very similar in many ways to more traditional religious thinking.
Here is a link to an online version of the Tao Te Ching; https://ttc.tasuki.org/display:Year:1972,1988,1996,2004/section:1
Thanks for checking out our podcast. If you listen and enjoy this podcast, please share with your friends in recovery!
Do you want to stop drinking? Does alcoholism or addiction run in your family? Are you considering how to get sober? Are you seriously thinking about sobriety for the first time being alcohol is controlling your life as never before? Has the idea of a "Higher Power" kept you out of Alcoholics Anonymous or other 12 Step recovery programs? -
This podcast is a short daily audio provided by the online recovery group Transitions Daily. The daily distribution consists of different recovery quotes daily from various resources, including; Twenty-Four Hours a Day, A.A. Thought for the Day, Daily Reflections, Big Book Quote, Just for Today, As Bill Sees It, plus more! Transitions Daily also distributes this same content in a daily email with a secret Facebook group for discussion. Go to www.DailyAAEmails.com for more information.
Do you want to stop drinking? Have you ever listened to sobriety podcasts? Does alcoholism or addiction run in your family? Have you tried Alcoholics Anonymous or the 12 Steps of A.A.? Are you considering how to get sober? Are you seriously thinking about sobriety for the first time? Is alcohol controlling your life as never before? If so, you will definitely want to check out this recovery podcast. -
Produced at PlainsFM.
Alcoholics Anonymous Radio Show is a 25 minute broadcast, brought to you by members of Alcoholics Anonymous based in the Christchurch area. The purpose of this show is to increase public awareness of Alcoholics Anonymous as an effective means of recovery from the disease of alcoholism.
The format is simple - we talk briefly about what alcoholism is; then we interview one or two guest speakers, both of whom are recovering alcoholics, and we ask them to talk about their experiences with the disease and the “one-day-at-a-time” solution they have found in AA. Tune in every Monday at 5:30pm or the repeat broadcast every Wednesday at 12:30pm
To find a meeting near you please visit our website at http://www.aa.org.nz/
Or you can download the Android app on your smartphone and search “findameeting” in the Google Playstore on your device.
Alternatively you can get immediate help and support by calling our 24 hour hotline on 0800 AA WORKS (0800 22 96757)
where you can speak to a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. -
The After Gambling Podcast is a show dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of problem gambling. As a former compulsive gambler, I experienced the shame and isolation of my addiction on a daily basis. I didn't feel like anyone could understand my problem and that it was up to me to use my willpower to quit gambling. Now, I want to reach out and help others overcome their gambling addiction.
We surprise some of the world's brightest minds with ideas they're not at all prepared to discuss. With host Jason Gots and special guests Neil Gaiman, Alan Alda, Salman Rushdie, Mary-Louise Parker, Richard Dawkins, Margaret Atwood, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, Saul Williams, Henry Rollins, Bill Nye, George Takei, Maria Popova, and many more . . . You've got 10 minutes with Einstein. What do you talk about? Black holes? Time travel? Why not gambling? The Art of War? Contemporary parenting? Some of the best conversations happen when we're pushed outside of our comfort zones. So each week on Think Again, we surprise smart people you've probably heard of with hand-picked gems from Big Think's interview archives on every imaginable subject. The conversation could go anywhere. SINCE 2008, BIG THINK has captured on video the best ideas of the world’s leading thinkers and doers in every field, renowned experts including neurologist Oliver Sacks, physicist Stephen Hawking, behavioral psychologist Daniel Kahneman, authors Margaret Atwood and Marylinne Robinson, entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, painter Chuck Close, and philosopher Daniel Dennett.