In this episode, I attempt to cover several heelwork exercises at breakneck speed.
I also answer a question from Ally about over-arousal during heelwork. -
In this episode, I talk about Phase 4 and 5 of the clicker retrieve. Phase 4 is the Hand Target and Phase 5 is Introducing Slight Distance and a Mini-Hold.
Be sure to check out my YouTube channel for some free videos giving an overview of the clicker retrieve process.
If you'd like to join us on the 5 week online clicker retrieve course (costing £35 and accessible worldwide), please email me for more info at [email protected].uk -
I cover Phase 1 (just a touch) and Phase 2 (pick-ups) of the clicker retrieve process.
We now have lots of people, the world over, taking a 5 week clicker retrieve course which follows these methods. If you'd like to join us, please email me at [email protected] for more information.
The clicker retrieve is the force-free alternative to force-fetch. -
In this episode, I cover Phase 1 of the clicker retrieve. There are eight phases and I'll be covering these at various points in upcoming podcasts.
The clicker retrieve is the force-free equivalent to force-fetch. If you have any problems following these steps or you have any questions, feel free to email me for help and I will cover the issue on a future podcast!
If you'd like more detail on the clicker retrieve, I offer a 5 week online clicker retrieve course. You are emailed videos, information and a handout sheet each week of the course and you also have access to a Facebook group where you can post videos of your training and get feedback from me (and others!).
Email me at [email protected].uk for more information. -
After a question from a listener, I talk about the clicker retrieve and how to get things set up to begin a clicker retrieve session. The plan is to continue, in future episodes, to talk listeners through how to train the clicker retrieve(!). There are eight 'phases' to the clicker retrieve process I use. This episode is the first in the series on the clicker retrieve.
I do offer an online clicker retrieve course, which you can take - wherever you are, in the world. You will receive videos, handout sheets and emailed info each week for 5 weeks. You will have access to a Facebook group where you can post videos and get my feedback. The course is £35. If you'd like to enrol, email me at [email protected].uk or [email protected] -
In this episode, I talk about marking. What is good marking and why do we need it? How can we establish good marking habits? Why should the dog not look away from the location of fall unless cued to? And a few other bits and pieces.
In this episode, I interview Swedish force-free gundog trainers Elsa Blomster and Lena Gunnarsson. They are the authors of the book 'Retrieving for All Occasions' - which is available from their website They also offer online gundog training courses, which we discuss in the podcast. Their organisation is called Klickerförlaget Göteborg AB. Which I cannot pronounce. But I can write it(!).
If you want to watch the video clips of Lena training her spaniel to Sit to Flush, you can see these here: