
  • Få verdenslitteraturen lige i ørerne! Først når Weekendavisens litteraturredaktør Johannes Baun taler med avisens skribenter om en klassiker, de har indhentet, siden når Karsten Pharao læser højt af herlighederne.

  • Weekendavisen vil ikke acceptere fortællingen om, at det er slut med Amerika, dystopien, splittelsen, at den amerikanske drøm er blevet til et mareridt. For vi ved, at i USA ender historien godt. Sådan er det i hollywoodfilmene, men sådan er også den amerikanske kultur: De skal gå så grueligt meget ondt igennem, før de kommer klogere, bedre og yngre ud på den anden side.  Sådan er det også nu: USA er i krise, men det er en del af historien om et ungt land, der skal finde sig selv. 

    Derfor skal vi tale om alt det ved USA, der stadig inspirerer os og fascinerer os. Og gør os kede af det, når de ikke kan finde ud af det. Vi taler med interessante personligheder og Amerika-elskere om det land de elsker trods alt. 

    Hver gæst skal komme med ét stykke Americana: En tekst, en sang, et digt, en film, en begivenhed, et maleri, en bygning, whatever, og forklare, hvorfor lige netop dét er det essentielle af det USA, de drømmer om.

  • I podcasten Avistid vender Martin Krasnik, Christian Bennike og Nikolaj Arve ugens mest presserende problemstillinger. Det er lyden af Weekendavisen.

    Få adgang til resten af Weekendavisen her: www.weekendavisen.dk/tilbud

  • Join Patrick and Kevin bi-weekly when these two traders discuss the week's action in the markets - always keeping the other's feet to the fire for bad calls - yet hopefully having some fun while learning a little something in the process.  

  • Historien Fortsætter er en podcast, der tager fat i nogle af de største nyheder og giver dig deres historiske baggrund.

    Vi har en regering på midten, men hvordan er det helt forskelligt fra den gamle arbejder-bonde-regering i 70'erne?
    Hong Kong brænder, men hvorfor gav Briterne egentlig øen til kineserne i første omgang? Kurderne fordrives, men hvorfor har de ikke deres eget land? Socialdemokratiet rykker mod højre, men hvad mente de om indvandring i firserne?

    Nyhederne er blot det nyeste kapitel i vores fælles historie. Vi tager dig i hånden og bladrer tilbage i historiebogen, så du kan følge med, når Historien Fortsætter…

    Julian Svejgaard: Journalist, halvt historiker og musiker
    Lars Harhoff Andersen: Ph.d-studerende i økonomisk historie, Københavns Universitet.

    Tilrettelæggelse: Julian Svejgaard

  • James Richardson and Team Totally are here three times a week throughout the season with all the football news and chat you need - and plenty that you don’t.

  • Comedian Katherine Ryan can’t help telling everybody everything. Candid chat, pettiness, phone calls, and some serious stuff too - straight from the nation’s sweetheart.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This is your year-round cycling feed!
    Geraint Thomas has started the world's biggest cycling club. And you’re all invited. Follow the Tour de France winner and amateur rider Tom Fordyce as they take you on a fascinating ride round some of the biggest stories and guests throughout the off-season.
    And once racing gets under way, join former team-mates and best mates Luke Rowe and Geraint as they bring you banter, guests and inside information from the heart of the peloton like no one else.

  • Spanning history, religion, culture, science and philosophy, In Our Time from BBC Radio 4 is essential listening for the intellectually curious. In each episode, host Melvyn Bragg and expert guests explore the characters, events and discoveries that have shaped our world. History fans can learn about pivotal wars and societal upheavals, such as the rise and fall of Napoleon, the Sack of Rome in 1527, and the political intrigue of the Russian Revolution. Those fascinated by the lives of kings and queens can journey to Versailles to meet Marie Antoinette and Louis XIV the Sun King, or to Ancient Egypt to meet Cleopatra and Nerfertiti. Or perhaps you’re looking to explore the history of religion, from Buddhism’s early teachings to the Protestant Reformation. If you’re interested in the stories behind iconic works of art, music and literature, dive in to discussions on the artistic genius of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel and Van Gogh’s famous Sunflowers. From Gothic architecture to the works of Shakespeare, each episode of In Our Time offers new insight into humanity’s cultural achievements. Those looking to enrich their scientific knowledge can hear episodes on black holes, the Periodic Table, and classical theories of gravity, motion, evolution and relativity. Learn how the discovery of penicillin revolutionised medicine, and how the death of stars can lead to the formation of new planets. Lovers of philosophy will find episodes on the big issues that define existence, from free will and ethics, to liberty and justice. In what ways did celebrated philosophers such as Mary Wollstonecraft and Karl Marx push forward radical new ideas? How has the concept of karma evolved from the ancient Sanskrit texts of Hinduism to today? What was Plato’s concept of an ideal republic, and how did he explore this through the legend of the lost city of Atlantis? In Our Time celebrates the pursuit of knowledge and the enduring power of ideas.

  • Tim Harford and the More or Less team try to make sense of the statistics which surround us. From BBC Radio 4

  • Come relax with the #1 Sleep Podcast. Our unique stories help calm the mind and relax the body. Press play, it's time to Get Sleepy... Become a premium member for access to bonus episodes and ad free listening.

  • Professor Brian Cox and Robin Ince host a witty, irreverent look at the world through scientists’ eyes. Joined by a panel of scientists, experts and celebrity science enthusiasts they investigate life, the universe and everything in between on The Infinite Monkey Cage from the BBC.

    From the smallest building blocks of life to the furthest stars, the curious monkeys pull apart the latest science to reveal fascinating and often bizarre insights into the world around us and what lies beyond. Can trees talk to each other? Can science help you commit the perfect murder? What might aliens look like and the burning question of our time, are strawberries alive or dead? Join them as each episode they put a different scientific topic under the microscope, from aliens, black holes and hedgehogs, to bacteria, poison and the Big Bang. With past guests including actors Dame Judi Dench and Sir Patrick Stewart, comedians Steve Martin and Conan O’Brien, astronaut Tim Peake, primatologist Jane Goodall and mathematician Hannah Fry, The Infinite Monkey Cage promises to make you laugh, enrich your knowledge and leave you with a deeper appreciation for the universe that we call home. Whether you’re a seasoned scientist or someone who nodded off in physics class, listen in to learn all about funny, fascinating and sometimes ridiculous topics – with the occasional monkey business.

  • Americast is the authoritative US news and politics podcast from the BBC. Each week we provide audiences with the best analysis from across the BBC, with on-the-ground observations and big picture insights about the stories which are defining America right now. The podcast is hosted by trusted BBC journalists including the BBC’s North America editor, Sarah Smith, BBC Radio 4 presenter, Justin Webb, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent, Marianna Spring, and BBC North America correspondent, Anthony Zurcher. As well as political analysis, we also specialise in social media. Each week Marianna Spring brings listeners the latest updates from the BBC’s Undercover Voters, our award-winning investigation into the content that is recommended to US voters on social media. The team is also joined by special guests each week, like CNN anchor, Christiane Amanpour, Emmy Award-winning TV host, Rachel Maddow, and Succession actress, J Smith-Cameron. Podcasts are published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As well as being a podcast, we are also available every Friday on the World Service. Oh, and by the way, you can now listen to Americast on a smart speaker. If you want to listen, just say ‘”Ask BBC Sounds to play Americast”. It works on most smart speakers. Every Monday we answer your questions on Americanswers, with some help from special guests, including Miles Taylor, who was chief of staff at the Department for Homeland Security during the Trump presidency before becoming a whistleblower. Got a question or a comment? Get in touch with us on email at [email protected] or WhatsApp on +44 330 123 9480.

  • Stuck at home, Louis is using the lockdown to track down some high-profile people he's been longing to talk to - from all walks of life and on both sides of the Atlantic.

  • Radio Tour er gået i udbrud!
    Holdet har forladt de vante rammer med de skrigende måger på taget af studiet. I denne sæson skal vi ud at besøge hele cykel-Danmark. Anders Mielke er vært, når vi taler med nye og kendte folk af programmet i deres egne cykelomgivelser. Lyt til vores månedlige afsnit, eller se det med levende billeder på streamingtjenesten, Max.

  • Podcasten er sponsoreret af Mercedes-Benz og produceret af Heartbeats
    En gang lå han selv nederst i bunken efter et styrt og frygtede for sit liv og førlighed – i dag er han ofte første mand henne ved de væltede ryttere, som på dramatisk vis ofrer liv og lemmer for at få succes.
    Brian Holm har taget ophold i den professionelle cykelsport i mere end 30 år, og han forstår at trække tråde fra fortiden til i dag. Det kommer lytterne til gode i podcastserien Radio Godefroot, hvor forskellige gæster og Brian Holms uforudsigelighed vil bringe lytterne ind og ud af cykelsportens mange rum og afkroge.

  • Andrew Doyle and guests discuss cancel culture, wokeness and free speech. A spiked podcast.

  • On October 12, 1990, Oaktree Co-Chairman Howard Marks published his first memo to clients. In the decades since, he has periodically released memos reflecting his viewpoint on the investment landscape, as well as more general business insights. On this podcast we'll hear the latest memos by Howard, released in tandem with or shortly after their publication.

  • Informations chefredaktør Rune Lykkeberg interviewer samtidens største tænkere og intellektuelle superstjerner om alt fra poesi, punk og popmusik til klima, økonomi og politik.