He aha te whakapapa? He aha rānei te whakapapa ki a koe? He aha tōna iho hei tō te mātauranga Māori? Ka wānangahia ēnei tūwhai pātai i tēnei puni o Tikanga 101. What is whakapapa? What is whakapapa to you and how can we find it? What is it's essence in accordance to Māori philosophy? These are the types of questions considered on this installment of Tikanga 101.
He ahe koe i kore ai e kai? He aha ia e kore nei e kai? He aha au e kore ai e kai? Hei tukatuka ake anō i te tau hōu mahi ka kotahi atu tātou ki te Kupu Kupu Kupu me tō tātou mātanga reo ara ko Jared Boon me kī ko Mc Grammar. Ka āta matapakihia e mātou ngā rerenga kua whakahuatia ake i mua nā. Why didn't you eat? Why isn't he eating? Why won't I eat? To kickoff the working year we head straight into Kupu Kupu Kupu with linguistic expert Jarred Boon, AKA "MC Grammar", taking a close look at the aforementioned structures.
We're back with another ghost story e hoa mā, our second Paki Kēhua is sure to send a chill down your spine, and leave you wondering about those things you sometimes hear in the night.
We speak with Te Korou from Te Wharekura o Hoani Waititi who let's us in on the way our rangatahi are coming up with their own kīwaha. We also look at the development of te reo Māori as it progresses into the 21st century. Ka hūiki tō tātou tīma Taringa i runga i te māramatanga ehara rātou i te hunga taiohi ināianei.
Mānawatia a Matariki. This week's Once Upon a Taima retells the story about the battle between Tūmatauenga and Tāwhirimātea which eventuates into the creation of Matariki.