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  • Bear witness (with your ears) as Brother Love himself - Bruce Prichard - returns to THE ROSS REPORT! Join JR and Bruce as they recall Houston wrestling memories, Bruce bringing the Undertaker into the WWE, 25 years of Monday Night RAW as...
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  • Hulk Hogan has said the "Finger Poke of Doom" was the "beginning of the end of WCW," and no one really disagreed with him... or did they? Find out what Eric Bischoff thinks of this angle with the benefit of nearly 20 years hindsight. We address the rumor that Goldberg shot down the first idea for his angle with Liz and how Eric thinks Goldberg and Liz did in their acting roles that night. Plus Conrad presses Eric to defend the silliness of a "Hogan running for President" angle, clarification on Kevin Nash's role behind the scenes, why Eric put him in that position, when the plan was in place to hand Hogan the title, who got Goldberg a 1000% raise from WCW, an incredible story you've probably never heard before about a huge mainstream deal Turner turned down, and a tidbit about a word you couldn't say on WCW TV that you just will not believe! Of all the things on this episode to discuss, only one decision made that night really mattered and it led to 600,000 folks changing the channel. Conrad breaks down "butts in the seats" in detail and makes Eric has to own it. Oh and Eric buries two legends in the business to the point it leaves Conrad speechless. Eric is fired up and ready to breakdown the FINGER POKE OF DOOM!
    Did you know you could be enjoying 83 Weeks days, even a week in advance on is a SUPER Patreon page that brings all Conrad's podcasts under one roof, early and AD FREE! Not only do subscribers get the regular shows, they also have access to BONUS content you won't see or hear anywhere else! Join for as low as $9 a month or choose a higher tier for more access to your favorite podcasts!
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  • After Bischoff was sent home, the Turner brass turned to Vince Russo to take the reigns of WCW. By the time Bischoff returns the power dynamic in Turner had shifted yet again. What were the terms of Bischoff returning? What was his day-to-day role within the company? How did Russo react to Bischoff being back? It became a tangled mess with a television company losing money on a wrestling product they very likely didn't understand in the first place. The guy who turned a profit for WCW for the very first time is back, but things are different both corporately and creatively. And of course we can't forget that one guy is in the middle of all this, the biggest star in history: Hulk Hogan. He has creative control and Bischoff's ear, Bischoff has the ear at Turner, yet somehow things don't go as planned at Bash at the Beach. What was the original plan? What was Russo suggesting? Who veto'ed his idea? How was the compromise made for what did make the air? Who knew what, when? What did Jarrett think? How did Booker T fit into all of this? Many guess when the "beginning of the end" was for WCW, but one thing is for sure: this is the end of Hulk Hogan in WCW. You won't believe the decision Turner made, the lawsuits that followed, and the financial ramifications of one night. It's long, strange, crazy story about ego and the power struggle it created that helped ruin what was the biggest wrestling company in the world -- this is Bash at the Beach 2000!
    Did you know you could be enjoying 83 Weeks days, even a week in advance on is a SUPER Patreon page that brings all Conrad's podcasts under one roof, early and AD FREE! Not only do subscribers get the regular shows, they also have access to BONUS content you won't see or hear anywhere else! Join for as low as $9 a month or choose a higher tier for more access to your favorite podcasts!
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  • On April 13, 1998, the WWF finally broke the WCW Monday Nitro win-streak of 83 Weeks. WCW bounced back the next week but the following week was perhaps the most memorable moment in the Monday Night War - the "DX Invasion" of Nitro at the Norfolk Scope. Eric Bischoff and Conrad Thompson discuss the events leading up to that night, what most have forgotten about Nitro that night, the silly detail everyone likes to embellish, and how everyone remembers the events of that day. Kevin Nash, Booker T, and Chris Jericho have all told their story, but what does Eric remember? The result is a hilarious meltdown and shouting match between Eric and Conrad. In hindsight, what would Eric change? What didn't he like about it? What was the key to this entire angle that Eric thinks is really overlooked in the scheme of things? When the WCW offices were "invaded" later, Eric had to respond on air and did so with a challenge to Vince McMahon. Who did Eric consult with before doing so? What did Meltzer think of that move? Conrad breaks down the challenge on Nitro, McMahon's public statement on the website, and Eric reading the letter from the WWF's attorney on Thunder before discussing the silly Slamboree display. They close the story with the lawsuit that WCW filed against the WWF that really gets swept under the rug and then as your main event: Conrad calls "BS" on Eric's Bret Hart 1996 story from two weeks ago.
    Did you know you could be enjoying 83 Weeks days, even a week in advance on is a SUPER Patreon page that brings all Conrad's podcasts under one roof, early and AD FREE! Not only do subscribers get the regular shows, they also have access to BONUS content you won't see or hear anywhere else! Join for as low as $9 a month or choose a higher tier for more access to your favorite podcasts!
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