In today’s episode, Roxy takes us through her journey of love and loss while taking ownership of her own actions around infidelity and lack of self-love that ultimately led to the end of a romantic relationship. From this story, we see a young, naive, sweet, and endearing Roxy slowly transform into a more self-aware, self-loving, and mature woman. She continues to fight for her voice, mental wellness, and happiness and we cannot help but root for her.
In today's episode, Shelly finds a one-of-a-kind love; the kind of love she never thought possible for her, only to discover that the man she for the first time her life saw a future with, was married. Shelly takes us through a harrowing narration of heartbreak, loss, addiction, and self-love.
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A long story. Julia's Story.
I dedicate this episode to my younger self; know that you are loved.
Thank you Lydia KM.