
  • WorkWhile is a podcast run by us, Sam Burns and Stacy Boe Miller. The two of us have done all kinds of work in our lives--office jobs, parenting, raft guiding--while also trying to be writers. And we're not only trying to fit in writing, but as emerging writers, we're also submitting our writing to journals as well as trying to apply for opportunities that will help us move forward with our writing.

    So we thought, all these conversations we're having--let's make a podcast about it! Let's talk to other writers who are also doing this kind of work and fitting it into all of the cracks of their lives and see what they have to say about the whole process.

    Together, we interview writers who inspire us and ask them how they're fitting in writing with full-time employment. The week after, we have an episode where we talk about what we learned from our guest as well as go over our "notes from the slog." The "slog" represents the parts of writing that aren't writing--submission, rejections, acceptances, and all the ups and downs that the writing life entails.

    If you are a person who is trying to fit in writing, whether for publication or just for fun, this might be the podcast for you.