
  • Killing the diets and taking down Weight Watchers

    This week’s guest is Will Armijo, a good friend of mine who has guided and helped me through my own journey to health. In this episode, we plunge into the world of fitness, health, and supplements. We discuss how Will’s past and obsession with manipulating the body transitioned from being unhealthy, to fuelling his drive to help others, leading to his thriving business today.

    We cover the dangers of yoyo dieting, of cutting calories, and binge eating. Will divulges the secret to long-term weight loss, and the three principles behind it. Listen to this week’s episode to hear why dieting works but isn’t successful, and how intuitive eating can set you up for long-term health.

    Feeding the obsession

    Will opens up about his childhood and how at 10 years old, the pressure to be the best baseball pitcher jumpstarted his obsession with fitness, health, and the ability to reshape his body. In order to be the best athlete, he believed he needed to look like the genetically gifted athletes around him—but it was an unobtainable reality he chased and his obsession grew in its stead.

    The birth of Will-Powered

    He discusses the end of his baseball career and how the natural next step was bodybuilding. The industry haunted him, though, and coaches lacked knowledge and the ability to help.

    Fed up with the fads, false advice, and incorrect coaches, he finally started writing meal plans for other people and helping them lose the pounds. But the biggest let down of all was when those same people would come back 6 months later, having gained the weight back, looking for another quick fix. He knew he had to do more, to help people sustainably commit to long-term health and not just a perpetual yoyo diet—thus Will-powered was born.

    Perceiving health as long-term

    Today, not only has Will built a community and helped over 4,000 other people become leaders in intuitive eating, but we talk about how he helped me redefine my relationship with food, and in doing so, saved my life.

    He is committed to helping people take control of their health—to understand that in order to do so, it is first important to perceive it for what it is—infinite. Because in the end, there are no goals, and your health is not just a game.

    Will Armijo

    Will Armijo is an entrepreneur, speaker, and influencer who has been featured in multiple magazines, local news, and global podcasts. He is the Founder and CEO of Will-Powered Nutrition Consulting and Co-Founder of B13 Home Services. He is a former NCAA baseball player, 9-time NPC bodybuilding competitor, and holds an MBA along with a certification in nutrition and strength training. Will has 18 years of experience in the health and fitness industry.

    Your reviews matter

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    Quick Access To Quotes:
    Every diet you will lose 10% of your body weight because every type of diet puts a calorie deficit 7:30
    Within 1 year of any diet you can expect to lose 10%-15% of your body weight 8:10
    Nothing will teach you how to keep the weight off 8:35
    When I saw that my physical appearance was changing, I became obsessed 13:00
    No matter how much work I did, I still did not look like the genetically gifted kids around me, especially the athlete 13:25
    No matter how hard I tried, i always had body fat on me 13:40
    I had to ask myself what separates me from everyone else and what kind of impact am i making in the world, not just in my bank account. 20:20
    If we don't stay conditioned in what we’re supposed to do, it’s only a matter of time until we go to old patterns - 23:15 - tracy
    This is an epidemic and it’s robbing us of our health 29:25 -tracy
    We use macros like training wheels 31:20
    No body prepared us for the impact inflammation has on the world right now. 32:35
    Almost all autoimmune diseases are caused by inflammation 32:40
    A diet will not fix inflammation 33:25
    At the end of hte day i had to really fucking ratically responsibility that i was a big part of this and thats a big pill to swallow - 43:18 - tracy
    It was about a year ago, I said enough is enough 45:35 - tracy
    You are more than the reflection in the mirror - 49:35 - tracy

  • EnneaTalk Tuesday: Triggers

    This week’s Enneagram Tuesday is all about Triggers. I discuss how the Enneagram can be used as a compass to help navigate how and why each type is triggered, what the motivations are behind these triggers, and how to use them as an opportunity for growth and resilience instead of running from the emotions and being fearful.

    Listen to this episode to hear how each type might react to triggers, their underlying fears and motivations, how to recognize where you go when you are triggered, and how the Enneagram can help you find the beauty in the emotions it brings up.

    Navigating my own triggers

    I start off this episode discussing the two events that triggered me in the past couple of weeks and discussing how I was able to use the Enneagram to put the puzzle pieces together and navigate what I was feeling. I share how I used to lean into anger instead of being honest with myself about what I was avoiding.

    Using weakness as your biggest strength

    I go through each type and discuss what triggers might come up for each one, how to recognize when each type is feeling triggered, and how to pay attention to your feelings, get vulnerable, and learn and move forward with them.

    I talk about how the very things that are your weakness can be your greatest strengths, just by knowing your triggers and letting them show where your biggest unhealed wounds are. I discuss how leaning into this can actually be a beautiful opportunity to project your life forward.

    I share how the Enneagram can help you navigate your triggers, understand yourself better, and therefore have compassion and love for yourself to heal and grow.

    The very things that you thought made you weak, are the things that actually make you strong.

    1:41 Being triggered is a beautiful opportunity for growth.

    It's kind of this beautiful puzzle, when you really welcome triggers in, it really gives you the opportunity to put the pieces together.

    Having these triggers are allowing me to heal at the next level so that I can actually receive all the beautiful abundance of love, acceptance, friendship, partnership.

    For the Enneagram 2’s- the Helpers, they are deeply rooted in being of service to others.

    The 3 can take the unhealthy 9 when they're under stress.

    Knowing that your big imagination is very possible, but staying present enough in the moment to not be attached to how to you there.

    All of us are humans and we are all going to let each other down at some point because we are human and we are all so different.

    Feelings last two seconds to two minutes.

    The goal for a nine is to not ignore what your body is telling you first.

  • How focusing on your real connections with people can help lead to success

    This week’s guest is a dear friend, someone you will fall in love with listening to because of his soul, wisdom, and heart. Scott Aaron not only serves people but solves their problems and truly transforms their lives. He provides so much value and knowledge on network marketing, how to make networking more authentic, and the steps you need to take in order to get there.

    Listen to this episode to hear how to turn obstacles into your greatest strengths, how to look inward to find your core motivations and truths, and how to organically connect with likeminded people on LinkedIn and in person to drive your business forward.

    Listen now

    Recognizing the good that can come from the bad

    Scott and I open this conversation by discussing his childhood and how it shaped his mentality, outlook, and drive. He shares his need of being liked over respected, how he was bullied throughout school, and how his fathers’ entrepreneurial businesses wound up changing his life forever. He describes the challenges, pressures, and learning curve when he had to take over his father’s business at 18, how he built a fitness empire, and lost everything three years later.

    LinkedIn as a networking platform, not a social platform

    He sheds light on the importance of getting back up after every hardship, how interpersonal work and focus on yourself can uncover your motivation, core values, and drive, and how to use that to be the most authentic version of yourself. When this is accomplished, you can truly live in peace.

    Scott shares the secret behind network marketing, how to use LinkedIn to your advantage, and how his coaching program formed out of solving a problem for those around him.

    Seeing, hearing, and understanding those around you

    Scott is passionate about taking the time to really hear, listen, and connect with people. There is no easy button to get there, or shortcut to create conversations, just the time it takes to talk to people around you. In order to build a business, you need other people, and he shares how to make long lasting connections that drive to success. Because after all, you can’t automate human connection, you have to create human connection.

    Scott Aaron

    Internationally acclaimed and award-winning network marketer, author, podcaster and speaker, Scott Aaron, is the go-to specialist when it comes to converting traffic, establishing connections, creating residual income using Linked Leads Generation®, and building personal brands. Scott is passionate about helping fellow network marketers achieve success while building their own network organically and without complicated and costly marketing tactics. His program has helped thousands of network marketers, entrepreneurs and individuals experience explosive growth following his program, Linkedin® accelerator. People-focused and result-driven, Scotts strategic approach to teaching others how to create wealth online and organic traffic is the game changer when it comes to competing in a saturated digital world.

    “You [Scott] have chosen to use those hard things as lessons and ‘blessons’ to actually grow you into who you are today.” 6:22

    “Because I had this desire to be liked instead of respected, I ended up getting bullied and picked on a lot as a kid.” -Scott 7:24

    “Just like you have spoken many, many times on stages is Becoming Bulletproof, and coming to work or showing up every day with that armor, every time something happened, I would get back up and I would fight harder, and I would get stronger and stronger.” -Scott 12:18

    “Les Brown actually says it best he says ‘you may get knocked down but if you can look up, you can get up.’” -Scott 12:37

    “He [Eckhart Tolle] talks about the 3 types of people that exist in the world: there’s people that live in anxiety, there’s people that live in fear, and there’s people that live in peace.” -Scott 17:47

    “You’re sadly mistaken if you think that there’s gonna be an opportune time, the right time—sometimes you need to take action and you need to make shifts in your life at the worst possible moments.” -Scott 19:58

    “Every single day, every single experience, every single lesson or blessing as you’ve mentioned happens on purpose, happens for a reason. It’s preparing you for something else.” -Scott 20:49

    “Our ego loves it when we find the sweet spot and we get really really really f*cking good at something, and when we stay really really really good at something and don’t challenge ourselves outside of it, we stop growing.” 22:00

    “I truly live by the 51:49 Rule—I can’t believe in you 51% and you believe in yourself 49%, it has to be the other way around.” -Scott 32:06

    “You are one conversation away from that right person, from a speaking engagement.” -Scott 38:55

    “I’m gonna go back to Les Brown, ‘those who take the easiest road will create and live the hardest life, but those that are willing to take the hardest road possible will create and live the easiest life they can imagine.’” -Scott 39:34

    “You can’t automate human connection, you have to create human connection, and in my humble opinion, if you’re gonna want to create more connection, you’re gonna want to create more relationships with other human beings who see what you see and feel what you feel, you have to be on the right platform that supports that, and in my humbled and honest opinion, Linkedin is best for that if that’s what you’re looking for.” -Scott 40:05

    “The one thing that has helped me is getting as crystal clear with my vision as possible.” -Scott 43:24

    “You don’t earn the right to sell or pitch anyone until you make the connection with them first.” -Scott 44:25

    Anything who has done anything gritty and great has been through some shit. 6:00 Tracy
    I had this desire to be liked instead of respected and I ended up getting bullied and picked on as a kid. 7:22 - Scott
    Sometimes you have to fight back and let people know, “No you can’t do that.” - Scott 8:55
    I look back and I feel like maybe if i was raised differently, or if i would of experienced things differently when i was younger, it wouldn’t have prepared me how to push through. 14:41 - Scott
    When you don’t know any better, you just intuitively and instinctively just do things. 15:00 -Scott
    I got so enveloped with personal training, I became addicted to being busy, because the busier you’re the less time you have to focus on all these things going on. 16:00 - scott
    Sometimes you need to take action and you need to make shifts in your life at the worst possible moments. 20:00 Scott
    Every single day, every single experience, every single lesson or blesson as you mentioned, happens on purpose. 20:45
    Our ego likes it when we find our sweet spot and we get really really good at something and when we stay really really good at something, we don't challenge ourselves outside of it, we stop growing. 22:00 tracy
    I found a problem that I had a solution for. 26:43 - scott
    I owe everything to network marketing but i wasn’t passionate about it anymore. 28:45 - Scott
    I can’t believe in you 51% and you believe in yourself 49%, it has to be the other way around. You have to believe in what you’re doing. 32:10 - Scott
    You always have to want it more for yourself than anyone else. 32:22 - scott
    All of a sudden people became too busy and too disconnected to actually talk to another human being. 36:40 - scott
    The people that listen the most often are typically the ones that grow the best businesses. 37:40 - scott
    You can’t automate human connection, you have to create human connection. 40:00 - scott
    You don’t earn the right to sell or pitch anyone until you make the connection with them first. 44:25- Scott