
  • My name is Ina Wroldsen and I am in your ear to tell you about HEX The Podcast.

    I’ll be talking to you about myself, my creative process and what inspired my new EP, which is also called HEX. This solo project of mine has been a long time coming. I grew up behind the scenes, where, for the past 10 years, I made a career writing music and lyrics for other artists.

    I got to dive undisturbed into the art of song writing, work with such talented people and experience both failings and success, all the while being completely invisible to the public eye and I wouldn’t change it for anything. However, this podcast isn’t about what I did, it’s about what I am going to do...

    I have always been into bodies of work. I like stories and I think that was my biggest challenge when I was working full time as a songwriter, I simply couldn’t tell my whole story without total honesty and control. HEX is the first attempt at making a body of work in in the way that I like them and I wanted to make this podcast to tell you about what went on inside my head when I was thinking up these songs – this whole idea of HEX really.

    I read all the time. Reading is good for thinking. Reading is my escape from reality.

    I particularly love reading history and Folklore, it has always been a great interest of mine. Whilst folklore isn’t considered History per se, in 12th century Norway, we had actual written laws regarding folklore characters like trolls. It didn’t matter if the trolls were real, because people’s fear of them was real.

    The HEX EP has 4 songs and each song has been given a character from Scandinavian folklore, each character was at some point in time conjured from human fear. I have played around with them and tried to renew the phobia they represent by placing them in our modern society, but you can’t really modernise fear. Because fear changes nothing but the shape of its exterior. At its base, it is as merciless, mind crippling and blinding as it has always been.

    I’m looking forward to taking you on the journey of HEX with me.

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  • Ingen bør være alene på søndager! Else drar hjem til kjente personer for å finne god stemning og hyggelig selskap. Hjertelig velkommen skal du være! Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio

  • Nye episoder av Åpen Journal finner du ekslusivt hos Podimo: go.podimo.com/no/apenjournal.

    I denne podkasten møter du Katarina Flatland og hennes ektemann Harald Dobloug – som begge er leger. Du blir godt kjent med ekteparet, og får høre historier om deres utfordringer i hverdagsliv og arbeidsliv. De tar opp er nytt spennende tema innen helse hver uke, og får i tillegg besøk av en kjent stemme som er med på praten. Så her kan du kan risikere å lære ett og annet om din egen og andres helse!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Nå kun hos Podimo! Gå hit for de nyeste episodene: https://go.podimo.com/no/baarliogbenjamin . Niklas Baarli og Benjamin Silseth har vært sammen i snart ti år og nå er de endelig gift. De trenger hjelp med å rydde opp i diverse slagg som finnes i forholdet. Hver uke får de besøk av en ny kjent person som tar rollen som parterapeut.