
  • Welcome to the Because She Dared podcast! A podcast for female entrepreneurs fiercely pursuing their God-given dreams. I’m your host, Krystal Andrea. After years of trying to build my business the world’s way, I decided to lay my business down to pursue it God’s way. This podcast is for you if you’re exhausted from comparing your calling to your friend’s calling and everyone else you view online. Or, if you’re ready to take control of that negative soundtrack that replays in your mind way too often. My prayer is that each episode would call you higher so that you can experience real breakthroughs and live boldly! Join me for intimate conversations with friends I’ve met along the way as we build God’s kingdom, together.

    DARE to pursue your dreams.
    DARE to become the woman God has created you to be.
    DARE to have faith even when your circumstances tell you otherwise.
    & witness ALL that can be done because YOU dared!