
  • “3 billion people on this planet have no access to financial services. Another 2+ billion with limited access. Cryptocurrency will democratize the global financial system where every human being will have equal access to money.” - Brock Pierce

    Storing cryptocurrency can be risky if the right precaution isn’t taken.

    Never before has there been such a valuable digital good. Our Internet is not built to safely house cryptos moving through the network. So, we must follow a strict protocol when creating our own infrastructure to house its value.

    On today’s episode of The Tai Lopez Show, we have cryptocurrency-expert, Brock Pierce. Brock is the Chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation, cofounder of Blockchain Capital, and has been in the digital currency game for the past 20 years. His understanding of everything cryptocurrency-related is just what we need to make sense of all the contradicting wallet advice.

    Don’t forget, you can listen to The Tai Lopez Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “Get 2 wallets. And you’ll learn to have greater redundancy if this becomes millions of dollars.” - Brock Pierce

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    Points to Keep In Mind Cryptocurrency is a bubble but so is everything else Currently in an emotional market, sentiment is the driving force of prices The blockchain will bring security to Data Transport Protocol A good teacher doesn’t tell you what to do; he or she transfers knowledge and lets you make the decision Imagine a real estate market that’s fractionalized where you can invest in portions Read the Innovator’s Dilemma to learn how the incumbent gets disrupted by the startup The banks will also benefit from blockchain technology We are living in accelerating times; you have to either evolve or die If buying your first coins, use exchanges (these are your on/off-ramps into this world) Good exchanges are: Coinbase, Gemini, Kraken, or Once you have procured coin, move it to both a virtual wallet and a physical (hardware) wallet For virtual, think about desktop/mobile needs for security purposes For bitcoin - Bitcoin Red, Airbitz Jaxx Other options: MyEtherWallet and Exodus, Bitgo for large amounts of money Leave large amounts of money online
  • “The hype is very dangerous. When you start to feel everyone is investing in a certain coin, it’s too late.”

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    It’s hard to ignore hype.

    You log onto your Twitter and there’s the Bitcoin headlines. You go to CNBC and there’s the latest report on Ripple. It seems when a crypto starts to gain media traction, it’s near impossible to ignore it.

    On today’s episode of The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind Show, we are joined by a panel of of experts to discuss why we must ignore the hype. The unsexy cryptocurrencies are the ones we must look to invest in because they are actually building utility products. Tune in now to take your crypto investing game to the next level!

    And don’t forget! You can also listen to The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “Invest in platforms not products. You want things that have the ability to scale.”

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    Points to Keep In Mind Stay on your fundamentals because that’s what got you there Remember that the crypto community is a unit Choose platform companies over product companies The job of the tech entrepreneur is to get lied to all the time, but not in a malicious way It is very dangerous to buy into the hype Don’t be afraid to project your roadmap into 2020/2022 Investing is supposed to be unsexy and unemotional
  • “Whether it’s AirBnB or Uber, when you think of crowdsourcing businesses, the key question you have to ask with a crowdsourced models is: how disruptive is it?”

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    We are living the age of the crowdsourced business.

    By harnessing the power of the Internet, we have given the power to the people. No longer are central systems controlling the masses, but we are operating individually through our smartphones to get the products and services we need. This trend is in direct alignment with the way cryptocurrency is moving.

    On today’s episode of The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind show, we are discussing the crowdsourced model of cryptocurrency. While all crypto technologies enable the network effect, some provide utilities that are more crowdsourced than others. Today, we focus on one in particular, and that is Siacoin. Tune in to bring this knowledge into your crypto investing game!

    Don’t forget! You can also listen to The Tai Lopez Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “You have to take into consideration the amount of time it takes before you reach the full adoption curve.”

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    Points to Keep In Mind Siacoin is a peer-to-peer storage model Try to gauge level of disruption when evaluating crowdsourcing business models Or will it just make up a market niche Siacoin is in a heavily competitive space and highly commoditized It took Amazon Web Servers a long time to grow to full market scale and adoption Hard to imagine Siacoin being able to do it in a shorter amount of time Confront the reality versus the expectations Always try to evaluate the large-scale enterprise hardware
  • “Block Explorer lets you see every Bitcoin that exists and where it exists. It lets you see every public address on the network. It lets you see how much money was sent back and forth every 10 minutes. You can see everything.” - Amith Nirgunarthy

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    Storing and sending cryptocurrency can get confusing.

    What wallet should you use? Is it safe online or do you need to purchase a cold storage option? When sending Bitcoin to other people, what is the best practice for keeping your crypto as private as possible? These questions are at the heart of most of our crypto conversations, so today we seek out an expert to answer them.

    On today’s episode of The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind show, we are joined by Amith Nirgunarthy, the Founder and CEO of the cryptocurrency research institution Blockstreet. He is also the former Director of Marketing of Bitcoin IRA. Amith specializes in understanding all things crypto-related, so today we listen to his insights regarding wallets and sending cryptocurrency. Tune in to bring his best practices to your crypto game.

    Don’t forget! You can also listen to The Tai Lopez Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “Realistically, every transaction you do should be a different wallet address.” - Amith Nirgunarthy

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    Points to Keep In Mind Whoever has access to the private key can use the Bitcoin Send to another wallet, sign transaction, import wallet into Electrum Don’t print private keys over your WiFi network Copy and paste the shorter access key and send through Whatsapp, Telegram, or email Every transaction you do should be a different wallet address Put your coins in physical wallets like Trezor Some wallets create different public keys every single time so you don’t expose your private key Use or to see Bitcoin transactions
  • “Proof-of-stake is where you stake your coins in the validation in the network.” - Jeremy Gardner

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    Mining isn’t as complicated as people make it out to be.

    With each Bitcoin transaction, miners are given the data they need to validate the exchange. After completing the necessary math, they can approve or validate the flow of Bitcoin. There are different models of how this works: proof-of-stake, proof-of-work, and delegated proof-of-stake.

    On today’s episode of The Tai Lopez Show, we are joined by Jeremy Gardner, founder of the decentralized prediction blockchain Augur, to talk about the proof-of-stake model. At a market-cap of $300 million, Augur is said to be the most undervalued crypto-project in Silicon Valley. Jeremy is 25 years old and the brains behind the popular San Francisco ‘Crypto Castle.’ $11 billion is the total value of companies he’s involved in, and his depth of crypto-knowledge is something we can all learn from. Today, we are fortunate to apply his insights about mining to our crypto investment strategy.

    Don’t forget! You can also listen to The Tai Lopez Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “Bitcoin is the first Byzantine fault tolerant e-money, where it’s totally distributed and everybody has an incentive to behave in an ethical/similar way.” - Jeremy Gardner

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    Points to Keep In Mind Asic is the chip used in mining You can’t make good money in mining Cryptocurrency will evolve past the proof-of-work Proof-of-stake is where you stake your coins in the validation in the network This is essentially putting your money where your mouth is Read The Byzantine Generals’ Problem to understanding the need for mining (how people are incentivized to behave in an ethical/similar way)
  • “What if we had a rational currency where nobody or no government could print more? That was the basis of Bitcoin.”

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    Blockchain will save the world.

    We hear this a lot in our crypto conversations. The overeager blockchain enthusiast is quick to say that every problem will be solved by this technology. Whether or not that’s true is beside the point; what we do know is that the blockchain will continue to cheapen the cost of financial transactions, saving both you and the whole world money.

    On today’s episode of The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind Show, we are at the Affiliate Summit to talk about all things related to cryptocurrency. From empowering the bottom 2 billion people living in poverty to easing banks’ transfer of money, the blockchain technology will revolutionize the global financial system. Because of this, you as the individual will also save money. Tune in to hear the mechanics of how this will happen.

    And don’t forget! You can also listen to The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “If I paid you more money next year, you’d think you’d be making more money. But if it buys less, you’re actually not. This is quantitative easing.”

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    Points to Keep In Mind Banks saved $6 billion by developing their own cross-border cryptocurrency Be skeptical of what pharmaceutical companies say Quantitative easing: the introduction of new money into the money supply by a central bank The U.S. National Debt exceeds the GDP The GDP cannot grow faster than debt grows The basis of Bitcoin was: what if we had a rational currency where nobody or no government could print more Bitcoin is to the financial system as what DOS is to the computer industry The largest slum in Mumbai actually produces $300 million in finished goods a year Bitcoin would take this value out of the loan sharks’ hands Government regulation is not a bad thing It’s illegal to buy oil with any currency other than U.S. dollars
  • “Develop the tools and technology to empower people to be in control of their lives.” - Anthony Diiorio

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    A racing mind can’t innovate.

    If your inner monologue is constantly leapfrogging from thought to thought, how will it ever cut beneath the surface? Counterintuitively, a slow mind is much more capable than a fast mind. It has the ability to pierce through the noise because it’s undistracted by it.

    On today’s episode of The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind show, we are joined by Anthony Diiorio, a cofounder of Ethereum, and also the CEO & Founder of Decentral & Jaxx. Anthony discovered cryptocurrency in 2012, when Bitcoin’s price was just under $10, and has forged a career in the space since. In this interview, Anthony talks about how he approaches mindfulness and innovative thinking. Tune in to apply these insights to your crypto mindset or any type of entrepreneurial venture in your career!

    Don’t forget! You can also listen to The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “All this stimuli bombarding our mind is so taxing. If you can slow down and breathe, walk slow and talk slow, that will help balance things.” - Anthony Diiorio

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    Points to Keep In Mind Try to develop the tools and technology to empower people to be in control of their lives Crypto technology will enable people to get the control back in tehir lives If you’re feeling depressed, stop thinking about yourself and be of service to people Be aware of your mind becoming exhausted by the constant stimuli in today’s society To combat this, try waking up early before everyone is reaching out to you Take walks, breathe slowly, and meditate
  • “The paradigm is shifting where Google and Facebook won’t control your identity. You will decide how it’s monetized.” - Anthony Diiorio

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    A passion for cryptocurrency is a passion for truth.

    So much is behind closed doors in the fiat currency model. The national governments can print more money whenever they want, putting the surplus into circulation to create inflation. With cryptocurrency, the entire network of transactions is exposed. And someone who has a passion for this model has a passion for truth.

    On today’s episode of The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind show, we are joined by Anthony Diiorio, a cofounder of Ethereum, and also the CEO & Founder of Decentral & Jaxx. Anthony discovered cryptocurrency in 2012, when Bitcoin’s price was just under $10, and has forged a career in the space since. In this interview, Anthony talks about everything from the future of cryptocurrency to how to find your path from a set of passions and interests. Tune in to apply these insights to your crypto investing strategy or any path in your career!

    Don’t forget! You can also listen to The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “Most people don’t understand crypto right away because they don’t have sound economic thinking and an understanding of money theory.” - Anthony Diiorio

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    Points to Keep In Mind Most people don’t understand crypto right away because they don’t have sound economic thinking and an understanding of money theory Coinbase also acts as a bank by holding your money in a centralized location You can theoretically lose your money on Coinbase The paradigm is shifting where Google and Facebook won’t control your identity You will decide how it’s monetized With Jaxx, the users are the only ones with access to the keys The humble get rewarded; you don’t need to be mean to make money You have to find something to live for Take care of yourself with meditation, yoga, eating healthy, etc.
  • “Ether was not intended to be a cryptocurrency. It was meant to be an oil to Bitcoin’s gold. It was used to fuel applications built on top of it.” - Jeremy Gardner

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    Reviewing the basics never hurts.

    No matter your skill level as a crypto investor, refreshing your understanding of the basic fundamentals can bring about newfound insights. Maybe you remember an angle you thought of months back or possibly you learn a new approach to thinking about blockchain technology. Whatever the insight is, applying it to your investment strategy can bring a higher level of profitability.

    On today’s episode of The Tai Lopez Show, we are joined by Jeremy Gardner, founder of the decentralized prediction blockchain Augur, which at a market-cap of $300 million is said to be the most undervalued crypto-project in Silicon Valley. Jeremy is 25 years old and the brains behind the popular San Francisco ‘Crypto Castle.’ $11 billion is the total value of companies he’s involved in, and his depth of crypto-knowledge is something we can all learn from. Today, we hear his understanding of blockchain technology and what it means to be a cryptocurrency.

    Don’t forget! You can also listen to The Tai Lopez Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “Blockchain, quite simply, is a distributed database that records all transactions that occur across a network.” - Jeremy Gardner

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    Points to Keep In Mind Blockchain is a distributed database that records all transactions that occur across a network What the Internet still lacks is the ability to seamlessly transact value The trust-network on a blockchain makes it so you don’t need to rely on third parties Right now, if you wire money it goes through a platform called Swift There are different protocols in blockchain; Bitcoin is a protocol The coin for Ethereum is called Ether Alt coins are just slight forks/copies of Bitcoin Hard forks means changing the block size When people say ‘cryptocurrencies’ they usually mean ‘crypto assets’ Be aware of which tokens are securing a blockchain and which are not
  • “It’s only a matter of time before all Facebook’s features and functionality get written on the blockchain, so instead of Facebook making billions a year, we as the users make money.” - Amith Nirgunarthy

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    Facebook is worth $350 billion.

    And all of its information is ours. We upload our most personal life details, photos and statuses, to the platform, for which Facebook can then turn around and sells the data to ad-buyers. In the future, when a blockchain-based Facebook enters the market, we the users will be compensated for our contribution to the network.

    On today’s episode of The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind show, we are joined by Amith Nirgunarthy, the Founder and CEO of the cryptocurrency research institution Blockstreet, to discuss this possibility. Amith is also the former Director of Marketing of Bitcoin IRA, and he specializes in understanding all things cryptocurrency. Tune in to learn his insights on how social networks will connect with blockchain technology.

    And don’t forget! You can also listen to The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “Bitcoin is a better store of value than gold. Any time, any day, any place.” - Amith Nirgunarthy

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    Points to Keep In Mind The biggest threat to cryptocurrency is quantum computing, the ability to break code Dash is an anonymity-based coin, has a very active code and community In India, developers are flocking to Eos for the code efficiency There are less politics in Eos than Ethereum Right now, it is near impossible to hack a private key Trezor over Ledger because it’s easier to set up Go to Bitcoin Talk Forum to see Satoshi Nakamoto's original posts Any coin you invest in, join the Telegram group A blockchain technology (like Steem) would eliminate Facebook’s ability to profit off the people’s information; instead the people would be paid for their info
  • “The hype is very dangerous. When you start to feel everyone is investing in a certain coin, it’s too late.”

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    Cryptocurrency is entering its next chapter.

    With Bitcoin’s price now steadily hovering around $10,000, it’s clear the attention is being distributed amongst other coins. Knowing which of these coins deserves our focus will separate the great investor from the mediocre. How you isolate which variables to examine is something we can learn from the experts.

    On today’s episode of The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind show, we are taking a moment to review top highlights from this week’s episodes. From understanding where the crypto landscape is headed with Brock Pierce to hearing why Stellar Lumens is a great long term hold with Dave Levine, the level of insight in this week’s dialogue will help us take our crypto investing game to new heights!

    And don’t forget! You can also listen to The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “The idea of a social network that would pay its users. That’s what would kill Facebook. Watch out for Steem.” - Tai Lopez

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    Points to Keep In Mind Binance is now valued at over $1 billion Don’t forget to ask whether the coin makes sense or not Walmart has now reduced shipment tracking time from 7 days to 2.5 seconds using blockchain Be sure to dollar-cost average when investing Be sure to take your coins offline; Coinbase only protects their hot wallet Stay on your fundamentals because that’s what got you there Remember that the crypto community is a unit Choose platform companies over product companies The job of the tech entrepreneur is to get lied to all the time, but not in a malicious way Siacoin is a peer-to-peer storage model Try to gauge level of disruption when evaluating crowdsourcing business models Or will it just make up a market niche Siacoin is in a heavily competitive space and highly commoditized It took Amazon Web Servers a long time to grow to full market scale and adoption Hard to imagine Siacoin being able to do it in a shorter amount of time Confront the reality versus the expectations Some wallets create different public keys every single time so you don’t expose your private key Use or to see Bitcoin transactions Cost per transaction of Stellar = $.00003 The reason there is a cost is to prevent spam IBM is using the Hyperledger blockchain platform for contracts The blockchain will bring security to Data Transport Protocol A good teacher doesn’t tell you what to do; he or she transfers knowledge and lets you make the decision Imagine a real estate market that’s fractionalized where you can invest in portions Read the Innovator’s Dilemma to learn how the incumbent gets disrupted by the startup
  • “The business of moving money has been around for a very long time. That’s how the Rothschilds got all their money. That will always be a profitable business.” - William Duplessie

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    Trading Bitcoin on Coinbase can get old.

    That’s why we need to be researching new currencies and understanding how alternative exchanges work. Without self-educating, we become stuck in the hardwiring of an outdated investing strategy, which is a sure-fire spiral into losing everything you’ve gained during this first crypto surge.

    On today’s episode of The Tai Lopez Show, we are joined by cryptocurrency-expert, William Duplessie. William is an Associate at Science Blockchain, and his deep understanding of digital currency spreads across many domains. As he says, it’s all he “eats, sleeps, and breathes.” And in today’s episode, we are fortunate to learn his strategies on making sense of today’s crypto-world.

    You can listen to the full interview at the Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind show and don’t forget you can also listen to The Tai Lopez Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “Bitcoin was designed to suck paper money out of the ecosystem.” - William Duplessie

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    Points to Keep In Mind Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto Nobody knows who he is Bitcoin was designed to suck paper money out of the ecosystem Steem stopped accepting Bitcoin payment because it costs $20/transaction Bitcoin is designed as a cyber gold bar; to store value Bitcoin Cash solves a lot of problems inherent in Bitcoin Follow Stellar founder Jed McCaleb Eos has a serious chance at being the first scalable blockchain The business of moving money will always be a profitable business How the Rothschilds got all their money Ethereum’s network is much cheaper and faster than Bitcoin because of the Metropolis update
  • “Crypto is one of those rare situations where you want to risk more than you’re generally comfortable with.” - Dan Fleyshman

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    Investing without a strategy never works.

    Aimlessly throwing money into the cryptocurrency space will not yield the profits you want to see. You’ll be spinning your hamster wheel searching for answers with each turn of the market. Instead, you must enter the investment space with a specific strategy to prevent this from happening all together.

    On today’s episode of The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind show, we are joined by Dan Fleyshman to discuss the 40/40/20 investment strategy. Since first investing 4.5 years ago, Dan has closely followed the crypto market. He installed the first Bitcoin ATM into a casino, and knows the ins and outs of everything crypto-related. This is an excerpt from the Paid Tai Lopez Bitcoin Mentor Mastermind program. To hear about the Dan’s other recommendations, sign up at

    Don’t forget! You can also listen to The Bitcoin Crypto Mentor Mastermind Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

    “The amount you invest should be a portion of your liquid net worth. Not your total net worth.” - Dan Fleyshman

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    Points to Keep In Mind The amount you invest should be a portion of your liquid net worth Note this is not your total net worth 90% of startups fail because they run out of money This is not the case with cryptocurrency It’s okay to gamble more than you’re comfortable with with cryptocurrency investments Don’t take out loans to invest in crypto Ethereum has a bigger upside than Bitcoin The Ethereum alliance allows Fortune 500 companies to accept Ether Alt coins are your shot at glory